Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day to a Father that Taught Me All I Know about Grace

Today I would like to honor my father, Paul Burleson (pictured here on his 70th birthday), who is the most wonderful father any person could ever hope to have. Most people know my father for his over five decades of leadership in the Southern Baptist circles, including pastoring some of the largest and fastest growing SBC churches in the 1970's and 1980's. His ministry to Southwestern Seminary students and professors during the time he was pastor of Southcliff Baptist Church in Forth Worth, Texas is legendary. His pastors and wives marriage retreats, co-led by his wife of over 50 years (and my mother) Mary Burleson, have been instrumental in strengthening, healing and restoring hundreds of marriages. I know him, however as dad. Whatever theology I have is due to his instruction. Whatever understanding of grace in relationships I have is due to his example. Whatever success I have in life is due to his influence. Sure, I know my heavenly Father is ultimately my Source, but it helps when one's earthly father makes it easy to comprehend the love of the heavenly Father. Happy Father's Day dad. You and mom are the absolute best. Rachelle and I hope we are half as good-lookin and half as energetic as you two when we reach 70! P.S. If you (the reader) would like to be encouraged and strengthened by the writings of a man who "gets it," I would encourage you to read my father's blog VTM BOTTOMLINE. You will be blessed.