Thursday, April 26, 2007

Dwight McKissic Is My Kind of Southern Baptist

Tonight my wife and I had the pleasure of eating dinner at the Salt Grass Steakhouse in Arlington, Texas with Dwight McKissic and his lovely wife Vera. Eating with us were Gary and Sandy Smith, Sam and Ann Storms, Ben Cole, Jason Epps, Denny Davis, Art Rogers, Robin Foster, and Alan Cross. You might recognize many of these names through their individual blogs or ministries, and I enjoyed the fellowship with one and all. However, this short post is dedicated to Pastor Dwight McKissic and his wife Vera.

I don't know when I have been around a more hospitable, gracious and generous couple as the McKissics. Though I have known Dwight and shared supper before with Vera and him, this was the first opportunity that my wife Rachelle had to meet them both. Rachelle told me that she felt instant warmth in the presence of Dwight. You can't help but be drawn to him because he exudes the grace and love of Christ. Likewise, Vera is genuinely kind and warm, and she displayed a very hospitable spirit to all of us out of towners.

Pastor Dwight is hosting The Conference on the Holy Spirit, beginning today, at his church, the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington. I am very interested in hearing all the speakers at the conference, and though it had not yet officially begun last night, the fellowship, dialogue and discussion around the table has already been profitable and edifying to me personally.

I am grateful that Dwight McKissic is a Southern Baptist. I am thankful that I can count him a friend. He and his wife Vera represent all that is good about our convention, and we are better off as a denomination because of their leadership among us.

I will post later tonight about the opening sessions of The Conference on the Holy Spirit.

In His Grace,



Anonymous said...

Wade -

I ate at that very same restaurant last Thursday night. Best steak I had ... ever. I think it would be hard to quench the Holy Spirit in such a heavenly place. ;) Seriously, though I have not personally had the pleasure of getting to know the McKissics, I am glad you have found their hospitality as a warm welcome to Arlington.

I am very excited for the conference starting today. When Debbie Kaufmann called me to tell me she had arrived in town and to get some final directions, I thought "they're here, they're here." Not just Debbie in particular, but everybody. I know my acquaintanceship with the bloggers is mostly of the casual acquaintance type and not best of friends, but there is something about the bond of Christ, and the gathering of God's people that hypes me up.

Sure, I love conferences in general, but more than that, I love it when we gather together to praise and give glory to God. I have high hopes that this will be a Spirit filled and God honoring weekend, and can't wait to see everyone this evening.

I should have taken the day off from work, I will find it hard to focus. Just got to remember that verse -- work as unto the Lord, and not men. That should help me make it through the day.

So welcome back to Arlington for a few days, I am sure your stay will be a pleasant one. Okay, I'd better stop now, I'm starting to sound like the tourism bureau advertising agency. :) See everyone soon!

texasinafrica said...

I'm guessing you meant "hospitable" rather than "hospital"! :)

Jason Epps said...


I'm so hurt that you did not notice me at dinner ;0)

Jason said...

Oops. Sorry Jason, and thanks TexasinAfrica

Anonymous said...

Bpnews released the Page's com-on-com. Whaddya think? Does it accurately represent the diversity of the SBC?

davidinflorida said...
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