Thursday, January 26, 2006

Heartfelt Words to My Wife

Following the sound advice of Dorcas, I dedicate this post to my greatest supporter, best friend, and wife of 23 years. Rachelle turns 43 Saturday. She's a wonderful mom (4 kids ages 18, 17, 15, 12), a great nurse, and the sweetest Christian on earth.

My Dear Rachelle,

In God's love for me,
He brought you into my life;
In God's plan for me,
He gave you to be my wife.

In God's goodness to me,
He made you to be my very best friend;
In God's kindness to me,
He sealed you in my heart until the end.

In God's patience with me,
He sent you to be light when I am blind;
In God's working with me,
He knit you in the fabric of my mind.

Thank you, God,
for giving to me Rachelle.
Thank you, Rachelle,
for giving to me our God.

With love, your husband,


Happy Birthday! I've purchased for us a timeshare in Greensboro :)


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Rachelle!!! and THANK YOU, WADE & RACHELLE for your testimony and example as a couple. What perfect complements you are to each other and how enriched are we for seeing the whole of GOD in your union. Your grateful and proud sis & sis-in-law, Cherri

Anonymous said...

I wish my wife had heard this from me.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you, Rachelle!
You are a special person and Wade is most fortunate! I'm sure he is quite a guy, also!

Florence in KY

Jeff Richard Young said...

Dear Wade,

What a sweet post! You said, though, that we are to avoid factual errors on this blog. Therefore you will have to change your post from "sweetest Christian on earth" to "second sweetest Christian on earth," since my wife Susan is clearly the sweetest Christian ever to live!

Happy Birthday, Mrs. B!


Anonymous said...

Wade,I'm SOOOO glad,that in the midst of all of this, that you have not lost your sense of humor.(your "purchase" proves that)


to BOTH of you: thank you doesn't seem adequate to express how grateful I and my family are that God saw fit for to send you and your family to Emmanuel. You have been SUCH a blessing to us. What a pleasure it has been to watch your children grow from young children & babies to fine young adults and teens!!

I know that I am "preaching to the choir", but DO NOT give up, stay the course. Jesus is the Lord of the Valleys as well as the Lord of the Mountaintops! God STILL sits on the throne (hallelujah) and His will will STILL reign supreme.

Clif Cummings said...

Rachelle & Wade,
You both continue to be a shining light and example to all couples. Especially to those of us in the ministry and have had the wonderful privilege of serving along side you!
Happy Birthday Rachelle! A time share in Greensboro? Hold out for diamonds!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. What an incredible gift that poem is! I can hardly type for the tears. How precious.

Anonymous said...

I feel a little awkward. :)

Anyway, happy birthday Rachelle!

Jon B.

Anonymous said...

If you can post her age on WWW and get away with, she is indeed quite a lady! Congratulations to you both on each milestone.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sis!

We are praying for you both and think of you and the kids often.

Stacy & Family

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rachelle,

We know this is late, but communication is a little slow coming out of the East Asia Region. This is our first chance to get online since we came to Thailand for AGM.

Your family continues to be in our prayers.

We love you,

Dad and Mom