Monday, June 04, 2012

FOX's Jason Whitlock Is Right About the Spurs and Heat

Jason Whitlock writes about the sports world for FOX sports. He is an African-American male and his articles-- often on subject matters that other writers have little courage to address--are well-written, albeit sometimes tainted with bombastic adverbs and adjectives. Recently Jason caused a firestorm in the media world for an article he wrote suggesting that the San Antonio Spurs were a better team than the Miami Heat, even though the Heat had better individual players. The reason the Spurts were a better team is because they were more coachable. The Heat players, particularly LeBron James and Dwayne Wade, had "difficult upbringings (that) make it hard for them to trust and submit to the will of authority figures. We know James was raised by a teenage mother who had some problems. We know Wade’s mom had problems with drugs and Wade credits an older sister for his upbringing. Jason goes on to point out that LeBron James and Dwayne Wade are his two favorite players, and he thinks they are "good" men, but his admiration for them does not negate his belief that their upbringing impacts their team.

Jason wrote: "It’s my belief Wade and James have childhood emotional scars that impact their ability to consistently operate in a team environment. Most of us have childhood emotional scars. Some scars — any kind of parental abandonment — are just deeper than others."

After a firestorm erupted over his column, Jason Whitlock followed up with today's article (June 4, 2012), and did not back down. He wrote: "Despite the whines of my ignorant critics, this isn’t up for debate. This truth is played out in all aspects of American life. Step inside any classroom and the academic honor roll is populated, in general, by young people reared by two involved parents, and the kids who are struggling academically are reared in abandonment and dysfunction."

The fact that Jason Whitlock is advocating structure in the American home (i.e. "young people reared by two involved parents") and being criticized for it, says far more about our society than it does Jason Whitlock. Well done, Jason. This is one OKC Thunder fan that appreciates what you have written.


Unknown said...

Jason's and your comments are both stereotypical reactions not based on facts. Remember, two of the past three U.S. presidents were products of single parents.

Wade Burleson said...


I think you missed the point Jason was making.

Two parents involved are better than one or no parents involved.

Makes sense to me.

Victorious said...

hmmm...not sure I agree with Jason's assumption. There may be circumstances or interactions between two parents that create dysfunction within the family. And structure is possible in a one-parent home that provides stability in the children and depending on the condition of the two-parent home, may even be more beneficial for the long-term emotional health of the children.

Just kinda thinking out loud here...

Wade Burleson said...


I completely understand thinking out loud. Beethoven, some of my own extended family members, and that past three Presidents (per Allen) are all products of single parents.

The issue which Jason is introducing is a culture in which men have children with various women, and the women bearing them obtain more and benefits from the government.

The notion of two parents raising their children is foreign to some, and Jason is simply saying it is harmful when BOTH parents are not involved (when they could be if they chose to be).

In circumstances of a parent dying or some other catostrophe, it is obviously possible by God's grace for things to always work out!

Rex Ray said...


My grandfather died when my father was two. He parted his hair on the wrong side until he learned a picture is in ‘reverse’.

The reverence he had for his father was much different than the song, “My name is Sue”.

Today, there are too many Sue fathers, and I believe Jason Whitlock is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Aaron Jeoffrey (Christian group in 90's) states that "One goal is to show a positive parent/child relationship, and hopefully be a role model for fathers and their sons or parents and their children. We have taken to heart the last prophetic word of the Old Testament where it says in Malachi 4:6 that 'The fathers' hearts would be turned to their children and the children's hearts to their fathers, lest I smite them with a curse.' Every social problem that we face today can be traced back to a dysfunctional family life. We [want to address] these problems not only through our songs but by simply being who we are."