Monday, February 25, 2019

"Adam Greenway Is The Right Choice for SWBTS"

Guest Post by Lee Enochs, Alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dr. Adam Greenway
“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine” (1 Timothy 5:17).

As an alumnus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and as a Southern Baptist, I am grateful to God that Dr. Adam Greenway will be the next President of my beloved seminary Alma Mater. 

I learned many great things while I was a student preacher at Southwestern Seminary and my heart rejoices in Jesus Christ our savior that the trustees of that venerable Fort Worth institution will entrust Dr. Greenway with this solemn stewardship and that “Seminary Hill” will be placed in good hands moving forward.

Though my journey after graduating from Southwestern Seminary has taken me far from the good people and those country roads of North Texas, I will always be a “Southwesterner.”

While a graduate student at Princeton, I often thought of all my professors and classmates at Southwestern and prayed that one day I could come back to my beloved seminary home. Southwestern Seminary will always be a part of me.

For in the immortal words of the incomparable poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
“I am a part of all that I have met. To much is taken, much abides.
That which we are, we are --One equal temper of heroic hearts Strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
Without a doubt, the task set before Dr. Greenway in restoring Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to its former prestigious and elevated academic and ministerial heights is monumental and fraught with peril. However, I believe Dr. Greenway is up to the challenge and he can rebuild what has been torn asunder.

Under Adam Greenway, Southwestern can begin again. I believe God has raised Dr. Greenway up to be God’s man in this time.

For such a time as this, the good Lord of the good Book has called Dr. Greenway to restore Southwestern so it can once again be a light to the nations.

While it is true that Southwestern Seminary has fallen on hard times of late, it can once again become the training ground for Southern Baptist ministers envisioned by B. H. Carroll and it’s founder.

For the Gospel Work must go on. The Word of God is true. The Southern Baptist Convention and all its churches and Seminaries will endure, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ’s church.

I and many Southern Baptists across the country are now praying for Adam Greenway, God’s man for Southwestern Seminary and for this hour.
“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen” (Jude 24-25).


Lee Enochs is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary and writes regularly for newspapers and magazines across the country.


Anonymous said...

Does this mean that southwestern will begin to lean more toward the reformed theology?

when you read the beliefs of the school he came from election is very obvious in there statement of believes.

Just wondering?

Victorious said...

Scripture reference should be 1 Timothy 5:17....

Lee Enochs said...

You are right! My bad! I just asked Pastor Wade to change that!

Rex Ray said...

Wonder if Greenway will remove two pictures in the stain glass at the Chapel.

Rex Ray said...

OFF TOPIC but something to think about.

Our church is planning to add to our bylaws that our beliefs are against homosexuality and prohibit our pastor from conducing ‘gay weddings’. That would keep him from being sued for refusing to conduct a ‘gay marriage ceremony’.

Rex Ray said...

“God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into heaps of ashes and blotted the off the face of the earth, making them an example for all the ungodly in the future to look back upon and fear.” (2 Peter 2:6 Living)

Opts, looks like I’m off topic again. I hope Greenway has the guts to do what I’d like for him to do about that stain glass.

Rex Ray said...

I mean will God bless a Seminary that honors a pedophile and another that’s been ‘kicked-out’?

Alaskan in Texas said...

I don't know Lee Enoch, but he seems extremely pleased that Adam Greenway has been nominated to be president of SWBTS. But even though Mr. Enoch has a flair for flowery language, Psalm-like turns of phrase, and restating his ideas first one way and then another, he shares precious little insight into WHY he thinks Dr. Greenway has been chosen for such a time as this. Did Mr. Enoch know Dr. Greenway personally or professionally in a way that gives him some unique insight into Dr. Greenway's ability to take on the job of restoring SWBTS? If so, how about an anecdote or two that helps the rest of us get to know Dr. Greenway a little better. What qualities does Dr. Greenway have, beyond the educational and career accomplishments listed on his CV, that make him the man of the hour? A little less fluff and a little more substance would go a long way to helping SWBST alumni get to know Dr. Greenway better.

Former SWBTS student said...

I hope for the sake of all involved, he does a great job. On paper he seems like a good dude.

However, the problem bigger than the presidency was a trustee board that failed on a monumental level, and they are still there. They have made no public apologies and not a single one of them has resigned to my knowledge.
I remember a SBC trustee who was removed for writing a blog, but apparently running an institution into the ground is permissible.
If the trustees do not own up or resign the least that should be done is to ensure these individuals NEVER serve on any trustee board in the SBC ever again (i.e. blacklist them).

Rex Ray said...

Former SWBTS student,

Are you talking about the SWBTS Trustees that became heroes when instead of retiring Page Patterson with honor and a salary, gave him the boot?

Unknown said...

Anonymous wrote:

"Does this mean that southwestern will begin to lean more toward the reformed theology?"

Well, no one knows the future, but Dr. Greenway was a loyal subject of Pope Albert I of Louisville, and it seems that no one gets a job as an SBC entity head without kissing the papal ring. I don't see him varying from the Mohler model.

L. Lee said...

Of Note:

Anonymous said...

now they have also elected a vp from southern southern. I think this ship his headed toward Louisville. The concept of women in ministry doesn't look like it's going to be changing anytime soon..

Lee Enochs said...

I want to thank Pastor Wade Burleson for allowing me to publish this article on his important blog. Pastor Wade has been a major voice in the Southern Baptist Convention for change for many years. Wade Burleson is a major operator and change agent in the SBC and has impacted the entire Southern Baptist Convention in the last year in ways that very few people will ever understand. I know for certain, that without Wade Burleson, the events regarding SWBTS last year would not have unfolded like they did. As a person that knows the power of social media platforms in our generation, I know how much influence this blog and the "Baptist Blogger" site as in SBC life whether some in our convention like it or not. Whether you agree with Pastor Wade, he is a major force in Southern Baptist life today and felt obliged to publish here on this blog due to its enormous influence throughout the country. While my post here was written in a traditional and indigenous Southern Baptist Sermon style and focused on Dr. Adam Greenway as "God's man for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary," I assure the readers here, that I have done my due diligence and researched Dr. Greenway's background before posting this essay of support for him and his team at SWBTS. Due to his enormous success as an educator, administrator, and statesman at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and in the SBC nationwide, Dr. Greenway is more than qualified to take the helm of as the new President of his and my beloved seminary alma mater, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Rex Ray said...

Lee Enochs,

I noticed you spoke highly of Wade with FIVE sentences and only ONE for Greenway (“success as an educator, administrator, and statesman at SBTS, the Kentucky Baptist Convention, and in the SBC nationwide.”)

Since you didn’t name one item that he did to prove your point, we’re left to believe only your opinion. So I’ll ask in your opinion with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, will Greenway remove the pictures in SWBTS stain glass of Paige Patterson and Paul Pressler?