Friday, April 11, 2008

Help Needed for a Tornado Ravaged SBC Church

The following letter is from Dwight McKissic, Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Arlington, Texas. In response to his request to help some fellow Southern Baptists, I will be requesting our church to financially assist the Cowboy Way Church this Sunday night. Let's join together to help one of our own. Dwight writes:

"Bro. Dan Haby is pastor of Cowboy Way Church here in North Texas. Melanie, Dan's wife, serves alongside him as Church Administrator and Minister to Women. They are both graduates of Southwestern Seminary and planted this church several years ago to reach out to the cowboy community. Until recently Cowboy Way Church has been meeting in a tent. Earlier this week a tornado touched down in Alvarado, Texas and the tent where they were meeting was destroyed. Not only did they lose the tent but they lost the sound system and the sound board was destroyed. The only things that survived was the chairs and the microphones that were enclosed in cases. I talked with them earlier today and they are frantically searching for a place to lease for the future and they are planning worship services in the open air at the former tent sight this Sunday. Insurance companies do not insure church sights that meet in tents.

Obviously, the Haby's are experiencing somewhat of a crisis time in their ministry. I am writing you to make two requests;

(a.) please pray for Dan and Melanie Haby and Cowboy Way Church in your Sunday morning services this Sunday

(b.) would you consider giving a missions gift, benevolent offering, discretionary fund gift or whatever means you choose and mail that gift to the Cowboy Way Church to help them recover their losses? You could either send your gift directly to the church at PO Box 1196, Alvarado, TX 76009 or you could send it to the ANC and we can forward one check to Cowboy Way Church.

Of course if this email reaches you too late for you to respond by this coming Sunday, April 13 you have the rest of April and May to respond, if you so choose.

Thanks for your consideration in this matter and I'm sure at the very least the Haby's would appreciate a word of encouragement by sending an email or to Cowboy Way Church, PO Box 1196, Alvarado, TX 76009."

Sincerely in Christ,

Dwight McKissic


Anonymous said...

Bro. Wade, Thanks for posting this. Not only do the Haby's deeply appreciate you and your concern for their ministry, I am grateful that God will use your blog to make many aware of their prayer need and financial need. Cornerstone church will join Emmanuel in making a contribution to Cowboy Way Church. Dwight

Valerie Calderon said...

Bro. Wade and Bro. Dwight,

Thank you for posting this. I am a long-time reader, and was stunned to read this account, as Dan and Melanie are special friends. My family had the privilege of being part of this fellowship when the church was yet in its infancy five years ago. We met in a restaurant in Ft. Worth at that time. As you certainly know, these dear friends are gifted and passionate leaders with discerning and caring hearts focused squarely on Kingdom work. We will help and hopefully lead others to help, as well.
Many Blessings.

absonjourney said...

Dan Haby is also a personal friend of mine. I have worked with him for years doing mission work, had him as a speaker at camp, and have been blessed by his counsel over the past 4 years of church planting. My church will pray and give this coming Sunday. I urge others to do the same for this amazing man and his family.

Ryan Abernathy

Kelly Reed said...


Dan was a good friend of my wife and I while we were at seminary. Our prayers are with him and the ministry that God has blessed him with. I will be encouraging my church to give to them as well.

I know miracles can happen and Haby's ministry can be blessed in this difficulty. After all, if he can get married (a fact he neglected to mention the last time we spoke) anything can happen.

Rex Ray said...

I believe we are tempted to do the ‘second’, ‘third’ etc choice in our lives. The same could happen to your blog. Its purpose could be directed to all kind of needs.

As Jesus said, the poor you have always, there are thousands of ‘needs’ for money needed here and there.

I supported the Klouda needs for in a way it helped to ‘voice’ an objection to the wrong thinking of ‘spiritual leaders’ at SWTS.

I see the purpose of your blog as getting the SBC on the right track of winning the world for Christ.
To do that the ‘legalism of doctrine’ has got to stop just as Paul said:
“Many…say that ‘all Christians must obey the Jewish laws’ [power and control = obey our thinking]…it blinds people to the truth, and it must be stopped.” (Titus 1:10)

Paul lost that battle and Catholicism was the result. For many years we’ve been on the same trail leading to a Baptist pope.

Anonymous said...

I'd be surprised if the regional congregational strategists of the BGCT and the Texas Baptist Men weren't already addressing this matter--and the same day that it happened. Much help is available from many sources in Texas.

Anonymous said...

As thought . . . I have this reply today (8:11 a.m.) from the BGCT Congregational Strategist in whose region this congregation meets:

"I was there Friday morning. We are working on finding resources to assist them, also. They need a permanent building but are not able to afford one at this time. This is the second time their tent has been uprooted by storms. Dan and his wife and the crew of volunteers are in great spirits. They are undaunted and determined to keep moving forward. I am staying in touch with them as are other members of the BGCT staff.

"Thanks for forwarding this to me. Maybe we can get them in that new building soon."

The BGCT and TBM staffs are responsible specifically for bringing the kind of assistance suggested by Bro. Dwight to congregations in need. Sometimes, a delay may occur--as when storms roll across a region and many churches are adversely affected--but, otherwise, aid is on its way immediately.

I'm sure the congregation mentioned in this post will appreciate assistance which may be beyond the resources of the BGCT and TBM, as well. said...


That's great. Thanks for the update!


Lin said...

Thanks for posting this. These brothers and sisters are in our prayers here.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rex,

You may need to double up on the prune juice or what ever, you seem a little grumpy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rex,

You may need to double up on the prune juice or what ever, you seem a little grumpy.