Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Buck's Mother: "Thou Shalt Be Flexible for Then You Will Never Be Bent Out of Shape"

My wife and I went to OKC Monday night with a couple of friends to watch the critically acclaimed movie Buck. It's the only movie I am aware of that has received 98% positive reviews on Flixster by those who've seen it. Buck Brannaman is a fifty year old Horse Whisperer, and the movie is a documentary, following Buck around the United States as he trains horses without using harsh techniques. Buck is compassionate and sensitive to horses' fears of being controlled and dominated. Buck himself was brutally abused by his alcoholic father growing up, and his understanding of fear--and how to overcome it--comes from his inner core. Buck uses a gentle tone and a  loving hand to break some of the wildest colts and predator horses known to man. He has what seems like a magic touch, but he explains throughout the movie that there is no secret. You treat a horse like you would a frightened human being.

My favorite part of the movie was when the movie's producer interviews Buck's foster mother. Buck's mother died when he was young, and when the local police were told by Buck's football coach of the whelps and bruises on Buck's back, sustained while being incessantly beaten by his father, the law removed Buck from his home. He was taken to a lady who was already caring for twenty other foster kids. Eventually this woman and her husband adopted Buck. Buck still calls her "mother," and during the interview, as Buck sat beside his mom, she described the commandment by which she lived her life and taught Buck to live his: "Thou shalt be flexible for then you will never be bent out of shape."

A great motto from a great movie. I highly recommend "Buck." Not too many theaters have picked it up yet, but it won the top three awards at last year's Sundance Festival. It's a must see for the entire family.