Monday, December 31, 2007

Various and Sundry Predictions for the New Year

One year ago today I gave my 2007 predictions and before I give you ten 2008 predictions, we'll grade my success over the past year. The 2007 predictions were . . .

(1). Frank Page will be reelected President of the Southern Baptist Convention at the June, 2007 Southern Baptist Convention in San Antonio, Texas.

Frank was reelected as predicted.

(2). Al Mohler will announce in late 2007 his candidacy for the SBC Presidential election in anticipation of the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

Al has told his executive staff he will be a candidate.

(3). Steven Gaines will not step down as Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee and the church will eventually enter into a more settled peace.

It has happened just as predicted.

(4). The Baptist Identity Conference at Union University slated for February 15-17, 2007 will provide more memorable, maybe even infamous, quotes from the speakers than any Southern Baptist Conference in the last thirty years.

Many memorable quotes, but David Dockery summarizes them all when he said, ""It is now time for us to move from controversy and confusion to a new consensus, to a new commitment to cooperation."

(5). The new IMB policies on baptism and private prayer language will be modified.

That they were. The baptism policy became simply a 'guideline,' and the wording was changed slightly, but the most enlightening revelation of the year was the LifeWay poll regarding private prayer languages and the beliefs of Southern Baptists.

(6). The Oklahoma Sooners will go undefeated in 2007 season and play in the BCS National Football Championship in 2008. (Update: The Fiesta Bowl is NOT the 2007 season. :) By the way, my next post may be "Lessons on Predestination: Boise State vs. Oklahoma! )

But for the injury to Sam Bradford at Tech and the fluke second half and field goal at Colorado, this prediction would be my best one. :) Wait for 2008.

(7). The nation of Israel will launch a preemptive surgical strike against Iran’s nuclear reactor in March or April of 2007 in conjunction with a battle in northern Israel and southern Lebanon against Hezbollah.

A miss. I am in good company with the Sunday Times on this one.

(8). The International Mission Board will set a record in both Lottie Moon gifts and Cooperative Funding in 2007.


(9). There will be a more first time appointees to serve as Southern Baptist trustees and members of standing committees and convention committees than in the past three years combined.


(10). There will be more Southern Baptist blogs on December 31, 2007 than January 1, 2007.

Right again. The prediction was about quantity, not quality. :)

Summary: My OU and Israeli strike predictions were the only two that were off base. 80% is not bad. Now for next year's predictions.


(1). A pastor with a strong commitment to the Cooperative Program will be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2008, defeating Al Mohler.

(2). The Oklahoma Sooners will play for the BCS National Championship on January 8, 2009, in Miami, Florida, the very city where they won their last National Championship in January 2001.

(3). The average price of gasoline will reach $4.00 a gallon by the summer of 2008.

(4). After declining an offer by Sheri Klouda in 2007 to settle for future lost wages, Southwestern Seminary will make an offer to settle in June 2008 when it is realized that the Klouda case is actually going to trial - only to discover, too late, that Sheri Klouda will ultimately allow a jury of peers to declare the verdict and judgment.

(5). The Klouda jury judgment in the summer of 2008 will be over eight figures.

(6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

(7). The stock market will be static in the first half of 2008 (periodic big one-day losses and steady, small daily gains), only to rocket past 15,000 by year's end.

(8). The IMB Executive Committee will be informed that they do not have the authority to bar from participation a duly elected trustee, and that if they wish this trustee to not participate in trustee meetings, they must make their rationale for this desire known to the Convention at large - at a time and place that the trustee in question will be allowed to speak in response - and then the convention will decide.

(9). The world will mourn the loss of Billy Graham.

(10). The biggest national news coming out of the Southern Baptist Convention will be the report and/or response of the SBC Executive Committee to the motion to investigate the possibility of establishing a sexual predator database that will identify those Southern Baptist staff members and pastors who have been either convicted - or credibly accused - of sexual abuse.

Remember, these are only predictions.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson


Bill Scott said...

Shame on you for even thinking such a horrible thought...Hillary in 08? Wade that prediction will bring you down to at least 90%. Happy New Year Brother.
Bill Scott

David Simpson said...

Cool- you're like the Baptist version of Kreskin.

I hope you're wrong on many of your predictions, and wish you and yours a safe and prosperous 2008. said...


Believe it or not, I hope I'm wrong on many of them too.


Anonymous said...


Oddly enough my predictions are strangely similar to yours, with only the names rearranged slightly and a few minor word adjustments.

Happy New Year!

Dull Iron

(You) A pastor with a strong commitment to the Cooperative Program will be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2008, defeating Al Mohler.

(Me) Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2008, defeating Al Mohler.

(You) The Oklahoma Sooners will play for the BCS National Championship on January 8, 2009, in Miami, Florida, the very city where they won their last National Championship in January 2001.

(Me) The Oklahoma Sooners will pay for a BCS National Championship on January 8, 2009, in Miami, Florida, the very city where they paid for their last National Championship in January 2001.

(You) The average price of gasoline will reach $4.00 a gallon by the summer of 2008.

(Me) The average price of gasoline will reach over eight figures.

(You) After declining an offer by Sheri Klouda in 2007 to settle for future lost wages, Southwestern Seminary will make an offer to settle in June 2008 when it is realized that the Klouda case is actually going to trial - only to discover, too late, that Sheri Klouda will ultimately allow a jury of peers to declare the verdict and judgment.

(Me) After declining an offer by Sheri Klouda in 2007 to settle for future lost wages, Southwestern Seminary will make an offer to settle in June 2008 when it is realized that Sheri Klouda will ultimately be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

(You) Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

(Me) Sheri Klouda will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

(You) The stock market will be static in the first half of 2008 (periodic big one-day losses and steady, small daily gains), only to rocket past 15,000 by year's end.

(Me) Billy Graham will be static in the first half of 2008 (periodic big one-day losses and steady, small daily gains), only to rocket past 15,000 life-sized stone monuments by year's end.

Anonymous said...

1. Go, Tech! Texas Tech beats OU in the BCS championship in '09 to conclude the 2008 football season;

2. The oil discovery off the coast of Brazil is learned to be very much larger than initially thought; the price of gasoline goes back down to under $1 per gallon;

3. Sheri Klouda is elected president of SWBTS in a settlement of her suit against the seminary (Go, Sheri!);

4. The Lord Jesus returns for all of His followers in 2008--and Billy Graham gets to say, "There now!";

5. Hillary Clinton becomes an IMB missionary.

Happy New Year, everybody! Get to work for Jesus this year--less typing, more telling!

Anonymous said...

David, i don't think 2 teams from the Big 12 will be playing for the national championship. Altho i do believe it will be OU, so ya get 50% on that one.(OU 48, Georgia 17) I do like your gas prediction. And i actually think Billy Graham's words were "Now that's what I been talkin bout"

rick t

irreverend fox said...


what a cheerful list of predictions! YEAH! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVEYBODY!

I can't wait for 09 predictions! Your 09 predictions will likely include: nuclear holocaust, an earthquake which sinks California and my dogs die!

Dusman said...

(6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

You're killin' me . . . just killin' me.

Bob Cleveland said...


I wish you success this year similar to that of last year. Namely, all except 3 & 6. It would also be nice if you were in error WRT Dr. Graham, but you're probably right on that one, too.

davidinflorida said...


Looks like your 80% at best for 08.
Here is why...

1. o.u. will see more "flukes" in their season, especially in Dallas.

2. If hilliary were elected, the Lord would have to return soon thereafter because it would be the END. I believe He still wants to tarry.

The rest look reasonable.

irreverend fox said...

to all...

Hilary will win if the GOP runs a social liberal...if the GOP runs a pro-life and pro-marriage candidate, regardless of his other positions, Hilary will not win. 1/2 the country is AGAINST her...but if the GOP runs a social liberal the 1/2 that is against her will be utterly disenfranchised which will neutralize the strong sentiments of those against her. The hard right will not see much difference between Hilary and the social liberal GOP candidate…

Obama stands a FAR stronger chance of beating who ever the GOP runs...the hard right does not hate Obama...

Lin said...

"6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008."

I agree. The Clinton's have only lost 2 elections in their career. (yes, I am using 'their' purposely)
They know how to win and they do whatever it takes. She will eat Romney alive if he is the nominee. Romney is the 'hollow man'.

Huckabee probably would hold his own against her better but has no money and the establishment is not backing him at this point which does not bode well for the general election if he gets the nomination.

"(10). The biggest national news coming out of the Southern Baptist Convention will be the report and/or response of the SBC Executive Committee to the motion to investigate the possibility of establishing a sexual predator database that will identify those Southern Baptist staff members and pastors who have been either convicted - or credibly accused - of sexual abuse."

That is a flimsy prediction! the 'report' will be national news? So what? Reports do not mean action.

That last thing the SBC wants is to admit is that there is any credibility at all to the reports that we have some pedophiles, rapists and adulterers in leadership positions in our churches.

Rex Ray said...

Congratulations on being right 80% of the time for last year.

I don’t mind a woman being president, but in my best Jack Maddox voice; Pleaseeeeee be wrong on that one.

Savage Baptist said...

(3). The average price of gasoline will reach $4.00 a gallon by the summer of 2008.

This actually made me happy, in that I realized I live close enough to work that my total cost of getting to and from work will only go up by about forty bucks a month.I can swing that. Not cheerfully, but I can swing it.

(6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

This, on the other hand, didn't thrill my soul because, in my not-so-humble opinion, the very fact that the possibility exists is a horrible indictment of our nation's collective brainpower.

Rex Ray said...

I like you prediction best of all that Sheri Klouda is elected president of SWBTS, but I would add that half her wages would be paid in retribution by you know who.

I disagree Hillary would become a missionary because the IMB would turn her down for being un-equally yoked.

Kevin Bussey said...

God help us if # 6 comes true.

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

Hmm, President and First Laddie Clinton. Heard that one before?

concernedSBCer said...

Wade, I hate to break this to you, but your 2007 predictions might be more like 70%. Yes, Steve Gaines is still at Bellevue but there is no peace. He has left a trail of destruction behind him that has affected our entire community. Bellevue is a shell of what it was, and the teaching coming out of there is weak at best and heresy at worst.

And your 2008 predictions......Hillary???? I just can't believe 51% of our population could be that ......ummmm....uninformed. That would be the end of America having any semblance of Christian values.

concernedSBCer said...

Wade: one more point....your 2007 and 2008 have an overlap.

Steve Gaines allowed a Sexual Predator to remain on staff for over 6 months. Your 2008 prediction of the SBC establishing a "list" or database of offenders is, as you well know, sadly overdue. Sexual abuse in the church is not, as Steve Gaines stated, "uncharted waters." We've been watching the Catholic Church navigate those "uncharted waters" for how many years?

The SBC has got to take control of this situation for the protection of their members, their witness, and their integrity.

I guess that's a whole other thread, though!

Happy New Year!

watchdog said...

Re last year's predictions:

(3). Steven Gaines will not step down as Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee and the church will eventually enter into a more settled peace.

It has happened just as predicted.

Reply: I suppose it's easy for what is left of Bellevue Baptist Church to settle in peacefully when you have run off anyone who dared to disagree with keeping a confessed pedophile minister of prayer on staff for 6 months until it became public knowledge, and would still be harboring him to this day had it not become known, but is this really the kind of "peace" that's desirable?

Re your 2008 predictions:

(5). The Klouda jury judgment in the summer of 2008 will be over eight figures.

I hope it is!

(6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008.

Shoot me now!

(7). The stock market will be static in the first half of 2008 (periodic big one-day losses and steady, small daily gains), only to rocket past 15,000 by year's end.

Not if #6 comes to pass. The bottom will fall out of it.

(10). The biggest national news coming out of the Southern Baptist Convention will be the report and/or response of the SBC Executive Committee to the motion to investigate the possibility of establishing a sexual predator database that will identify those Southern Baptist staff members and pastors who have been either convicted - or credibly accused - of sexual abuse.

No doubt spurred in no small part by the actions described in response to last year's #3 above and all the cases detailed here and here. It won't be because of the actions of the likes of Paige Patterson.

jasonk said...

Bye Bye Bellevue, you say that the bottom will fall out of the stock market if Hillary is elected, but do you not remember that the stock market went crazy during Mr. Clinton's tenure as president? Two emotions fuel the stock market: greed and fear. Not who is president, whether it is Hillary or Barack Hussein Obama or John Edwards or whomever.
I hope Wade is right in his prediction about the stock market, but the Dow will only rocket above 15,000 if it can do so after November 8. Historically, the time leading up to the election are uncertain, then once the election is over, more normal conditions return. Certainly if investors are pleased with the outcome of the election, the Dow could rocket to 15,000. Let's hope it does.

Dave Miller said...

Nothing very difficult in these predictions. And you only reached 80% - the Old Testament demands you be stoned with many stones!

How about some tough predictions for the coming year?

Who will Johann Santana pitch for next year?

Who will be the next American Idol?

Having resolved to lose 70 pounds in the new year, how many pounds will I actually gain?

Will Al Mohler be accused in Jose Canseco's upcoming book of taking performance-enhancing drugs?

When will the snow in my yard finally melt?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Try predicting some of these questions.

(On a more serious note) Here in Iowa, we have gotten our fill of political candidates.

I think your Hillary prediction is wrong. In Iowa, at least, the more people see of her, the less they like her. She has taken to having other people talk about her in her ads, because the more she talks, the more people move to Obama and Edwards.

Even Democrats get turned off by her stage persona.

She will not be elected.

Anonymous said...

Ecclesiastes 9:17
"The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools."


Dave Miller said...

He's baaaack!!

Did the Missouri ice and snow melt?

watchdog said...


I do remember that, but it was due to the foundation laid by the Reagan tax cuts and a few strong leaders in the Republican congress, not anything Clinton did. Give the Dems who currently hold the majority in congress another year and put Hillary (back) in the Oval Office (I can hardly stand to write those words, much less imagine it), and I do think the stock market will fall. I hope neither happens. I'm heavily invested in the stock market!

Only By His Grace said...


Since we are talking about "Hillary," will Dick or Geogre be impeached this coming year? What are the odds?

watchdog said...

Since we are talking about "Hillary," will Dick or Geogre be impeached this coming year? What are the odds?

1. No, neither

2. Zero

david b mclaughlin said...

My predictions:

1. My new podcast will be wildly popular.

2. I will be banned from the Burleson blog for shamelessly plugging my new podcast.

3. KMC will swear to never return to the Burleson blog by January 5.

4. KMC returns February 19th.

Actually KMC, I enjoy the new avatar! Much more soothing.

David Mc

Lin said...

Just look at facts from the past 8 or so years: MO elected a dead man for Governor and Fla had pregnant chads. NY elected Hillary Senator who had not lived there long and had never won any elected office before.

Yep. I think she can win.

David Richardson said...

Wade, how about dishing out the winning number on some South Carolina lotto tickets while you're in this "prediction zone" of yours?!'s not for's for a Methodist friend of mine.

Have a happy 2008!

Anonymous said...

Rick T.:

OK, how about this: OU loses to Midwestern State University to go 5 and 5 for the 2008 season, and Texas Tech crushes USC with a 54 to 3 score in the BCS championship game.

And, gasoline prices here already are UNDER $2.90 per gallon. Yeah--a downward trend is on!

Have a terrific, laugh-filled 2008, Rick.

Anonymous said...

My prediction:

Wade becomes the You Tube sensation of 2008 by being filmed
shouting "Don't tase me, Bro!" as
John Floyd has security remove
him from the next IMB trustee

Barry King

Anonymous said...


As a resident of the Show-Me state, I must correct you:


...we elected him U.S. senator. (see Ashcroft - the live guy vs. Carnahan - the dead guy, in 2000).


Charles Brazeale
Neosho, MO

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say that as hard as it may to be to believe at least one born again Christian who reads Wade's blog is a Democrat. So some of your comments and jokes remind me of whistling past the graveyard. Of course Jesus may return and that could change things.

Charles Stearns

Anonymous said...

I hope that you are wrong on the Hillary thing...Numbers 2 and 8 are the ones that I'm pulling for.

Grace to You,
Ray Earley
Pastor - FBC Cartwright

Anonymous said...

Earley's compared to some of Bro.Wade's...

1. IMB Giving goes beyond expectations for 08.
2. SOONERS undefeated in 08 and take BCS Championship.
3. BCS is dropped completely!
4. Klouda becomes trustee of SWBTS.
5. Gas prices reach national avg. of 3.35 per gallon.
6. Hillary Clinton's soul is awakened from the dead (regenerated) and she calls out to Christ for mercy and repentance and becomes a Christian.
7. Hillary heard the gospel from Billy Graham.
8. Hillary applies to IMB for full missionary status.
9. Wade Burleson becomes President of the SBC.
10. Most of all...God is glorified!


Only By His Grace said...

"The agent was from NYC, black, a graduate of Columbia and Hillary scared him. I'm not just talking politics."

I am afraid you are talking politics.

Let's see, to balance out the poison pill about Senator Clinton, Three weeks ago I heard a person who knew a person who knew person that worked in the White House who said President Bush had gone back to drinking and other terrible things, and that Laura Bush was going to divorce him within a year after they leave the White House. Do I believe her? No, nor do I believe these things about Senator Clinton either. They are purely political and have no place in SBC churches, organizations or literature.

Anonymous said...

Only By His Grace, thank you for your comments. I perhaps will not vote for Hillary but am shocked at the way she has been maligned here.

More kindness and grace, please.

Florence in KY

Dave Miller said...

Only by Grace,

Maybe Alycelee shouldn't have said that about Hillary, that's for her to decide. But there is a crucial difference between sharing information gained from a knowledgeable source (Alycelee's personally-known source) and your repeating a wild internet rumor.

sharing firsthand information and sharing unsubstantiated rumors are two different things.

As to what I said, it is a widely reported phenomena of Iowa politics. What I shared has been in non-partisan, even left-leaning papers and news broadcasts. Hillary had to start having people talk about her, because the more she talked, the lower her poll numbers went.

She has what they call a "likeability" problem. That has been widely reported here in Iowa.

So, she got a series of commercials in which people talked about how likeable she was.

I am going to the Hawkeye Cauci tomorrow. DM Register (usually pretty accurate in Iowa) poll is saying that it will be Obama and Huckabee on top. Hillary is fighting with Edwards for second.

ONly by his grace, you have to see a difference between reporting first-hand information and left-wing conspiracy theories.

greg.w.h said...

Wonder if Wade would host a post on the Iowa caucuses and allow all of us to discuss it tomorrow? I'd be interested in everyone's take before I trudge through the snow to my (as yet unrevealed) caucus.

Dave and I are holding down opposite ends of the state, after all!! And it could end up as the most discussed (or disgusting) post ever on Wade's site! ;)

Greg Harvey

Anonymous said...

So, Wade you are just two days late on your 2007 of Mohler being announced as a candidate for Pres of SBC. I think we will give you a pass on that one and give you a 90%. Or at least I will.

david b mclaughlin said...

Given your passion for missions I hope you dont mind my prayer request for some missionary friends in the midst of the problems in Kenya.

Please keep them in your prayers. Long details are here. said...


All people in Kenya, particularly fellow believers in Christ, are in our prayers this week. Thanks for the reminder.


Jeff said...

-1) I don't believe it is in good taste to predict a man's death.

-2) I can only hope that Dr. Mohler will be the next president.

Lin said...


...we elected him U.S. senator. (see Ashcroft - the live guy vs. Carnahan - the dead guy, in 2000)."

Thanks for clearing that up!

Only By His Grace said...


I saw nothing wrong in what you said and I did not refer to it. You stated it as opinion and not as a character assassination. It is nothing I have not read on the news. I even agreed with it. The other comment is a total different matter and you know it.

I kept my mouth shut while Senator Kerry who won three Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star was "Swift Boated" and Max Cleland was made a dunce for rescuing three men under fire costing him both legs and an arm. To allow this to keep happening and remain silent is sort of like listening to dirty jokes or "N" jokes and saying nothing. I will not remain silent. Enough is enough. We all have preached on Ethics, had Christian Ethics Classes in seminary and this stuff about Senator Clinton is morally wrong. I wished it was just as innocent as whistling in the dark while walking past the cemetery. I am afraid it is not.

Phil in Norman.


I think I made it pretty clear I did not believe what was told me about President Bush, but you protest that and not protest the other. Wow. Sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander; is it not?

I know a woman who was the hostess in the Arkansas Governor's mansion. She came to my church about two years after Governor Clinton became President Clinton. She has a whole different take on Senator Clinton as a good wife, a good mother and a good person. I tend to believe her since she was a member of my church. Her name is Sue.

Only By His Grace, II Cor. 9:8.

Jeff said...

here's what I know about Billary Clinton....

She is for abortion.
She is for homosexual marriages.

That's enough for me.

david b mclaughlin said...

I learned a long time ago to keep my big trap shut about candidates in church circles after having a round with one of my long-time friends over something i said in the parking lot at church. i just assumed everyone was smart and agreed with me. despite my deepest and most sincere apologies he still will not hardly speak to me.

(and what i said really wasnt even a big deal. he just was offended i brought up politics)

i'll defend biblical issues all day long, but i refuse to talk candidates. it aint worth turning people off of hearing what i'm saying about Jesus.

i actually plan to write a book someday about christianity and politics and delve into what the bible really says about some of our hot button issues if it says anything at all.

kehrsam said...

As for Hilary, I'm the Democrat on these boards and I sincerely hope this is mistaken. Either Obama or Edwards are vastly better choices. I am fairly confident that there is enough of an anybody-but-Hillary constituancy out there that you will miss this one.

As for the Dow, the vast majority of the losses from the sub-prime fiasco have yet to be logged. The result is almost certainly a severe recession. The only reason the Dow might rise is because the dollar is plummeting in value vs. the Euro and other major currencies. This is, at best, a mixed blessing.

As for the BCS, does anyone really care? As an U. North Carolina alum, I know that the only sport God follows is basketball. Which is why the sky is Carolina blue.

Blessings to all.


Rev. said...

(1). Yep. Mohler's "Calvinism" will become an issue.
(2). Nope.
(3). $4. Yep. Big pain.
(4-5). We'll see.
(6). Nope. Obama will be.
(7). Yep.
(8). You should know. ;)
(9). We'll see.
(10). We'll see.

Dave Miller said...


After watching the end of the third quarter, and knowing that things can change in the fourth, I have these two observations.

1) As a Big 10 fan, I am glad WVU lost to Pitt and isn't the team OSU has to play in the National Championship game.

2) How in the name of my great Aunt Hattie did Pitt beat WVU?

Of course, it could just be that Stoops and his boys were overrated (Sorry, that was below the standard of positive discourse, wasn't it?)

Rex Ray said...

Florence in KY,
You say Hillary has been maligned, and you asked for kindness and grace.

Maybe if she had shown some to Vince Foster, White House staff, he wouldn’t have committed suicide.

He’d been one of her three law partners and was heart broken when she became angry with him for not firing someone that later told the truth and caused the Clintons embarrassment.

She influenced her other law partners to be in the Justice Department and the Treasury where one went to prison and the other forced to resign.

If a person would take $200,000 in gifts belonging to the White House in broad daylight, what would they do in deals done in darkness?

Lin said...

"She has a whole different take on Senator Clinton as a good wife, a good mother and a good person. I tend to believe her since she was a member of my church. Her name is Sue."

I guess Sue did not meet Jack Palladino. :o)

Joseph Botwinick said...

"(1). A pastor with a strong commitment to the Cooperative Program will be elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2008, defeating Al Mohler."

I hope you are wrong on this one. I think Dr. Mohler would be a great leader for our convention. If it is not to be, however, God will still get all the glory in the end.

"(2). The Oklahoma Sooners will play for the BCS National Championship on January 8, 2009, in Miami, Florida, the very city where they won their last National Championship in January 2001."

Good luck.

"(3). The average price of gasoline will reach $4.00 a gallon by the summer of 2008."

I don't think it will go that high. I could be wrong.

"(4). After declining an offer by Sheri Klouda in 2007 to settle for future lost wages, Southwestern Seminary will make an offer to settle in June 2008 when it is realized that the Klouda case is actually going to trial - only to discover, too late, that Sheri Klouda will ultimately allow a jury of peers to declare the verdict and judgment."

What a shame for SWBTS that it will come to this, but I believe you are correct on this one.

"(5). The Klouda jury judgment in the summer of 2008 will be over eight figures."

But the big question is, will it make a big enough difference to Southern Baptists at large who help fund the seminary to hold those in leadership responsible for it? If not, good for the Klouda family, horrible for the Convention.

"(6). Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States in November 2008."

I have actually been predicting this since 2004. You are correct on this one. She will win and Obama will be the VP. And the GOP will still have no clue as to why they lost and will continue to lose for probably the next 20 years.

"(7). The stock market will be static in the first half of 2008 (periodic big one-day losses and steady, small daily gains), only to rocket past 15,000 by year's end."

I hope you are right.

"(8). The IMB Executive Committee will be informed that they do not have the authority to bar from participation a duly elected trustee, and that if they wish this trustee to not participate in trustee meetings, they must make their rationale for this desire known to the Convention at large - at a time and place that the trustee in question will be allowed to speak in response - and then the convention will decide."

And hopefully, both sides will do the right thing, dump their bruised egos, and get back to the work of the IMB: Missions. I know you disagree with me, at least partially on this, but it truly is the way I feel about it.

"(9). The world will mourn the loss of Billy Graham."

But we will also rejoice in God's grace to complete the good work that he began in his life.

"(10). The biggest national news coming out of the Southern Baptist Convention will be the report and/or response of the SBC Executive Committee to the motion to investigate the possibility of establishing a sexual predator database that will identify those Southern Baptist staff members and pastors who have been either convicted - or credibly accused - of sexual abuse."

If we are hiding things like the Catholics did all the way to the top, then shame on us. It has been my experience that Southern Baptist Churches, quite the opposite, when they learn of something like this, will call the police and turn the guy in. It is possible that this is not always the case, although, I suspect it will not blow out of control as it did within the RCC.

Rex Ray said...

Joseph Botwinick,
You didn’t say why you think Mohler would be a great leader for our convention.

Our convention needs to stop narrowing perimeters, but Mohler defending adding ‘s’ to ‘believer’, which took away ‘individual priesthood of the believer’.

He said, “Conservatives believe in the priesthood of all believers but not the priesthood of the believer because it leaves too much freedom for the individual.”

His attitude repairs the curtain that God tore at Calvary, and will continue with more and more restrictions.

David McLaughlin,
Thanks for your article on Kenya. The Lord’s concern for them makes ours diminish in comparison.

Anonymous said...

Go Mountaineers!

Steve said...

Jan. 3, 2008: Ouch!!

Maybe Oklahoma can get a game with Vanderbilt or Duke next year and just CALL it a BCS game. That way,they won't give up 48 points....

Oh, well, maybe WV just had more to prove this time.

Joseph Botwinick said...

I agree with Dr. Mohler's addition of the "s" and also about narrowing theological parameters to dump those who want to push the emergent or charasmatic positions. I hope he wins because he is a Godly man who believes in the Word of God and has the theological insight to stand for truth in a bold manner. No more wishy washy acceptance of the emergent movement. If I can get to the convention, I will vote for the man.

Debbie Kaufman said...

Wade: Hillary Clinton? Really? Oh my, I'm calling for a special prayer meeting. :)

Rex Ray said...

I know what you’re saying, but how do others know without facts to show your concern?

The Clinton’s former speech writer, Dick Morris, wrote:

“Hillary burst forth on the national stage with two tasks in her husband’s administration: The selection of the nation’s first female Attorney General and the design and adoption of a comprehensive program of health care reform.

Her efforts to designate an Attorney General hamstrung the new Administration for months as two nominees, in succession, had to withdraw their names from consideration. She urged her husband to appoint Janet Reno, a selection Bill Clinton would come to describe as ‘my worst mistake.’

She suggested the appointment of Lani Guanier as head of the civil rights division, a job she was shortly forced to relinquish when her radical views became know.

Hillary’s other assignment, health care reform, collapsed in such a debacle that it cost her party control of both houses of Congress, a fate from which it took twelve years to recover.

Beyond these initial task, her main focus in the Administration was scandal defense.

From Jennifer Flowers to Whitewater to the FBE file affair to the travel office firings to her Commodities Marking winnings to the missing Rose Law Firm billing records to the Paula Jones scandal, she orchestrated the Administration’s defense against scandal allegations.

In the process she almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice.”

Jeff said...

I am a Mohler man, but Joseph you do realize that one of Mohler's good friends is a charismatic CJ Maheny. He has CJ speaking at chapel, and does a conference with him.

watchdog said...

joseph b. said...

"It has been my experience that Southern Baptist Churches, quite the opposite, when they learn of something like this, will call the police and turn the guy in."

Read, man!

Gene Prescott said...

I believe this is my first post to this Blog, though I do "catch up" reading of it about once per week, except for when things are really hot, then I read daily :-)

The frequency of posts by Wade and the number of reply comments is impressive, though the overall element of controversy may play a role in both instances.

I find it interesting that your predictions regarding football and politics spawned discussions, whereas you prediction of the stock market rocketing past 15,000 was mostly ignored and when commented upon it was essentially with a "I hope so."

Nobody challenged your failure to identify which portion of the market would vault past 15,000, though I assume you mean the Dow Jones. Neither has anyone asked upon what you based your prediction .... the robustness of the overall economy, irrational exuberance, the SBC doing an IPO :-), or what.

I don't know about the 15,000. But I do know that how we communicate is going to transition radically over these twelve months with video over the Internet being the catalyst. CISCO, Juniper, and other backbone facilitators are ramping now to enable that kind of traffic. That means Internet II, is arriving in 2008. As everybody wastes bandwidth with video, there will be shifts in how information is delivered. Church is in the information delivery business and will need to retool to be effective.

So there are a cluster of technology entities that will prosper in 2008, but most of them trade on the NAZ.

Not even the November election, regardless of who wins, can keep this from happening. However the winner will have a lot of impact on what happens next.

Anyway, I thought your prediction number 7 warranted some comment :-)

Here's to every person's Better Health in 2008!

Joseph Botwinick said...

Dear Belief Matters,

I understand that Dr. Mohler is probably friends with lots of people who are different from him. I also understand that he also speaks at Southern's Chapel. I doubt that he pushes his charasmatic beliefs. I could be wrong and would certainly be open to correction if you could prove otherwise. Don't get me wrong. I don't agree with Mohler on everything(although I do on many, if not most things). I am not much on ecumenicalism. I think it is pretty worthless to the Church. If I want to be more pentacostal, then I would be a pentacostal. I am a Southern Baptist.

Dear byebyebellvue,

I stand corrected on the issue of Church abuse. I hope the Convention is more proactive and addresses the issue directly and openly and doesn't allow this sin in the Church to continue. I do, however, see a problem with authority and jurisdiction. Unlike the RCC, who could have stepped in and intervened more forcefully, the most the SBC could possibly do would be to disfellowship a local church. I would be solidly behind that decision if it is learned they are protecting and covering up pedophiles in the ministry. I am a bit lacking in grace for pedophiles. I don't think they should spend more than a week in prison if convicted, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Your response to prediction number 6 is sadly pathetic. 48-28 to a team without a coach!?!? The Eyes of Texas were on that game and they were laughing with glee!