Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tour Israel with Wade and Rachelle Burleson
March 8 - 17, 2017

The Dome of the Rock (Temple Mount) behind Wade
Some of the most treasured times Rachelle and I have ever experienced are the trips we've taken to Israel with friends from around the world. I have led multiple tours to Israel, and Rachelle and I have had the privilege of becoming close friends with two brothers who serve in the Israeli military and serve as our hosts while in Israel.

In March of 2017, we will again be going back to Israel. There's no better time for you to go. It's not getting any cheaper (and won't). We have a few spaces left on this Spring Break 2017 tour. We are excited about the people who have already signed up, and know that you will love traveling with this group. Rachelle and I would be delighted for you to join us for a trip of a lifetime.

We'll travel all over the land of Israel in a comfortable tour bus (with huge bay windows), from the Golan Heights in northern Israel which borders the countries of Lebanon and Syria, to the Dead Sea in far southern Israel. We will start our tour on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on the western edge of Israel, and will eventually make our way to the eastern border with the country of Jordan. The sites are incredible!

The Bible comes alive. The best way I can explain it is that before you go to Israel, reading the Bible is like watching black and white television in the 1950's. After Israel, reading the Bible is like watching hi-definition 3-D television in 2016.

The Israel trip is all inclusive from Oklahoma City and will last for 10 days and is as follows:
At the Valley of Armageddon

DAY 1:  Depart from Oklahoma City to Tel Aviv.

We arrive in Israel. Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, we will be met and assisted to our motor coach. We proceed to our hotel on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

This day's tour includes the ancient seaport and Roman theater at Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Megiddo and the Valley of Armageddon. We arrive in Tiberias at our hotel overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
The Mount of Beatitudes

On this day we will cross the Sea of Galilee by boat landing at Kibbutz Nof Ginosar where we view the ancient Jesus Boat. We will continue to the site of Peter’s restoration and the Mt. of the Beatitudes before arriving at Kibbutz En Gev for a lunch of St. Peter’s fish. Later we visit Capernaum, Jesus’ ministry base with its ancient synagogue. We will travel north to Caesarea Philippi and the mouth of the Jordan River.

This morning we will have a short ride south to the ancient city of Bet Shean and continue to Gideon’s Spring at En Harod. We will then go up to the City of Jerusalem! Throughout the day there will be teaching on the importance of the city of Jerusalem, and an opportunity to take some incredible pictures overlooking the vast city. Before going to our hotel spend some reflective time on the Mount of Olives.  
The Golan Heights

We will begin our day on the top of the Mt. of Olives before walking down to the Garden of Gethsemane. We have a devotional and prayer time in a private garden next to Gethsemane. Later we enter the Old City through the Lion’s Gate and visit the famous Church of St. Anne with its rich, deep acoustics and the Pool of Bethesda. We continue to the Sisters of Zion Convent to visit the site of Pilate’s Judgment Hall/Antonio Fortress. We continue to the house of Caiaphas.

Today we will visit the Jewish Quarter, Wailing (Western) Wall and Temple Mount where we view the Dome of the Rock, the Al Aksa Mosque and the site where The Temple once stood, and we will also go underneath the actual ancient walls through a hidden tunnel.

The Garden Tomb
We depart Jerusalem and proceed through the Judean Wilderness to Qumran, the site where a Bedouin shepherd found the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. Wewill travel south along the shore of the Dead Sea on the lowest road in the world to Masada, truly a remarkable piece of history. En Gedi, a beautiful oasis on the shores of the Dead Sea is our last stop before returning to Jerusalem.

Today we will visit the the Garden Tomb for a time of study on why this spot is believed to be the site "outside the walls" of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. We will view Golgotha and then tour the Garden itself with a visit to the empty tomb and participating in the Lord's Supper. Time permitting we may visit additional sites before returning to our hotel to freshen up and have dinner.

DAY 10: - HOME :
This morning we check out early and depart for the Tel Aviv airport for our flight to Frankfurt. After a plane change, we continue on to Oklahoma City via Newark. We will return with memories and new friends to last a lifetime and beyond!
Our Group at Caesarea by the Sea
 More detailed information on the tour is available here. If you are interested in going, you may scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Book Tour."

Discovery World Wide Tours is helping us with this trip. We've been going with Discovery for over twenty years and find them to be a wonderful company to work with on trips to Israel.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 580-237-0602.  


Rex Ray said...


Hey! If it’s not too late Judy and I would like to join your trip to Israel. We could meet this side of heaven after all. :)

Judy has never been. I’ve been four times, but never on a tour. We baby sat three grandkids when they were born.

My son was head of the Baptist Village for one year. It’s located a few miles from Tel Aviv. http://thebaptistvillage.com/ I made a seesaw there for my grandkids. (I have one at our home 30 feet long and can put someone 16 feet in the air.)

One year I was a hero at the Baptist Village by sheet/rock/tape/bed a building. With two hours before going to Beersheba, I became a villain when I knocked a very large hole in the tile roof.

No, I didn’t fall through. I was removing a dangerous limb that might break. Standing on top of a 12 foot ladder, I dropped part of the limb.

My birthday is March 10, and I’ll be the age of Caleb when he whipped the giants. I’ve had a dream of swimming the English Channel at that age, but maybe I’ll swim across the Sea of Galilee like I did 20 years ago. Of course it would have to be over Judy’s dead body. :)

Wade Burleson said...


We would be honored to have you and Judy go. It's not too late at all.

What a way to spend your birthday! :)

Rex Ray said...


My mother and dad were on a tour of Israel. Dad always sat in the seat next to the window behind the driver so he could talk with him. Close to the end of the tour, dad sat next to mother. On that day ‘his’ empty seat was torn apart by a large beam falling off a truck and going through the windshield. No one was hurt.

We have our reservations.

Wade Burleson said...

I would have loved to have known your father. Sounds like an amazing man.

Glad you are booked!

Anonymous said...

Interesting timing. Our family is moving to Abu Dhabi in October and we are going through the Mediterranean, Suez Canal, and Red Sea to the Persian Gulf on a 3 week cruise, to ultimately arrive in the UAE. We only have 48 hours in Israel. Any advice on the absolute "must see" items? For instance, we can't do both Masada and Nazareth.. One or the other. How does one decide? Greatly appreciate any insight you may have to offer.


Wade Burleson said...

Masada a yes. Nazareth a modest no. If I had a MUST SEE it would be two days around Galillee, headquarters of Jesus ministry (Capernaum). So much in an area all around the Lake to see, and not near as touristy.