Monday, August 17, 2020

My Covid-19 Story Intended As An Encouragement

I'm sitting here listening to the local news. It's all about Covid-19. Oklahoma University has 9 football players who have tested positive for Covid-19. One school district in OKC has had 19 kids and teachers test positive. The newscasters sound like their announcing the end of the world.  I would tell you about what I've heard on the national news, but I stopped it weeks ago. 

So after hearing all the negativity on local news, I decided to tell you of my positive experiences (plural) with Covid-19. 

First, let me say if you have loved ones who've been very sick with Covid-19 (and there are some), or if you are one of those rare individuals who has had a loved one die with Covid-19, you do not want to hear any "good news" about Covid-19 right now.  You've already experienced hell on earth. I understand your feelings. I really do. Were I in your shoes, I'd feel the same as you. Therefore, if you've suffered deeply, let me encourage you to either stop reading this post, or at a minimum, remind yourself that life is different for each person. In God's providence, your experience with Covid-19 is one that none of us would wish on anyone else. 

But my story is different. I tell it to encourage you. In the overwhelming number of cases, Covid-19 is nothing to fear.  I've had Covid-19 at least once, possibly twice. 

Back in April 2020 I gave blood.  The Oklahoma Blood Institute tested my blood and said I had antibodies for Covid-19. Since then, the OBI has asked me to give blood to those in the hospital with a Covid-19 diagnosis. The COVID-19 antibody test I received had been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to indicate if the blood donor’s immune system had produced antibodies to the coronavirus, regardless of whether the donor (me) had developed symptoms. Donors who test positive for COVID-19 antibodies may have the unique opportunity to help patients fighting the disease.

Then, in late July I tested positive for Covid19. I had no fever. I had no nausea. I had what I thought were allergies, but otherwise,  I felt fine. The rapid test I took showed that I had Covid-19. I asked the clinician, "How can I get Covid-19 when I have antibodies?"

She responded, "Do you get the flu shot?" I said that I did. She asked, "Do you ever get the flu during the flu season even after getting the flu vaccine." I told her, "Yes. It's happened before." She said that it is the same with Covid-19. Antibodies are no guarantee that a person won't get Covid-19, just like a flu vaccine (or impending Covid-19 vaccine) will be no guarantee that a person will not get the flu (or Covid-19).

Of course, I kept my distance from people after my positive result. My wife, and three of my family members got Covid-19 as well. All five of us had no fever, and only symptoms similar to having allergies with mild fatigue. We isolated among ourselves, and after 12 days, went back to our lives as normal. 

I know at least 30 people in Enid who have been diagnosed with having Covid-19. I have a very close friend who is 90 and is doing great a month after his diagnosis. Most of those I know who received a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 are over 65. They are all recovering except for one, a 95-year-old long-time friend with Alzheimer's who died after being tested positive. 

My friend John Dwyer, writes movingly about his experience with Covid-19. John has battled heart disease and cancer, but he is doing quite well after his Covid-19 diagnosis.  I do have a couple of distant cousins who are in the hospital (on a vent), and their experiences with Covid-19 are traumatic, so I understand that John's story is different than others. 

We cannot shut down schools, churches, businesses, and cities because of Covid-19. The vast majority of people getting Covid-19 will be fine. People will die from Covid-19. But people die of the flu every year. People die from traffic accidents. People die from heart disease, cancer, and other illnesses. People die from suicide. More people will die shutting down the world to try to prevent people dying from Covid-19. The cure cannot be worse than the disease.

I offer five encouraging statements from my personal experience with Covid-19. 

1. Getting Covid-19 is not a death sentence.

Sure, you may get sick, but according to the World Data,  it is estimated that over 99% of those infected with Covid-19 (a different metric than known cases of Covid-19) will survive. Many people, like me and my family, will exhibit little or no symptoms of the illness.

2. We might delay spreading Covid-19, but we can't prevent it. 

No matter the precautions taken, Covid-19 is going to spread. No matter the precautions you take, you still might catch Covid-19. The question will be "sooner or later"? Covid-19 is going to be around for a long time. 

3. Developing your natural immunity through healthy living, good eating, and daily exercising is best. 

The big pharmacy companies would like you to believe that you need their medicine, or their vaccine, or their new drug, but God's given you a great ability to develop immunity yourself. 

4. Keeping people from seeing their loved ones who are sick, elderly, or vulnerable is a death sentence in itself. 

As National Public Radio reports, hospitals and nursing homes forced to keep loved ones away from  vulnerable or dying loved ones seems counter-productive. Restricting families from being near their sick and vulnerable loved ones out of fear of them catching Covid-19 is actually a death sentence in itself. Once you stop living, you've already died. 

5. Death is coming to all who live, but immortal life is a gift from God to some. 

Everyone is going to die. The Creator holds "the keys of life and death" (Revelation 1:18) and He alone determines the day, hour, and moment of your death (Psalm 139:16).  "But the gift of God is life eternal through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).  It's far better to trust Christ than to fear Covid-19. Loving Christ and following His instruction is evidence that God, by His grace and for His glory, has given you the gift of eternal life. 

But the wicked perish

Americans need to grasp that this life will soon be past, and only that life lived for Christ will last. 


Christiane said...

a blessing for those who protect the lives of others:

"Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha-olam, asher keed’shanu b’meetzvotav, v’tzeevanu al sh’meerat ha-nefesh."

"You are bountiful, Infinite our God, majesty of space and time, who has sanctified us with divine commandments and has commanded us about protecting life."

Christiane said...

Wade, if I may speak plainly, we have a responsibility to protect people from harm if we can do this. It is a very old belief, deep in Jewish learning also, that all life is precious to the Lord, and not to be lightly regarded.

I know that you would be the last person to put anyone in harm's way knowingly, but the truth is that a person may CARRY the virus and pass it to others who are fragile, and the carrier may not know that he/she is infecting a vulnerable person who also cannot know he/she is in danger of a virus that may be for them deadly. So, there is in our Christian faith also, a call to be RESPONSIBLE for the well-being of others in so far as we are able to do it. And SINCE we know what CAN happen; this added knowledge increases our response-ability to think about ways to help carry one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Royal Law of Christ.

I'm talking about wearing a mask in public for the sake of others, so we know we have at least not knowingly exposed them to the virus, for some among them may be greatly at risk and my medical family tell me that it is NOT 'a good death', but a painful one that none of us would want for ourselves or for someone we loved or any soul.

Thank you for listening to me. I try to understand the different points of view, but I keep coming back to an old image of someone who willingly went to serve those who were infected with leprosy and he caught it and eventually died from it. Freedom does for Christians include the right to choose to serve those who may infect us with diseases like bubonic plague or leprosy or even covid-19;
but I strongly feel that our Christianity does not give us the 'freedom' to knowingly risk placing others in harm's way by our neglect of them in their vulnerability and their innocence, should we unknowingly carry the virus ourselves and possibly expose them to it.

God Bless!

Rex Ray said...


Enjoyed your post. I question one interpretation you wrote about Scripture.

You said, “He alone DETERMINES the day, hour, and moment of your death. (Psalm 139:16.)”

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm 139:16 NLT)

There’s a difference in ‘knowing’ and ‘determining’. Just because God knows when we’re going to die, doesn’t mean we’re robots that he controls our death.

Bob Cleveland said...

It helps to remember that the media is a profit-making business, and controversy or sensationalism means dollars. As usual, follow the money ....

RB Kuter said...

I like Bob's assessment on things. Also, I believe that this virus with its sensationalism, methods of accentuating the situation and exorbitant amount of press regarding it is being used for political advantages. It will be interesting to see how it does following November, or whenever we know who wins the election. December? January?

Thank you very much, Wade, for attempting to maintain some degree of sanity and rational thinking.

(P.S. On another note, I have experienced some problems with posting responses by it not being acknowledged that my response was actually posted, so I post it again, and again, no response. When I return a day later, I see I have accidentally submitted repetitive response that are the same. I apologize for that.)

Rex Ray said...


You said, “Someone who willingly went to serve those who were infected with leprosy and he caught it and eventually died from it”.

That reminded me of a sermon I heard from a visiting preacher in Japan. Forgot his name, so I’ll call him Jim. This is what he said.

“I was asked to preach in a church that was in a country where Christians were persecuted. It was night, and the church was almost dark. Everyone had hoods over their heads.

At the close of the service, I stood by a small exit door, and they came out one at a time. No one would shake my hand, so I gave each a slight hug.

Afterwards, I asked their pastor why they were all women.

They’re from a leper colony, and no one’s touched them in years.”

Jim ended his sermon by singing in the voice of an angel, “He touched me.”

Christiane said...

Good Morning, REX RAY

I could always count on you for a good story, and this one is wonderful. The person I was thinking about was a priest who chose to spend the rest of his life on a 'leprosy colony' island in Hawaii. He volunteered, knowing well that he might likely catch the disease and perish, but when asked if he would go and help them, he said 'yes'.

I think we all might want to take another look at the 'mask' thing in this light:

that the life of a human person, one single human person, has value in the sight of God;

that ANYTHING we can do to protect or to prevent harm to innocent persons is therefore a act of loving-kindness which is seen as 'holy to God';

that we do not know about Covid-19 in ourselves because this country has not opted to make testing a vital way to get a handle on the virus, so we cannot know if we CARRY this virus out into the community because so many who carry it and can spread it to the vulnerable, simply don't have symptoms and are not aware of the danger they can pose to another person in public by not wearing a mask that can protect the other person(s);

that our knowledge of this gives us an ADDED responsibility to care for others in the light of our respect for human life and for the need to protect the vulnerable from harm as a Christian work of mercy, not so much as a response to a MANDATE, but as an act of love for others in the 'Regni Evangelium', the Kingdom of Our Lord, a higher mandate, yes, but one that frees us to help others without thought of self or what we can get for it, other than the privilege of serving others in the Name of Christ Himself, and that this self-giving service is a holy thing is well known among those who honor Him above all others

Hongbi said...


One of the most politicized issues right now concerns the schools and whether or not it's morally right for students to return to school.

One of my daughters teaches middle school, and her greatest fear is that her students will get exposed to the virus and carry it home to their parents and/or grandparents, possibly infecting these older relatives and putting them at risk of dying. Because of this fear which is shared among the majority of teachers in her school district, they are starting the school year with the students coming to class only one day per week, then doing school online the remainder of the week.

Think of the challenges this presents. The pressure on her to creatively engage the students via computer is enormous. The students cannot grow socially or develop mature communication skills when they're at home staring at a computer screen. We all know that they already spend hours using digital media. School was one guaranteed block of the day when they would be banned from their phones, Xboxes and laptops.

All of this in an effort to control a virus that will never be controlled. The prospect of these kids growing into socially stunted adults with a compromised educational experience saddens me.

Christiane said...

somethings to think about from our American Judeo-Christian ethos:

Christiane said...

Gerry Milligan said...

Wade, several times during your time as a trustee with the IMB you said, "I am not a profit, nor the son of a profit." This post proves that statement, as Oklahoma is reeling from Covid-19

Wade Burleson said...

Reeling? We're doing quite well, thank you though for the concern.

Gerry Milligan said...

Wade, while the 52,600 confirmed cases in Oklahoma pale in comparison to India or California, If I were one of them I would not consider it as "quite well." But you do, so I will bow out.

Christiane said...

Hard to try to place the conversation between WADE and Mr. Milligan in some context that is 'encouraging'. I wish I could say differently.

There IS need for dialog. Could good people try again?

RB Kuter said...

Seems to be a lot of frustration on all accounts. Unique aspects of this "pandemic" maximize the confusion, frustration, and cynicism.

1. It is an intense election season in the US. COVID is a primary campaign plank in
platforms of both major parties.
2. Extraordinary contradictions by those identified as being the "expert science” sources.
3. Unprecedented testing of millions of people showing no symptoms with no logical
explanation as to the purpose of their being tested.
4. Measures being taken to exaggerate data collection manipulating qualifying variables that impact this virus and elevate the level of panic.
5. Unprecedented intervention in government to mandate the social behavior of citizens and close the society through control of their former freedom of movement.

We each can argue the validity of all of these points. A curious aspect of this that does validate some of the points, like using this crisis for "political leverage", is the fact that positions on these issues are always determined by the political affiliation of those involved in the discussion. I may be presumptuous, but I feel I know exactly what Christiane's position is regarding these issues and she knows mine. This exhibits the frustration by none of us knowing what is the reality and truth concerning the matter but is all biased according to our ideological positions. Has very little to do with medical science and epidemiology.

I take the position that we should continue to function openly and freely while taking some precautionary measures as we do to minimize catching the flu. Stay at home if you're sick, go ahead and wear masks when you deem the environment to be threatening, but allow individuals to decide for themselves whether or not they desire to do so. Open businesses, schools, churches, and gatherings while trying to avoid body contact with those not in your residence. IF situations portray there is a valid "outbreak" of multiple people getting sick, postpone that facility's operation for a couple of weeks.

I suspect there is a significant number of people who see things the way I do, but certainly, many who concur with Christiane's position. We'll get a better idea of the distribution of opinions on the matter on November 3.

RB Kuter said...

Seems to be a lot of frustration on all accounts. Unique aspects of this "pandemic" maximizes the confusion, frustration, and cynicism.

1. It is an intense election season in the US. COVID is a primary campaign plank in platforms of both
major parties.
2. Extraordinary contradictions by those identified as being the "expert science” sources.
3. Unprecedented testing of millions of people showing no symptoms with no logical
explanation as to the purpose for their being tested.
4. Measures being taken to exaggerate data collection manipulating qualifying variables that impact this
virus and elevate the level of panic.
5. Unprecedented intervention in government to mandate social behavior of citizens and close the
society through control of their former freedom of movement.

We each can argue the validity of all of these points. A curious aspect of this that does validate some of the points, like using this crisis for "political leverage", is the fact that positions on these issues are always determined by the political affiliation of those involved in the discussion. I may be presumptuous, but I feel I know exactly what Christiane's position is regarding these issues and she knows mine. This exhibits the frustration by none of us knowing what is the reality and truth concerning the matter but are all biased according to our ideological positions. Has very little to do with medical science and epidemiology.

I take the position that we should continue to function openly and freely while taking some precautionary measures as we do to minimize catching the flu. Stay at home if you're sick, go ahead and wear masks when you deem the environment to be threatening, but allow individuals to decide for themselves whether or not they desire to do so. Open businesses, schools, churches and gatherings while trying to avoid body contact with those not in your residence. IF situations portray there is a valid "outbreak" of multiple people getting sick, postpone that facility's operation for a couple of weeks.

I suspect there is a significant number of people who see things the way I do, but certainly many who concur with Christiane's position. We'll get a better idea of the distribution of opinions on the matter on November 3.

RB Kuter said...

Seems to be a lot of frustration on all accounts. Unique aspects of this "pandemic" maximizes the confusion, frustration, and cynicism.

1. It is an intense election season in the US. COVID is a primary campaign plank in platforms of both
major parties.
2. Extraordinary contradictions by those identified as being the "expert science” sources.
3. Unprecedented testing of millions of people showing no symptoms with no logical
explanation as to the purpose for their being tested.
4. Measures being taken to exaggerate data collection manipulating qualifying variables that impact this
virus and elevate the level of panic.
5. Unprecedented intervention in government to mandate social behavior of citizens and close the
society through control of their former freedom of movement.

We each can argue the validity of all of these points. A curious aspect of this that does validate some of the points, like using this crisis for "political leverage", is the fact that positions on these issues are always determined by the political affiliation of those involved in the discussion. I may be presumptuous, but I feel I know exactly what Christiane's position is regarding these issues and she knows mine. This exhibits the frustration by none of us knowing what is the reality and truth concerning the matter but are all biased according to our ideological positions. Has very little to do with medical science and epidemiology.

I take the position that we should continue to function openly and freely while taking some precautionary measures as we do to minimize catching the flu. Stay at home if you're sick, go ahead and wear masks when you deem the environment to be threatening, but allow individuals to decide for themselves whether or not they desire to do so. Open businesses, schools, churches and gatherings while trying to avoid body contact with those not in your residence. IF situations portray there is a valid "outbreak" of multiple people getting sick, postpone that facility's operation for a couple of weeks.

I suspect there is a significant number of people who see things the way I do, but certainly many who concur with Christiane's position. We'll get a better idea of the distribution of opinions on the matter on November 3.

Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,

I think the 'consensus' is that we would all like to see the virus 'end' and life to go on as it was before all this trouble. Can we agree on this, maybe? I don't assume, so your voice is important here if you agree or do not agree, and I welcome your voice, yes.

Lately, I have seen increased pressure being put on governmentally-connected science authorities to 'lower' standards, the standards that provide for the protection of our population from the use of any drugs or treatments in ways that might be dangerous to them OR also to rule out the hawking of drugs/treatments that are being promoted that are known to be less effective than the hype.

Because of this, I have begun to wonder about whether or not the priorities of the administration really ARE 'to end the virus and to get on with normal living'. And this worries me. Who benefits if the virus continues to spread as it has since the pressures to 'return to normal' have caused more contagion? I'm beginning to wonder how it can be from the get-go that the administration and its supporters have totally promoted what keeps the virus going, while claiming that they were advocating people's 'freedom' to avoid restrictions that might have stopped the contagion's spread. But this doesn't make sense, UNLESS there is more to it than we have all figured out, as other civilized, highly organized countries have taken firm measures to fight the virus successfully and have it under their control (with occasional outbreaks, quickly address) and we are still fighting each other sadly instead of doing what is needed to get a handle on this virus.

just a thought, as I am trying to sort out if there are other ways that some might make money from what the administration has encouraged, knowing that the lapses of mask-wearing, social distancing, and full testing since the virus is CARRIED by people who may not show symptoms . . . all these lapses have caused spikes in the spreading of the virus and we are now KNOWN as the country in the civlized Western world with the worst progression and death toll,
where WE WERE KNOWN as a scientific power-house with a medical reputation for some of the best care in the world. Well, that's over, isn't it?

So, I'm confused. I'm now looking (conspiracy theory, me?) for reasons WHY the game is being played the way it is;
because, quite honestly, what the administration says it wants is not POSSIBLE until our nation first gets a handle on the virus. As for the horror of sending our nation's children into harm's way, I have no printable words to express my feelings here.

I think there is room for dialogue.

I think part of that dialogue needs to be not so much of WHAT 'has been done' as 'WHY' we would want to keep the party going knowing that the virus only increases in its grip on our nation. Politics? Or greed? Or something worse?
When something isn't working, you don't keep doing it and ignore the consequences, not if you are a nation with any kind of humane values. . . . but this is our way now, and we need to ask WHY.

November is coming. The opinions won't change the grip of the virus on this country, 'actions' will. Have the powers that be waited too long to turn things around? I don't know. But IF the virus is to be challenged directly as a priority, we must get on it quickly.

Who benefits if the virus is kept going? I ask this because I don't know, and I am trying to think WHY the virus has not been challenged. Is it greed, or politics, or some kind of pay-off to our adversarial nations (conspiracy theory?) I'm not assuming but something doesn't make sense here and we need as a country to sort this out. Or it will be more of the same-old, same-old. The death toll is approaching 200,000. We need to talk about all of this. Civilly. November? People are dying now.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane, thanks for being open to discussing this knowing that we will likely take different positions. Maybe we will simply be more at peace in concluding we disagree but can do that while being sociable and respectful of one another. We may have to conclude that our only dialogue and peace in acceptance of one another comes from mutual devotion to Jesus Christ and our bond as brother and sister in Christ and avoid addressing ANY issues regarding the politico-socio aspects of the United States.

For now, allow me to respond to your propositions from my own perspective to your position represented by the statement; "I have seen increased pressure being put on governmental-connected science authorities to 'lower' standards"

The credibility of "Science authorities" is extremely questionable due to the diverse and contradictory positions various "science authorities" propose and their motivations for their positions. Those advocating complete and continued shut-down fall into one political position supported by mainstream media while those adversely promoting alternative approaches to be more "open", are immediately shirked and identified as being pro-Administration and non-credible extremists.

As you know, I have personally posted the positions of very credible doctors, researchers and "authorities" who have taken an entirely different position from those advocating continued “shut-down” approaches. ALL political sides of the argument can find "science authorities" to accommodate their agenda.

There is NO conspiracy theory at play here. That accusation is a common tactic by the left side to discredit the position of the conservative. The credibility of this on-going, "anti-Administration", coup attempt, strategy by the left is supported unequivocally by the tactics played to overthrow the current, elected Administration. The leftist/socialist-politicians continually apply what should be seen as terrorist-tactics to undermine the established government.

Tactics such as the leftist-politicians' support for civil disobedience going on in their own cities and states, refusing to arrest and prosecute violent, destructive offenders. This is consistent with their rejection of the imminent threat of COVID-19 in its earliest stages only to then scream that the spread is the result of a failed response by the Administration. All of this at the expense of the health, safety and well-being of their own constituency to whom they are sworn to protect and serve.

Think of other terrorist-tactics destructive to our nation for the past 4 years; "open borders to the trafficking of illegal drugs and humans/support invasion of tens of thousands of illegal, unprocessed immigrants, called "Caravans" to overwhelm the border protection resources/ establishment of "sanctuary" cities accommodating criminal presence/ support for free schooling, free Medicaid, social security benefits for illegal aliens/opposition to ICE and law enforcement and now, law enforcement in general/ blatant advocacy for socialism to replace capitalism/and, to the most dismay, outright advocacy for destruction of the "yet to be delivered" human beings advocating their murder even while being delivered and post-delivery.

Add the assault on this nation's dependency and recognition of God by unashamedly erasing the statement, "So help me God" in oath statements and in their own DNC remove the "one nation under God" phrase of the Pledge of Allegiance!

Seeing this level of extremist, I have little hope for a return to bipartisanship and a uniting of our nation. This indeed is a battle for the sustained democratic, capitalistic, freedom upon which our nation was founded based as surely as if an outside Marxist regime were invading us; only, it is an assault by a force from "within".

Rex Ray said...

RB Kuter,



I believe you’re correct when you said, “I don’t know” and “I’m confused” :)

Christiane said...

It IS confusing when a person wants to continue policies that don't work and haven't worked and like will continue to fail;
particularly IF the person wants to get past the virus and on to a better economy.

Yes, 'confused' was accurate.

As to the reasons for why the person doesn't want to try a better way that worked for other countries, I really have no idea, and it's the WHY that is interesting;

I don't know the answer to the 'WHY'? REX RAY;
but I do know that people are asking 'what does he get out of this that he wants to keep it all going';
and while I really don't fall into the conspiracy theory slot easily, a lot of people are asking and wondering 'WHY'? and that is how conspiracy theories get a start.

Normally, most of these conspiracy theories are harmless, but lately, we have seen a big change and some have become quite literally 'weaponized',
like the man who thought he was breaking up a crime setting when he went into a pizza parlor with his guns and began shooting, thinking that there were pedophiles hurting children in the basement and the operation was being run by Hilary Clinton. (the building had no basement)

So, if I engage in a little bit of conjecture, you can take it with a grain of salt. Where there is no real proof, just 'ideas' and 'theories', some people will encourage others to go and get violent and its always the innocent who end up falling for the manipulation and the innocent end up in court and in jail and the trouble-makers (conspiracy theorists) hide behind their 'theories', having played 'Let's you and them go fight' as they sit back and watch what they stirred up.

Watch out for those kind of conspiracy theories, REX RAY. They are meant to stir up trouble sometimes using violence.

Four more years? of the Trump virus? I hope not. :)

RB Kuter said...

"Four more years? of the Trump virus? I hope not. :)"

What/Who would you propose as a better alternative?
Who has proposed from the beginning of the virus a better alternative strategy?
Who has a better record of being non-corrupt in US politics?
Who has a record of achieving more actual results for the escalation of the standard of living for minorities over their course of tenure in Washington?
Who is more likely to continue a revival of our economy that benefits all citizens as we saw prior to the Virus?
Who is the most likely to protect the laws and process mandated by Law to protect the credibility of those entering our country as doing so legally and not criminally?
Who is most likely to continue the trend to elevate the status and equality of women within the American society after decades of their being discriminated against and treated unequally in terms of opportunity to succeed in the workforce and business?
Who is most likely to focus upon the growth and strengthening of the United States than diluting our resources for the sake of "globalization"?
Who is most likely to keep us out of wars?
Who is most likely to enact policies that benefit American workers and industry?
Who is more likely to appoint Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices that function on the basis of applying the mandates of the US Constitution rather than legislating law from the bench?
And finally, THE most important question when distinguishing alternatives:


Nobody can argue the merits of the current Administration as being the most likely to do these things because his record demonstrates that he does it.

Rather than argue the validity of that, offer a list of the real, credible, picture of what this nation would experience under the control of the alternative. They have NO record of achievement along these lines, so the only basis for arguing the merits of what they will do is their own promise as portrayed in their intended manifesto of applied socialist strategy. So that is the only credible basis for proposing what "their" American life would be like.

Christiane said...

For Mr. Kuter,

here's something that's refreshingly wholesome from the Heartland that is SO MUCH BETTER for you than all that 'alternate truth' about trumpism. Just skip the ad and Enjoy:

RB Kuter said...

THANK YOU, Christiane! Hillary Klug was so great I just kept on watching about a half dozen more You Tube videos of her! I appreciate your introducing her to us!

Christiane said...

Hello Mr. Kuter,
glad you liked that music (and dancing!) - she's a wonderful musician (and dancer !)

but just in case you wanted a proper response, the truth is I don't know WHERE you get your information about trumpism

THIS comes from Fox News, which many in the Heartland watch:

my advice: widen your sources, don't get caught in a 'bubble' because it keeps you from doing your OWN thinking and there are predators out there and some of them are from adversarial nations, so bring up your American good sense and explore ALL the info out there, not just the 'alternate truth' and good luck to you.

Oh, and read part 2 of the Mueller Report for yourself.

RB Kuter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RB Kuter said...

"my advice: widen your sources, don't get caught in a 'bubble' because it keeps you from doing your OWN thinking and there are predators out there and some of them are from adversarial nations"

Amazing. Talk about conspiracy theories and mind-control. I had posted one of my typical, lengthy, responses, but then thought better of it and deleted it.

I will suffice it to say that this serves to model the condescending, arrogant, elitist mindset that represents the swamp in Washington which is shown in the attitude, "Don't bother to vote. You're not intelligent enough to make decisions related to governing the nation. We'll make it for you."

RB Kuter said...

"For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death." (CDC report 8/30 from NBC:

And now, the real truth of COVID as being an orchestrated, manipulated, instrument to be used for political and profitable leverage is exposed.

Many whose eyes are open to the levels of depravity used by power players to get their way are not surprised. Others who are totally blinded by the mind-control of the manipulative propaganda machine of Marxist left will only deny the obvious, again.

Rex Ray said...

RB Kuter,

Thanks for stating facts.


You remind me of the person that said, “My minds made up; don’t confuse me with facts.”

The same with your link.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane writes: "my advice: widen your sources, don't get caught in a 'bubble' because it keeps you from doing your OWN thinking and there are p"up your American good sense and explore"

Is it just me, or does that statement seem to reflect the condescending, arrogant, approach of all elitist-leftist folks? "Don't think for yourselves. Let us do your thinking for you. Remain conformed to 'OUR' propositions and let us run your lives."

The audacity of responding to anyone's/everyone's proposals for a position not consistent with their own by saying that person is somehow brainwashed and incapable of "thinking for themselves" reflects their own insecurities and insistence on control. Also portrays a lack of considering alternatives other than their own.

Fact is, I had formed the very same political positions on immigration, The Wall, Abortion, taxation, energy, national security, women's rights, method of eliminating racism, and socialism and specifically portrayed in the book I published well BEFORE the last 2016 elections ("The President's Bible-When I Am President"- available at: As a matter of fact, I began writing that book 10 years ago while still living in Thailand!

So to propose that Fox News, Donald Trump, CNN, MSNBC, BLM, QAnon, Rush Limbaugh, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Joyce Bahar, or any of those celebrities who apparently are applying mind-control effectively to totally blind so many are in control of mine is a display of ignorance and being out of touch with reality.

I still love all, though, regardless of whether they are patriots, Marxist anarchists, or indifferent to what's going on in today's political realm. Although I would probably find the latter "easier" to love(:

RB Kuter said...

Christiane writes: "my advice: widen your sources, don't get caught in a 'bubble' because it keeps you from doing your OWN thinking and there are p"up your American good sense and explore"

Is it just me, or does that statement seem to reflect the condescending, arrogant, approach of all elitist-leftist folks? "Don't think for yourselves. Let us do your thinking for you. Remain conformed to 'OUR' propositions and let us run your lives."

The audacity of responding to anyone's/everyone's proposals for a position not consistent with their own by saying that person is somehow brainwashed and incapable of "thinking for themselves" reflects their own insecurities and insistence on control. Also portrays a lack of considering alternatives other than their own.

Fact is, I had formed the very same political positions on immigration, The Wall, Abortion, taxation, energy, national security, women's rights, method of eliminating racism, and socialism and specifically portrayed in the book I published well BEFORE the last 2016 elections ("The President's Bible-When I Am President"- available at: As a matter of fact, I began writing that book 10 years ago while still living in Thailand!

So to propose that Fox News, Donald Trump, CNN, MSNBC, BLM, QAnon, Rush Limbaugh, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Joyce Bahar, or any of those celebrities who apparently are applying mind-control effectively to totally blind so many are in control of mine is a display of ignorance and being out of touch with reality.

I still love all, though, regardless of whether they are patriots, Marxist anarchists, or indifferent to what's going on in today's political realm. Although I would probably find the latter "easier" to love(:

RB Kuter said...

Christiane writes: "my advice: widen your sources, don't get caught in a 'bubble' because it keeps you from doing your OWN thinking and there are p"up your American good sense and explore"

Is it just me, or does that statement seem to reflect the condescending, arrogant, approach of all elitist-leftist folks? "Don't think for yourselves. Let us do your thinking for you. Remain conformed to 'OUR' propositions and let us run your lives."

Plus, have you observed the positions expressed on issues say, in the past year? Sounds like a parrot for whatever the leftist media is propagating at the time. Caravans and children in cages at the border, being torn apart from their parents. Kavenaugh sex exploits, Russian conspiracies, impeachment for bribing Ukraine, now COVID. Talk about not having a genuine thought. Then proposing that anyone else cannot think for themselves. How ironic.

The audacity of responding to anyone's/everyone's proposals for a position not consistent with their own by saying that person is somehow brainwashed and incapable of "thinking for themselves" reflects their own insecurities and insistence on control and conformity with their way of thinking. Also portrays a lack of considering alternatives other than their own.

Fact is, I had formed the very same political positions on immigration, The Wall, Abortion, taxation, energy, national security, women's rights, method of eliminating racism, and socialism that I have today and that are specifically portrayed in the book I published well BEFORE the last 2016 elections ("The President's Bible-When I Am President"- available at: As a matter of fact, I began writing that book 10 years ago while still living in Thailand and Donald Trump was not on anyone's radar screen!

So to propose that Fox News, Donald Trump, CNN, MSNBC, BLM, QAnon, Rush Limbaugh, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Joyce Bahar, or any of those celebrities who apparently are applying mind-control effectively to totally blind so many are in control of mine is a display of ignorance and being out of touch with reality.

I still love all, though, regardless of whether they are patriots, Marxist anarchists, or indifferent to what's going on in today's political realm. Although I would probably find the latter "easier" to love(: