Saturday, October 28, 2017

Wade and Katie McHargue Are Must Read Authors

Anytime I come across good books, I like to pass them on as recommendations to those who read this blog.

Wade and Katie McHargue are a couple who've been missionaries on the field, pastors in a local church setting, and all-around Kingdom people.

I recently read Katie McHargue's book Captured by Love: And Raising a Generation Captivated by God. Ladies, this book would be a superb read for your church, small group, or women's Bible study. Katie shows the importance of learning to rest in God's love and raising kids in an environment of love.

An Amazon reviewer had this to say about Katie's book:
I got the book today and couldn't put it down so I just finished it! God is so amazing and this is a story of an ordinary mom who chose to follow our Extraordinary God and many lives have been impacted including my own. I highly recommend this book. Its an easy read yet very powerful. Full of Scripture and Truth for everyday as well as testimony that will inspire and challenge!
Another reviewer said:
This book is valuable to any woman of any age, married or not, with children or not, young or old. If you want to love Jesus more, you will find inspiration in Katie's story. She has whetted my appetite for more of Him!
When I was with the SBC International Mission Board, Wade and Katie were missionaries in Africa. I became acquainted with them then, but have enjoyed seeing how God has used them in ministry now that they have returned to the states.

Wade McHargue has written a book entitled The Elijah Generation, where Wade challenges men who
are living in this age of "decadence, degradation, and despair" to take a good, hard, and honest look at our lives in light of the standard of God's word.

Wade challenges Christian men:
  1. To lose our lives for Jesus' sake, that we can truly find them. 
  2. To see, "What would happen if I gave myself completely over to God?"
  3. To offer all we can offer to Jesus for the praise of His glory as we live in light of eternity.
If you are looking for biblically solid, encouraging books from a husband and wife who live for Christ and His Kingdom, I encourage you to buy Captured by Love and The Elijah Generation

Thank you McHargues! You are a blessing to many!

1 comment:

Rex Ray said...


Judy will jump on these books like a flea on a dog.