Friday, April 27, 2012

The Poor Among Us - A Video Challenge from Enid, OK

The video below is of a ministry sponsored by our church in Enid, Oklahoma. Jeremiah Herrian, his wife Sarah, and a host of volunteers operate Forgotten Ministries. The short video below will both break your heart and give you joy at the same time; brokenness over the poverty in small towns all over America and joy in knowing that Christians are actually doing something to help.


Garen Martens said...

It's hard for me to believe that local people live like this because I have never experienced poverty nor have I looked for it. Thanks to Jeremiah for opening my eyes.

Christiane said...

Thank you for posting this, WADE.
You were right . . . tears, and a great thanksgiving for the life of Jeremiah, who witnesses to the love of Christ in this world.

The poor are not 'invisible'.
It's 'we' who do not see.

But Jeremiah understands that being a Christian is not a matter of arguing for this doctrine or that philosophy,
but that being a Christian is about 'love' . . .

some call it 'works'. Let them if they must. But to the poor people in Jeremiah's video, it is 'love' and God is love.

There is a connection in a Christian person to Christ so strong that we may not walk past suffering without stopping to help . . .

the poor are not 'invisible',
we are ones who choose not to see and the 'real poverty' lies in our own lack of compassion for the suffering of others.

God bless Jeremiah for ever and ever. He is already living an eternal life.

Anonymous said...

Awesome look into the world that surrounds us. Thank you for opening our eyes to where we should be as the body of Christ.

Johnny D. said...

Thanks for posting this, Wade.

Victorious said...

There are poor often sitting right behind us in church. Once as I was getting ready to go to church, I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to give a certain woman $100. I bought a card, signed it anonymous, and went to the ATM to withdraw the money. Out of the machine came 5 twenties. As I went to enclose them in my card, I thought that was too much money to give and took a twenty out for myself. (I had needs after all, too I reasoned). I gave the card to an usher with instructions to give it to that particular woman and not to disclose who gave it. I was feeling pretty good about myself and my obedience in helping another church member, when ….. The service was about to get started and this woman, with card in hand, had asked the pastor for a moment to give a testimony. She said (with tears in her eyes) that her son had a need for $100 for a school event and since she knew they didn't have it, had not even mentioned it to her husband. But, she continued, the Lord provided nearly the whole amount necessary so her son could participate. Ugh! I don't need to tell you how I felt and what a valuable lesson I learned that day.

Yes, there are poor living in conditions such as those in the videos and we need to be more aware of them and reach out however we can. But I believe there are needs among brothers and sisters in our churches who need help as well.

If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? James 2:15-16

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeremiah for the washer and dryer , I'm the guy that lost everything when I fell from the roof and my son was burned a few years's good to see you doing gods work, I've known Kadilla for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

Thtz my mama...i love her soooo much. Hate seeing her go thru the trials she has had to. God bless u for opening up pplz eyes.

Gloria Palmer said...

Thank you,Jeremiah,for posting this.I too,have seen what you've documented.My heart breaks seeing that so many are unconcerned,about the poor and homeless.Pray for the I-CARE ministry also,that we,too, will continue on caring about someone besides ourselves."Therefore, seeing we have this ministry...we do not lose heart." Gloria Palmer