Thursday, December 29, 2005

IMB Missionaries: Our Heroes

My wife and I were supposed to be overseas this week at a secret location meeting with missionaries from around the Central Asia region. The conference was designed to encourage our SBC missionaries who are on the field, risking their lives for the cause of Christ in a very dangerous area of the world. Due to scheduling conflicts, we were unable to attend, but our prayers are with the group who has travelled from the states to minister to our SBC missionaries, and our prayers are with the missionaries and their families who live in the Central Asia region. We pray that they have a wonderful week of refreshment and encouragement.

I am absolutely amazed at the work that is taking place in Central Asia. Every missionary in that region has sacrificed so much to take the gospel to the people groups of that part of the world. Every one of the missionaries in this region will go unrecognized by the SBC as a whole due to security concerns, but I can assure you that the missionary personnel on the field make me proud to be a Southern Baptist.

I notice in the stats for this blog that many people from Central Asia are reading the posts.

Allow me to take this opportunity to say to those of you on the mission field in Central Asia and other places around the world.

You are my heroes.

Thank you for being willing to sacrifice so much for the cause of Christ.

I can assure you I will do everything in my power to see that our support of you, both financially and spiritually, will only increase in the future.

Sometimes people who don't know what is taking place within the SBC might think that is is only about "politics" and "power."

I know better. You know better. We are all about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ around the world.

And this involves you, the missionary.

If it weren't for what we can do cooperatively as individual, local Southern Baptist churches, my church, and for that matter, everybody else's church would have no reason to be Southern Baptist. We cooperate to support you.

Again, our prayers are with you.

I will do what I can to insure the Internatational Mission Board focuses on how we can do even better in our support of you.

Cooperation remains the key.

We will try hard to keep all Southern Baptists on the missions playing field. We will do what we can to insure that Southern Baptists who are like minded in the area of missions don't feel disenfranchised.

As we pray for you, you may pray for us on the International Mission Board.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Wade,

From the meeting in the undesclosed location, let me say thank you so very much for your prayers for us during this time. We are having a fabulous meeting, one of the best I have ever attended in my 12 years in Central Asia. Dr. Rankin spoke to us today. It was a Spirit-filled, annointed word from him and something that encouraged and inspired all of us.

There are many here, due to their isolation that are only now finding out about what has been happening in Richmond. It is imperative that you continue to stand for all of us here. I have yet to find a single worker among our 450 people that serve in Central Asia that is supportive of the new policy. What is utterly amazing is that apparently decisions are being made without our knowledge and no one is bothering to ask those of us who are out here whether we even have an opinion or not.

Again, thank you for your words of encouragement and mostly for the prayers that sustain us all.

Sincerely in Christ,

Central Asian Region, IMB