Saturday, August 20, 2016

Five Things I've Learned from the Flat Earth Myth

Original Manuscript of Irving's Columbus in Wade's Office
When I was in grade school I remember one of my teachers saying, "When Christopher Columbus 'sailed the ocean blue in 1492,' Europe thought Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth, because the Church taught people that the earth was flat." 

I was too young, too naive, and too ignorant to question my teacher about her statement. I know now that European Christians during the Middle Ages knew and taught others that the world was a sphere. 

Writings from the ancient Jews (1500 B.C.), the Greeks (500 B.C.), the early church fathers (A.D. 200) and even the medieval church (A.D. 1200) all represent the earth as a sphere. Columbus sailed west from Europe in order to discover a shorter route to the East Indies. Columbus sailed west to ultimately get east because he and everybody else knew that the earth was round. The idea that the Church believed the earth was flat and that Columbus' voyage proved them wrong is an outright myth.

However, for the past century, American school children have been taught this myth. Students have been told that the Church tried to prevent Columbus from sailing west to Asia, fearing that he and his sailors would sail off the edge of the earth. American school children have been taught that Columbus persevered and overcame religious opposition.

Americans who grew up in educational systems that taught this myth, have now become our leaders, and they too are perpetrating the myth. When President Obama spoke at Prince George's County Community College in Largo, Maryland on March 15, 2012, he used an illustration similar to my grade school teacher, perpetuating the flat earth myth. President Obama said:
Let me tell you something. If some of these folks were around when Columbus set sail–[laughter]–they must have been founding members of the Flat Earth Society [laughter]. They would not have believed that the world was round [applause]. We’ve heard these folks in the past.
Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell has destroyed the flat earth myth in his definitive work Inventing the Flat Earth. Famous evolutionist Stephen Gould (1941-2002) reviewed Russell's book and said:
There never was a period of ‘flat earth darkness...' Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the earth’s roundness as an established fact of cosmology.
The Jewish prophet Isaiah wrote 600 years before Christ that God sits above "the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). The Greeks, like the Jews, knew the earth was a globe by observing lunar eclipses. They saw the earth's shadow on the moon when the earth came directly between the moon and the sun, and they observed a circular shadow of the earth's outline. This was 2,000 years before Columbus sailed the Atlantic.

Almost a millennium before Columbus sailed, the Christian historian and theologian Bede (A.D. 672 - 735) wrote
We call the earth a globe, not as if the shape of a sphere were expressed in the diversity of plains and mountains, but because, if all things are included in the outline, the earth’s circumference will represent the figure of a perfect globe.
Again, everybody in Columbus' day knew the earth was a sphere.

The Flat Earth Myth was created in the 19th century, around the same time the theory of evolution was created by Charles Darwin. Too many Christians have swallowed "hook, line, and sinker" that people of faith in earlier centuries were scientifically ignorant. On the contrary, the greatest scientists of all time were people of faith (think BedeIsaac Newton, Albert Einstein, etc.)

Creation Ministries International does a superb job showing how two 19th century "scientists," who were avowed anti-Christian bigots, pushed the Flat Earth Myth to prove Christianity was a religion of ignorant people. John William Draper (1811–1882) and Andrew Dickson White (1832–1918) wrote polemically against Christianity, including Draper's poorly researched History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874) and White's anti-Christian tome History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896). Both Draper and White wished the world to embrace Darwin's theory of evolution, and with that embrace, approach life from a purely secular and humanistic world view, with no thought of a God to whom anyone is accountable.

However, the average American didn't come to believe the Flat Earth Myth because of Draper's and White's writings. Nobody read them. The major culprit for most Americans believing that medieval Christians thought the earth was flat was America's first best-selling author, a man named Washington Irving (1783-1859).

Born in New York shortly after the Revolutionary War, Irving traveled abroad to England in 1815 and would stay in England and Europe for the next 17 years. In 1819, Irving published The Sketch-Book , which included superb short stories like Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Instantly, Irving became the first best-selling author from America. Irving's works of fiction had historical roots in New York. In fact, Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow could rightly called historical fiction. Irving was a superb story teller, but he never trained as an academic historian.

In 1826, Irving moved to Madrid Spain to work for the American Consulate. While in Madrid, Irving worked on A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (online manuscript here). Irving's handwritten manuscript on Columbus was published as a book in 1828. It was in Irving's book on Columbus that the Flat Earth Myth was first propagated. Irving, ever the great story teller, embellished the account of Columbus' standing before the Council of Salamanca. Irving represented Columbus as having to "defend his new theory of a round earth" before  church dignitaries, learned friars, and other monastic authorities who held to the religious dogma of a flat earth.

This conflict over a new theory of a round earth never happened. Columbus never received opposition to his belief in a round earth because all learned men of Columbus day, particularly church authorities, believed in a spherical earth.

Remember, Irving was a writer of historical fiction, with emphasis on the word fiction. He would base his works on history, but Irving was a creative story teller. Embellishing historical events with colorful fictional anecdotes would sell more books!

Irving was not malevolent toward Christianity. His mother was a loving, pious Episcopalian, and his father was a stern Presbyterian deacon who taught his boys the catechism. Irving wasn't anti-Christian. He was just a good storyteller. His biography of Columbus, which contained the fictional fight with church elders over a global earth, went through 175 editions - a world-wide bestseller! It was Irving's fiction of the Church opposing Columbus belief in a round earth that began the Flat Earth Myth.

Even the erudite Charles Spurgeon would read Irving's book on Columbus and take Irving's anecdote of Columbus before the church council as historical fact. It probably didn't help that Spurgeon was very anti-Catholic, and Irving's work enabled Spurgeon to solidify his view that the Roman Catholic Church was ignorant of truth. Spurgeon lauded Irving's work on Columbus and wrote this about Columbus before the Council of Salamanca.
Notwithstanding the dense bigotry and stupidity of his audience, a few were convinced of the reasonableness of the new theory, and these converts, doubtless, shielded Columbus from the ecclesiastical censures of the prejudiced. But the greater number doggedly persevered in their old opinions, and the poor navigator, as our readers well know, had to fight an uphill battle for years, and had to conquer many adverse circumstances before he saw the "Land of the Free." 
Even the best of men can fall for a myth.

In the spring of 1832 Washington Irving came back to America after a seventeen year absence. In October 1832, he traveled to an army outpost on the far reaches of the frontier (Fort Gibson, Indian Territory) and set out on a six-week tour of what is now the great state of Oklahoma. Irving wrote A Tour on the Prairies (published in 1835), the best-selling book about his adventurous prarie travels, and it remains a delightful glimpse into what the land of Oklahoma looked like in the 1830's (bears, elk, buffalo, Indians, rivers, crosstimbers, prairies, etc.).

I have hanging on my wall a portion of Irving's original 1826 manuscript on the life of Columbus (see picture at the top). I've read every book Irving has written, as well as most biographies written about Irving. In terms of his legacy, Irving is America's first best-selling author. In terms of his writing, it is colorful historical fiction. 

Washington Irving is the unintentional originator of the Flat Earth Myth. 

There are five things we can learn from Irving's Flat Earth Myth, particularly in an age when most people get their "information" from social media. 

1. Do not accept everything you read as fact, even if it is presented as historical fact.
2. Every author has bias or an agenda; even those who claim to be neutral science or history writers. Irving's agenda in his work on Columbus was to take the dry, historical record and color it with fictional narrative (like Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow) in order to make Columbus more readable, which ultimately means more book sales and ultimately more profits for the author.
3. Always question for yourself the teaching of those who wish to have authority over you. As  Good teachers, whether it be Socrates or Christ, always allow students to ask questions and even criticize the teacher, desiring students to think for themselves.
4. Recognize the tendency for bias in yourself.
5. The Christian faith and science are not incompatible. 


Aussie John said...

Wade absolutely excellent!

A timely warning for believers to study Scripture for themselves, something which is so easy today in today's climate of information technology.

I always urged congregations I spoke to, to ascertain the truth or otherwise of what I said for themselves. People leave themselves wide open for deception if they believe everything a preacher says without thorough personal investigation. The avenues for that are so many today that there is no excuse.

Of course one of the myths that Christianity has swallowed is the idea that every word that emanates from a pulpit is "God's voice", and therefore sacrosanct.

Satan's greatest trick is to convince people, who are too lazy, or naive, to do some study of the treasure of the Scriptures for themselves, that pastors, priests, etc. are always right in what they teach!

Blane K. said...

Great info. Two quick thoughts:

1. I would be cautious about referring to Einstein's faith. At best, he was probably a diest.

2. The reason Columbus believed he could sail west to get east was not that he knew the earth was round and others didn't, but rather he thought it was smaller than others did.

Wade Burleson said...


Einstein was no atheist for sure.

Absolutely agree that Columbus believed the earth was smaller than it was. It's why he wrongly named the natives of the Caribbean "INDIANS," believing he had reached southeast Asia (the Indies). However, Columbus DID KNOW the earth was round, as did everyone with a modicum of learning in his day (as this post proves).

Wade Burleson said...

Aussie John,

Thanks for your comment. You are precisely spot on about Christians needing to "search for themselves" to see what is spoken is indeed the truth of God - just like the Bereans did when they heard the Apostle Paul teach.

Donald Johnson said...

The cosmology in the Bible is a 3 tiered cosmology of heavens, earth and under-the-earth. The earth was seen as a flat disk (often with Jerusalem in the center), this is what Isaiah is referring to, a circle has 2 dimensions, not 3. This is obscured by translations that assume a concord between science and Scripture, but Scripture was written in cultures that were pre-scientific and so things were put in terms of what we would now call appearances.

In other words, the books of Scripture were written to be understood by peoples with ancient worldviews that are very different from our modern worldviews. When we import our modern worldviews into Scripture, we will fail to read it as the original audiences would have. It takes effort for us to unlearn our modern worldviews and learn the ancient worldviews.

Wade Burleson said...


I am saying that ancient cultures understood the earth was a sphere, including the ancient Jews (per the prophet Isaiah), the Persians and Greeks (who recorded their understanding), as well as the biblical writers. So, I understand what you are saying about the "cosmology in the Bible" - I simply disagree.

Donald Johnson said...

But a circle is not a sphere.

Besides that, one can also figure out the Bible's cosmology from other statements.

Mat 4:8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

This is only possible if the world is understood to be flat. If the world is understood to be a sphere/globe (as we know today), even from the highest mountain one would only be able to see at most half of the sphere.

In other words, we should strive to not import our modern understandings into the ancient text of Scripture. Furthermore, when we claim there is an essential concordism between modern science and ancient worldviews, I think this adds stumbling blocks for people to come to the faith.

Wade Burleson said...


"In other words, we should strive to not import our modern understandings into the ancient text of Scripture."

I agree. Our disagreement is whether or not the ancients knew the world was a sphere. I say they did, and I believe I have history (and Scripture) on my side.

Thanks for commenting.

Donald Johnson said...

I have more examples from Scripture, but you seem not to want to discuss the ones I already have given, so I will let it go.

Yes, an ancient Greek figured out the circumference of the globe pretty accurately by measuring shadows cast from 2 points on the earth. But this was within a large and diverse set of understandings among the Greeks, he was correct while the others were wrong. There is no evidence in Scripture that this was the understanding of any of the authors of the OT and NT books and there is plenty of evidence that they understood things differently once one knows to look for the three tiered cosmology.

Tom said...

Don, we should also check out for ourselves how the scriptures have been translated because the translations, like the KJV just to name one of many, are based on understandings that do not always reflect the intent of the original text. Many "believers" have developed their theological understandings on a flawed/mythical understanding of a particular translation. No one is immuned from this imperfection, we all suffer from it, even Great Preachers because of their biases and lack of truly understand the intent of the original sacred texts.

In the Matt 4:8 text that you referenced in your comment above, the G:3735 Greek root is imbedded approximately 63 times in 6 different Greek words and in this case, óros, is found 28 times in the following verse references: -

Matthew 4:8, 5:1, 14:23, 15:29, 17:1, 21:1, 26:30, 28:16, Mark 3:13, 6:46, 9:2, 11:1, 13:3, 14:26, Luke 3:5, 6:12, 9:28, 19:29, 21:37, 22:39, John 6:3, 6:15, 8:1, Galatians 4:25, Revelation 6:14, 8:8, 14:1, 21:10

In each reference above, where it is traditional translated into English as "mountain," it could just as easily be translated as "a high place." For example if we consider the following verse: -

Rev 21:10: - And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

then it is hard to imagine that a "mountain" exists on earth which is high enough to be able to look down on both the earth and heaven at the same time, whereas if we simply consider that John in the spirit was taken to a "high place" then it is not impossible to envisage that John was indeed able to see both heaven and the earth at the same time as the Great City descended from heaven to the earth.

The same is also true for Matt 4:8, Satan took Jesus up to a "high place" from which it is possible to see all the kingdoms on the earth as they passed before him. We should also take into account that the verse is silent with respect to time as to how long it took for Satan to show Jesus all of the kingdoms of the earth. Does it happen in a moment of time which is too short to measure or did it take a longer period of time which could be measured in days, for example. How this happened becomes immaterial as we have to accept by faith that the account is true.

So often our reality of understanding falls far shorter than the intent of the message(s) embedded within the text of the scriptures.

For this reason, it takes much study to go beyond our initial understandings of scripture to arrive at the true intent. Often we jump to a conclusion based on our own understandings and do not consider the possibilities that God is painting a different word picture from what we can comprehend.

For Genesis 1:14-19 to be true, a flat earth understanding being applied for this day of creation, simple, to my way of thinking, does not work.



PS: - Even Wade can exhibit this flaw as well, just like me.

Wade Burleson said...

Don and Tom,

Two good comments!

Don, with my work schedule, it's difficult to dialogue on my blog. I am always grateful for comments, but find it impossible to enter into debates or discussions in comment sections, not due to lack of desire, but more a lack of time.

Again, thanks for commenting.

Rex Ray said...


I too, as well as my son, was taught the ‘world view’ of the earth being flat when Columbus sailed in 1492.

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) said "The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow of the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.”

“Galileo's initial discoveries were met with opposition within the Catholic Church, and in 1616 the Inquisition declared heliocentrism to be formally heretical. Heliocentric books were banned and Galileo was ordered to refrain from holding, teaching or defending heliocentric ideas. The Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "vehemently suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.”

Wade, when Columbus sailed in 1492, did the Catholic Church believe the earth was round and then change their minds in 1616?

Wade Burleson said...

Rex Ray,

Rex, the question of the earth or the sun being the "center of the universe" is different than the question of whether or not the earth is round.

So, the answer to your question is "No, the Catholic church didn't reverse themselves on the spherity of the earth."

Gordon said...

The nature of language is to convey meaning, largely through figurative speech. For example, we still speak of people coming from 'the four corners of the earth' to an international meeting such as the Olympic Games.
This statement is as unscientific as saying the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West when we know the Sun always stands still and does not move in this manner.
Yet we know perfectly well what is meant by these two statements, and that no deception or stupidity is involved.

Unknown said...

It amazes me how often fundamentalist quote Christians from an earlier time to support their crazy ideas and then rant at current progressives. Example - Pastor Burleson quotes Isaac Newton (a known Unitarian) and Joseph Priestly (Universalist) favorably and then in several articles condemns the Unitarians and Universalist as heretics. What gives? If Newton and Priestly were god "fearin" believers then I guess I have misread Brother Burleson when he implies that these groups are rank heretics. Please help me understand this contradiction!

Anonymous said...

Unknown, define " fundamentalist"

Rex Ray said...


WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES YOUR SAYING: “the question of the earth or the sun being the "center of the universe" is different than the question of whether or not the earth is round” HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?

Your post does not mention anything about what is the center of the universe.

Your post is about:
“Columbus sailed…because he and everybody else knew the world was round. The idea that the Church believed the earth was flat and that Columbus’ voyage proved them wrong is an outright myth.”

“Galileo's initial discoveries were met with opposition within the Catholic Church…Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.”

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) said "The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow of the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.”

In conclusion, I agree with you that the Catholic Church did NOT reverse their opinion.

I disagree they thought the earth was round or they would not have persecuted Galileo 124 years after Columbus.

Anonymous said...

Well, do you believe the Bible? There are many places in the Bible that tell you the Earth is flat, fixed and immovable.

How about the story in the Bible when the sun stood still? The Tower of Babel was to reach the heavens - the top of the dome where God sits. The Earth is His footstool, remember?

Here is one reference you may want to look over, but there are numerous credible sources on the flat Earth as well as scientific proofs that it is indeed flat.

By the way, you may want to do some research on who had come up with the globe earth theory and who he was associated with.

Rex Ray said...


I’m glad you haven’t ‘hit me over the head’ before I could apologize.

I jumped on you for saying, “The question of the earth or the sun being the center of the universe is different that the question of whether or not the earth is round.”

I thought you had changed the subject of the earth being round or not. My wife, Judy, told me that you were replying to my quoting why Galileo was punished for promoting “heliocentrism”. (sun center of universe) I thought that word meant round.


But how about Magellan (1480-1521) saying? "The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow of the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.”

Wade Burleson said...


No problem - by the way, God gave you a pretty smart lady when you married Judy! :)

Please source the quote about Magellan. If it is legitimate (and it may be), my response would be "not the entire church." It's a little like people saying "The Baptist church says you can't drink, dance or chew, or go with girls who do..." I would say "which Baptist church?"

The Roman Catholic Church went through periods of "Dark Ages" for sure, but the fact that many people of faith (i.e. Jews and Christians) KNEW the world was spherical for centuries prior to Columbus is not even debatable.

Rex Ray said...


You made me smile. That “…can’t dance, smoke or chew, or go with girls that do” was what my brother and I was raised on.

Since I hadn’t communicated with Judy in 59 years, was it God or a ‘locating agency’ that gave her to me? [The Lord does work in mysterious ways.] :)

Judy found:
It’s title: “The Round Earth and Columbus”

It tells how different people estimated the size of the earth. King Ferdinand turned Columbus down because his ‘experts’ said the distance was too far.

Columbus had a shorter estimate and Queen Isabella believed him.

BTW I noticed one comment is gone. An anonymous said “…the Holy Koran…”

Since Obama referred to the Koran as “Holy”, I wanted to ask the commenter if his name was Obama.

The source for Magellan is:

It’s always been that the church is the last to accept a new idea. After all, “The sun rises and the sun sets, then hurries around to rise again.” (Ecclesiastes 1:5)

I for one drag my feet accepting the new praise songs that repeat repeat. I rather hear something that touches the heart instead of the ears.

Kay said...

Hi Wade,

I always look forward to your articles. May I suggest you check the verity of the Voltaire quote? As Jesus once said, “Never trust quotes you find on the internet.” ;)

ScottShaver said...

It amazes me that "Unknown"dabbles in Christian conversation without knowing the difference between a fundamentalist and his own belt loops. I would handle "anonymous" as well.

Wade Burleson said...


Thank you. I removed the Voltaire quote.




Heliocentrism is a totally different idea than the flat earth. I've done some reading on the differences, and you are correct about Copernicus and the opposition of the church on heliocentrism, but the spherity of the earth was not in question in Copernicus day See "Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians" by Jefferey Burton Russell p. 5 paragraph two

Nancy said...

Amen to Aussie John's comment! Be Bereans!
In the rural Kentucky school I attended, the Columbus story went like this: {Everyone believed the earth was flat. As a young boy, Christopher Columbus was fascinated with ships. He would watch, through his glass, as ships would appear and disappear on the sea's horizon. He realized that he could see the sails of the ships before/after the actual ships as the ships came/went on the sea. Low and behold! He figured out that a round earth was the only way for that to be possible........}

I majored in math in college. I took every math class available, including a class on the history of mathematics. I did a presentation on Erastothenes' calculations on the circumference of the earth based on a shadow cast in a well in Egypt on a certain day, among other things. The more I learned, the less sense the Columbus story made.
I was relieved to learn that story was/is a myth.
Just don't tell me that the Headless Horseman is a myth, too. It might just break my heart. ; ^ )

Rex Ray said...


Your heart problem made me smile. Reminds me of the song: “Achy Breaky Heart”. :)


I’m probably too strong on one of the five things you’ve learned: “Always question for yourself the teaching of those who wish to have authority over you.”

Friends with a smile call me “trouble maker”.


Is there a trend starting for churches to have members come down front and pray before preaching or after preaching? I hear its happening.

One of our members is a retired pastor. He said ‘it’ empowered the preacher and might cause some lost person to come down for salvation.

Is that trying to replace the Holy Spirit? My youngest sister ‘went down’ with her sister and thought she was saved for several years.

Another thought: A pastor’s role is to support or be supported?

Once I heard members say they thought the preacher was going to resign as he was crying at the end of the service. But he finally said, “No one has said amen.”

Reminds me of Ecclesiastes 10:16: “Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child.”

Rex Ray said...


Do you remember the “weird stuff” I posted a while back? This same retired pastor believes when Jesus fulfilled the law, his blood had to fall on the Ark of the Covenant. Would you agree with what I wrote below?

Was the blood of Jesus necessary to be sprinkled On the Ark of the Covenant?
NO! That’s the old covenant.
“…our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean…”
(Hebrews 10:22)

Old Covenant = blood once a year. (Hebrews 9:7)
“The first covenant between God and Israel had regulations for worship and a place of worship here on earth.” (Hebrews 9:1)
“There were two rooms in that Tabernacle…first room…called Holy Place… behind the curtain was the second room called the Most Holy Place. In that room…a wooden chest called the Arc of the Covenant …Inside the Ark were a gold jar containing manna, Aaron’s staff…, and the stone tablets of the covenant.” (Hebrews 9:2-4)
“The Tabernacle and everything in it, which were copies of things in heaven, had to be purified by the blood of animals…” (Hebrews 9:23)

New Covenant = blood once for eternity (Hebrews 10:10)
“If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need for a second covenant to replace it.” (Hebrews 8:7)
”…He cancels the first covenant in order to put the second into effect. For God’s will was for us to be made holy by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time.” (Hebrews 10:9-10)
“…But the real things in heaven had to be purified with far greater sacrifices than the blood of animals.” (Hebrews 9:23)
“This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.” (Matthew 26:28)
“…we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place…our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean…” (Hebrews 10:19-22)

Nancy said...

Have you ever heard of a man named Ronald Wyatt?

Rex Ray said...


These are 10 things what I think about Ronald Wyatt’s claim of the blood of Jesus dropping through a crack 20 feet sprinkling the Arc of the Covenant as claimed by the link:

1. If Wyatt found the Ark, where is it today?
2. If blood was dripping through a crack, wouldn’t someone notice?
3. “The blood was alive!” Where is it today?
4. Wyatt wrote 222 words explaining how Jesus became a male in the egg of Mary. But the Bible explains how Mary became pregnant: “You will conceive and give birth to a son…The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.” (Luke 1: 31-35) In other words the angel told Mary that God was transferring His Son from heaven to her. No part of Mary had anything to do with her being pregnant. She was the first surrogate mother.
5. “Wyatt’s work has never been disproved!” How do you disprove a dream?
6. Ark in cave under Calvary 600 years earlier and guarded by four angels until 1982. Duh…that’s 2,582 years! When did God ever use an angel to do his will longer than a few minutes?
7. “His videotape proof would be released at the time when the Mark of the Beast system was implemented fully that would make Christians break the 10 Commandments.” This dumb claim by Wyatt does not even justify a rebuttal.
8. If “God does not want the Ark disturbed…” and over 10 people were killed trying to enter the cave, why was Wyatt aloud to videotape the Ark and the 10 Commandments?
9. Why did Wyatt not mention Aaron’s staff and the gold jar that contained manna? Did he forget or not know they were in the Ark? (Hebrews 9:4)
10. I believe Wyatt’s tale might be more believable if people would not ask questions.

Christiane said...


I was watching television and came across a documentary about living in the Alaskan wilderness which I think you might enjoy, this:

skip the add and enjoy the story of naturalist Richard 'Dick' Proenneke ... it's a wonderful story, magical, and it reminded me of stories of my Canadian forebears who lived in the wilderness of the far north

There's a saying in Finland: 'winter makes strong' and I think it must also make folks resourceful too

Thought of you when I saw this film ... skip any 'ad' and enjoy

Rex Ray said...


Thanks for the wonderful movie of Alaska and the ability of one man’s survival by his ability to make things. One thing that haunted me was: “It is not good for the man to live alone…” (Genesis 2:18)

For that reason he had a house but not a home.

Of all the animals…the moose moving its ears brought back a special memory.

To understand why, when visiting my parents; in the middle of the night, our 4 year old daughter jumped on our bed yelling, “There’s a lion in the house!” The lion was my father snoring.

Five weeks after I was married, we had made a shaky tree stand for hunting. My father was sleeping and this cow moose was standing directly below him moving its ears back and forth. It had never heard a lion before.

Rex Ray said...

My twin brother and I had never shot anything bigger than a jack rabbit, but a day later we shot this grizzle in Alaska. After being wounded several times he finally died. The last time I saw him alive I was scared to death. My brother was backing me up with an empty pistol and empty rifle. We were ten feet apart with him standing with his paws overhead. My shot was like spiting on him. I jerked the bolt back for another shell but it came out of the gun.

We were almost under the tree stand where my wife was. She didn’t think the bear was surrendering and she would be a young widow.

Eyeball to eyeball, we looked at each other as I failed to get the bolt in. I quit the staring contest and was successful, but when I looked up he was gone. My father helped get his fur the next day.

Bob Cleveland said...

I believe Einstein himself had something to say about the Flat Earth crowd:

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Anonymous said...

Preach it Wade! #GoodNews defeats #FakeNews! $19.97T of debt sure buys a lot of ignorance doesn't it?! PTL for the assurance of Jesus in our hearts. */:-)

Anonymous said...

Rex Ray, you posted:
Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) said 'The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow of the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church.'"

I realize that this was more than a couple months ago, and more than likely you aren't going to see this, but I wanted to point out that if you follow the link you provided and read the article, you will find that, according to the author of that article, Magellan did not say that and it was a later fabrication.

Unknown said...

Psalms 19 answers this clearly for me, Genesis 1 further affirms this even more. As believers we have to follow God and not science, I first looked into this when someone called the Bible the first flat Earth manual. I looked into this more and found out it is true, the Earth is not a globe and the sun, moon and stars where created after the Earth. Scientism Exposed 2016, and the principle documentary are great secondary resources after studying God's word on this topic. What we understand about flat Earth as kids is very different from what the flat Earth actually is. We can't fall off the Earth because the dome and the Antarctic circle would prevent us from getting to these ends of the earth.