Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Reasons Why We Will Give More To Lottie Moon

Our church will be giving more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering because of the increasing number of IMB missionaries needing our support . . .

Our church will be giving more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering because of our belief that we can do more by cooperating with other Southern Baptist churches than we could do on our own . . .

Our church will be giving more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering because of the outstanding missionary work taking place around the world among our 5,3000 Southern Baptist missionaries . . . .

Our church will be giving more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering as a testimony that it is better to give than to receive . . . .

Our church will be giving more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering because this Grandma video has inspired us like no other . . . .


Jack Maddox said...


Can you tell me where you got this? We would like to show it SUnday Morning

wadeburleson.org said...

You tube. Do a search on Lottie Moon.

David Simpson said...

Grams got mad skills. We could use her at UNLV this year.

I can honestly say I wasn't expecting this kind of vid to promote Lottie Moon...

I like it.

ml said...

Wade and All, If you want this video and more you can get them from the IMB. Call them they have a whole bunch of Eloise videos. She appears in all kinds of situations. Jerry Rankin tells a funny story about how she came into existence. Ask him about it sometime.

J. Guy Muse said...

Thank you for this post! As IMB missionaries on the receiving end, it is encouraging to hear about churches with the intent of giving more to the LMCO. The www.imb.org has several pieces to help churches promote LMCO.

Jack Maddox,

The link to the YouTube video is:

J. Guy Muse said...

Another great source for IMB LMCO videos is Commission Stories.

Scott Gordon said...

Eloise is the greatest!

Thanks for the post, Wade.


David Richardson said...

Man, what a great post. I really like the Grandma clip on giving to missions. Thanks, Wade, for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Is the number of missionaries with the IMB closer to 5,300? Feel free to delete this comment aftr you correct the typo.

Jack Maddox said...

Thanks for the links guys. My problem is not in finding the video online, it is in finding it in a place where I can download it to use in our services. we do not have live video streaming at our church as of yet (The curse of dial up in the rural church) So we must download the video to use it on our projection system.



ml said...

Jack if you will call the IMB they can send you a DVD version of this video plus many more.

Darren said...

Another angle on your post is that I will support the IMB although I certainly have some struggles with a policy of theirs. I heard Jerry Rankin spoke during a debriefing in June and had this to say about the lack of response to the call for mission’s service of “Why is God not calling more people to the mission field? God is calling people to serve in the mission field but they are not responding for three reasons: 1) closed minds 2) calloused hearts and 3) unwilling wills.”

I considered going with the IMB but since my first wife abandoned me, moved in with another man never to come back and I divorced her, I am disqualified from long-term service. The fact that it was before I was a Christian and that I have been married for 13 years now seems to be moot. The “closed minds” comment from Mr. Rankin resonates with me not because I was not given a biblical reason for why I could not be a long-term missionary, but I was told, “that is the policy.”

My point is this: like a church, if I find a mission’s organization that I agree with 100%, I will be the only member. I support the IMB missionary in the field because of the great work they do around the world and will not be deterred in mission, ministry, or giving because of a few I disagree with.

Double Click said...

Oh Wade, I hadn't seen that video clip since orientation in Va. way back when. I can almost taste the cafeteria food as I think back on good, sweet Eloise.

ml said...

Darren, if oyu are called then you need to go. The IMB is not the only sending organization. So I think that Dr. Rankin is right. Calling is not predicated on our ability to operate within a system.

Anonymous said...

Jack Maddox:

keepvid.com is a good resource for pulling video from youtube.


The "other" Jack

Darren said...

That is what I meant in the last sentence. I have looked at being short-term missionary with the IMB and can just extend that term knowing that I will not be allowed to hold a position of leadership or pastor.

I have also been looking at other mission organizations since one of my primary gifts is leadership.

When I entered Dallas Seminary I was told that some organizations would not look favorably on a past divorce, I just would have expected the IMB to offer biblical support.

B Nettles said...

Obviously Oklahoma doesn't worry about Kentucky anymore (read Ps 37) But...why are you risking offending all those Louisville and Duke fans? Doesn't seem very cooperative to me, or is that why some of the shots are "mirror" images (check out the backwards Kentucky in a couple of scenes.)

The "Upward" basketball was a clever touch, too.

Deborah S. Reece said...

As an IMB m in CEE (Central & Eastern Europe), I join with Guy in thanking your church and all the SBC churches that will be giving to Lottie Moon this year.

What a blessing to know that the hearts of SB are as burdened for the lost of the world, as those of us on the field! We thank you.

"...how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!" (Rom. 4:15b)

How we desire to see God's grace overflow to the many in our mega-city!! We truly want to see hope for every heart here in CEE.

Thank you for remembering that God's call to disciple the nations is irrevocable. We thank you for your abundant prayers and for giving faithfully.

God is not through with the SBC, because our task has yet to be completed. We are here and we know that you stand with us there.

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

I am glad & thankful that you are leading your church to give more
may many others follow this lead

Anonymous said...

wow...perhaps I have lost my sense of humor today but I think this is a rather sad commentary about our attitude towards missions. yes it's clever and yes it's cute...but what does having to use this type of appeal say about us? This is an example of why folks (like me) are looking at the church and saying "what was that?!"

wadeburleson.org said...


Yes, I think, hopefully for just today, you have lost your sense of humor

Anonymous said...

that's funny

too funny

i'm sure there is something wrong with it then (insert cheesy grin)

Anonymous said...


thanks...sometimes we all need someone to smack us up side the head and put us back on track...did not mean to "Debby Downer" this post.

wadeburleson.org said...

No problem rmichael,

If I ever lose my sense of humor you have my full and complete permission to smack me upside the head as well.


Matt and Chrissy said...


if you go to IMB.org and search for Eloise and duck and you'll find videos that can be downloaded in several different formats.

Hope that helps!

Rev. said...

Eloise is greatness! I'm just a little disturbed, however, that she was "speaking in tongues." ;)

Anonymous said...

Wade, Jason and Allyson Greenwich are our ONLY IMB missionaries in Milan, Italy. Milan is a city of 4.5 million people. Isn't it a shame that we can't get Jason and Allyson some help in Milan? Jason and Allyson were in our church in Salado, Tx on Dec. 9th. They were a blessing to us all. We have partnered with them and will not only be praying and giving, but will also be going to Milan to assist them in their work. Please urge the IMB to place more missionaries in Milan, Italy!