Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Approved Minutes and the Actual Motion to Remove

Last February a Southern Baptist by the name of Scott Bridwell, a man whom I have never met, asked if he could see the minutes of the January 11, 2006 International Board Meeting in Richmond, Virginia, the very meeting where the Board recommended my removal as a trustee of the IMB. Minutes of IMB meetings are only distributed by hard copy, and only after the Board has approved them.

Two weeks ago in Tampa Bay the Board approved the January minutes while in Executive Session. Scott Bridwell once again asked for a copy of the January minutes to be mailed to him. He received them early this week and Scott has posted the minutes of the January IMB meeting on his blog.

There have been some who have alleged that the motion did not include gossip and slander, but the pertinent section regarding the motion for my removal is found on page 27. The reading into the official record of the motion to remove me from the Board was the last offical act in the final plenary session of the January meeting. As you will read below, my request to place a response into the official record in response to the allegation was denied at that same meeting. I trust that if the Lord tarries, any future historian will read the minutes and, Lord willing, take a look at my blog for my view point to this matter since it will not be in the minutes. The section with the offical, approved IMB minutes regarding the motion to remove (page 27) reads as follows


The chairman read into the record action taken at the Executive Session on Tuesday afternoon, January 10. Motion made by Jerry Corbaley and seconded.

I move that the trustees request the Southern Baptist Convention remove Wade Burleson from the International Mission Board as soon as possible;

That the trustees reprimend him for gossip and slander that hurts the work of the board;

That the chairman make public the nature of the reprimand in the manner of the chairman's choosing;

And that Mr. Burleson be removed from all trustee committees until such time as the Southern Baptist Convention rules.

Motion carried by a 2/3 majority vote.

(This action was rescinded without objection at the March 22, 2006 meeting.)

Request by Wade Burleson to read into the record his response was ruled out of order by the chairman.

Motion was made by Lonnie Wascom and seconded to move into Executive Session. Motion carried.

Following Exectuive Session the meeting adjourned with Chuck McAlister, trustee from Arkansas leading in prayer.

I express my public support of the unanimous decision to rescind the recommendation to remove me from the IMB.

Since that Board action at Tampa Bay rescinding the recommendation, I have been asked countless times by people why I am not being allowed to serve on any committees of the IMB if the motion to remove was rescinded unanimously.

I do not know. I am not criticizing the decision :) I just honestly do not know.

I am prepared to make public before the entire SBC all relevant and pertinent materials that go to the heart of my concern for the SBC and the IMB. The Executive Committee of the IMB, under the leadership of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, has requested that the matters be handled internally.

I continue to await the opportunity to address the Board to review the materials that serve as the basis for my concerns.

Until then, I will continue to serve at the pleasure of the Board and the Southern Baptist Convention.

I would like to point out that only 68 trustees of the 89 on the Board were present in the January meeting when the recommendation for my removal was rescinded. Not all of those 68 voted for the recommendation. Even though it was my blog which caused all the consternation, I am grateful for my blog because it has enabled me to point to a consistency, from the beginning, of that which I have said. The following four articles are posted to help you understand the timeline of the motion. The following is for your information and I am offering no comment. I simply ask that you read them so that you can see where things stand now.


January 11th - My account of the last Plenary Session in January: To My Friends, Family, and Church.

January 11th - The official statement to Baptist Press from the Chairman regarding the motion: Mission Board Seeks Removal of Trustee Burleson.

January 14th - Puzzlement expressed by me regarding the motion to remove:
Five Salient Points.

February 15th - The Executive Committee announces their intention to rescind the motion: IMB Chairman and Oklahoma Trustee Report Accountability Dialogue.

March 22nd - The Board adopts new policies to prohibit criticism of Board actions: Trustees at IMB Meeting Adopt New Policies Regarding Public Criticism.

I close by expressing my support for the IMB and the work of our missionaries world wide. I look forward to serving the convention for the next seven and one half years, Lord willing, as an IMB trustee.

God bless Dr. Rankin. God bless our missionaries. God bless the SBC. God bless the IMB trustees.

And may God bless you.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson

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