Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Authoritarianism, Fundamentalism, and Religious Leaders Who Control Those in Front of Them

Mariam Ishag, a Christian woman in Sudan, was hanged by fundamentalist religious leaders for 'apostasy.'

In Sudan, there is no difference between 'civil' authority and 'religious' authority. The civil authorities in charge of Sudan believe it a crime to be a Christian.

Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa sentenced Mariam to death with these words: "We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death."

The Sudanese judge believes himself to be God's authority over this woman's life. He sentenced Mariam 'to death' because he believes he possesses his power and authority from the Divine. When the judge speaks, he believes he speaks for Allah.

Most American evangelicals will cringe at such abuse of authority.

However, American evangelicals need to self-examine before criticizing Islamic perversions of religious authority. Radical Islamicists carry out in this life what American evangelicals decree for the next life.

Condemnation. Judgment. Death.

The most dangerous kind of 'authority' is the kind that takes away a person's freedoms to believe, speak, and live - in this life - as that person desires.

Fundamentalism and extremism, regardless of the religion which gives birth to it, is birthed by religious leaders who claim Divine appointment and who feel the mandate to control all the people in front of them.

Tight control over others is a tell-tale sign of little confidence within myself.

G.K. Chesterton once said, "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."

To be a soldier set on fire from hell is to be the kind of person who seeks to control those in front (e.g. religious fundamentalism or secular humanism).

To be a true soldier of Christ is to be the kind of person who acknowledges, accepts, and answers those who ask "of the hope that is within us" and refuses to fight.

Why do true soldiers of Christ not fight their "enemies"?

Because we know that what is behind us is already saved and safe by God's grace. 

And we believe that Christ meant it when He said 'By your love for others will all know that you are My disciples" (John 13:35).

Avoid authoritarianism. Avoid fundamentalism.

The former gives birth to the latter, but Christ roots both out of His people.


Rex Ray said...


An example of “Fundamentalism” is:

David Flick wrote: “Adrian Rogers is probably best known for his "pickles have souls" statement. The statement related to the hiring and firing of SBC seminary professors. He said, “If we say pickles have souls, they better teach that pickles have souls.” Seminary professors who refused to comply to the convention's dictates were fired, sought employment elsewhere, or took early retirement.”

I think you better read John 13:35 again. :)

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (NLT)

Or does “one another” interpret as ‘others’?

Wade Burleson said...

"one another" and "others" seems to be synonyms in English (to me), but I would agree "one another" is the best translation.

Tom said...


I define Freedom as having a meaningful personal relation with God. It is a spiritual entity that is within me and something that cannot be forcibly taken from me unless it give it up.

What you are writing about is the liberty granted through the law of society to be able to worship a "deity" of ones choice without fear. Sadly, society believes that they can force people to abide by the laws surround the societies granted liberties and adhere to the "liberties" granted and enshrined within the rules of enjoying those liberties.

I can worship God, the Almighty, in my spirit, and no-one can stop me exercising that "spiritual Freedom, however, the rules of our liberties can force and even stop me from publicly worshipping God, the Almighty, if they have to listen or hear my worshipping of God.

The fourth beast of Daniel 7:1-12 in conjunction with the Little Horn are presently trampling people's desires to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with threats of death in the mistaken understanding that a physical death with kill off that person's ability to continue in the worship of God, the Almighty. This Fourth beast has established a "new" religion that is speaking out great and pompous words against God.

Presently in countries like the USA, people's liberties are slowly being removed and the PC speaking language is an attempt to remove the worship of God from our society by it being called "Hate Speech." If our conversations with people is to condemn them to "hell," then we must rally hate them and not love them.

Language usage is so important to covey the message of Christ to others, that we must be prepared to lay down our own lives so that other's may be challenged to live within the power of the God that we believe in without being forced to do so. We need to live our lives such that other are drawn to also worship the God of our faith.

What does this mean and can people limit the liberties for the Christians within their society to demonstrate the love of God to them.

The question that we should be asking ourselves is, "Are we prepared to relinquish our freedom in Christ so that our physical life can be sustained a little longer?


Christiane said...

Hello Tom Ross,

you wrote, " . . . the PC speaking language is an attempt to remove the worship of God from our society by it being called "Hate Speech."

could you give a specific example please?

Rex Ray said...


Another example of ‘Legalism’:

Report to the Board
Office of the President
Jerry Rankin, President
April 9, 1997
Enlarged text are concerns by Rex Ray

“This is an awesome moment to stand before you and attempt to articulate the beginning of a NEW PARADIGM IN OVERSEAS ADMINISTRATION AND STRUCTURE. Such an expectancy has been created regarding these recommendations that it seems the WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING WITH BATED BREATH for what I am going to say.

GOD IS ACCELERATING A MOVEMENT toward fulfilling His purpose of bringing a lost world to redemption. We…must be willing to make whatever changes are necessary to KEEP PACE WITH WHAT GOD IS DOING…We are preparing a REDESIGN OF THE WAY WE ARE ORGANIZED in order to facilitate…a passion to bring all the people to J.C. and reach all the peoples of the world. This vision… must stimulate a CHANGE OF ATTITUDE…let me state the REAL OBJECTIVE OF THIS NEW PARADIGM…To realize that potential through the GUIDANCE AND ANOINTING OF GOD WILL REQUIRE A SIGNIFICANT SHIFT IN ATTITUDES AND WAYS OF FUNCTIONING. We should recognize that some standardization of policy is necessary for serving the needs of more than 4,000 field personnel, and having recognized that, PUT THE POLICY MANUAL ON THE SHELF and focus on the task of winning our world. We are starting with structure, but the real evidence of change will come when the following characteristics are reflected.



Noticed Rankin said “WE” but he really meant ‘you’. His reference to Jesus Christ as J.C. in my opinion shows little respect for our Lord, and his “God-appointed leadership replaced the Holy Spirit. He made missionaries employees.

Rankin was number eleven on Flick’s 30 men list.

Bob Cleveland said...

Most of the instances of "one another" indicated a reciprocal relationship. Thus it seems really to mean "one another". Among those to whom the instruction was given.

Bob Cleveland said...

Another thought: The fundamentalism we've seen in the SBC seems, to me, to stem from someone who thinks they are so intelligent/spiritual/perceptive that they know all there is to know about scripture. I don't have nearly the faith to believe that about myself, and I don't believe that of anyone else, either.

Rex Ray said...


Good thoughts; both times.


G.K. Chesterton once said, "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."

What Chesterton said sounds good, but I believe why people or countries fight is PAYBACK

At a young age, my father joined the army in World War I for one reason. He believed Germans had killed his brother and he wanted to kill Germans. After the war ended he was in a barn loft and saw his brother walking the road to their house. The army had reported him dead after they lost track of him when he was in a hospital from mustard gas.

Remember God answered Samson prayer:

“…Oh Lord Jehovah, remember me again—please strengthen me one more time, so that I may PAY BACK the Philistines for the loss of at least one of my eyes.” (Judges 16:28 Living)

On 17 of March, German submarines sank three American merchant vessels, and the U.S. declared war on Germany in April 1917.

Yesterday was 17 years ago of “9-11”. Didn’t that influence a war?

Wade Burleson said...

Tom, Rex, Christiane, Bob,

Superb comments all. And, excellent questions that should cause all to think.

bunkababy said...

Why do true soldiers of Christ not fight their "enemies"?

Christ did not fight what we would perceive as his enemies. Did he fight the very man that betrayed him, Judas? Nope
Or the soldiers who arrested him? Nope
Or pontius Pilate? Nope.

He did condemn (fight) those religious leaders who kept the letter of the law. Which could be seen as a form of fundamentalism. Definitly legalism. Yup.

In my view the "enemies" PERCEIVED in today's Christianity are those that seem to offend the Christian's "right" to an opinon. The "enemy" seems to be those that want equality. And fight for it. I can't really blame the lgbtq community for wanting acceptance. It is a human need within everyone to be loved and accepted. I personally won't deny them equality and acceptance.

Or the "enemy" is parliament who removed prayer in schools. (Prayer can never be taken away from a christian, we can pray in our mind, duh)

Do I personally think they are a threat to my relationship with Christ? Absolutely not! How could they be?

((Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Death, nor life, angels, demons, or fears for today, or worries for tomorrow, not even the powers of hell.
Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of Christ.))

And yet they are ONE of the perceived enemies of Christianity.

And yet Christian's fight tooth and nail against THEM because somehow there is a threat to their personal being or relationship to Christ.
Then they feel persecuted because they speak up and speak"truth" against them, thus being persecuted for their voice. And christianity is threatened.

Grow a pair people. Christ died. Paul was chained, whipped, oppressed on all sides. And like them Stephen was stoned for preaching the freeing, liberty of the gospel.

The gospel of Christ is not calling out Jazz on twitter calling her a myth, Derick

This is so twisted beyond measure.
Sorry folks Christ didn't waste his time fighting the LGTBQ of his day, the unsaved lost folks were not the enemy.

The hypocritical sadducees, and pharisees were his enemy. The legalist, the fundamentalists of his day were. The members of the Jews keeping them captive, and bound unable for them to see their saviour.

I still believe the biggest threat to Christianity is not those outside of Christianity but segments of Christianity itself. Lies, false doctrine, and wolves in the sheep fold are it's threat.

Those fundamentalist leaders weigh people down with legalism and lies.
"They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them" matt 23:4

I look at the Paige Pattterson's. The The Doug Phillip's of Vision Forum weighing down little girls in servitude to their fathers in practice to serve their future husbands. Seeing his own 6 yrs old daughter wanting to remove a male guest's shoes and rubbing his feet as a success story of Christianity. Or removing his wives ability to take communion on her own by his own absence to serve it to her. Or worse yet having a two year old son serve in lieu of his absence. Because he is the male headship over his wife. ( I personally read this on his own blog, Vision Forum in around late 2009-11, before it was scrubbed)

Or the damage Andy Savage, Chris Conlee of High Point created. And worse the horrible treatment of a rape victim Jane's story at The Masters Seminary.

Or even MacArthur's recent words that a woman must be under ALL males authority.

These are threats to Christian's having a real relationship with Christ. Because these extreme legalistic rules keep you so occupied and deceived into believing in "another Jesus".

Christiane said...

I'm thinking that a certain kind of 'christian' fundamentalism is heavily invested in politics and in big (very dirty) money. It's this kind of fundamentalism that promotes 'Dominionism' as a way of controlling their 'base' and gaining more power.
And their acclaimed 'annointed' leader?
Well, let's just say they didn't name Jesus Christ, no.

bunkababy said...


Yes! I think though, that certain type of fundamentalism might be broader than we think.
And there are two throngs of dominionism. One in long denim skirts, and another wiggling, shaking, toking on the baby Jesus, and grave sucking on the previous fathers of christianity graves. No joke.

Infact that dominionist mindset was point by point prayed through during a recent service at Bethel in Redding, California a few Sundays ago.

Dirty money there folks dirty money everywhere.

bunkababy said...


Do you think fundamentalism is a WAY of control that not only sneaks in diguised as ultra conservativism or the ideals of fundamentalism can also be in the wiggly shakers over at Bethel?

I have read some pretty horrific testimonies of people who didn't "conform" to their beliefs in a nano second and got pretty emotionally spiritually abused by the staff. And labelled rebelious and what not.
Or are both just extremes?
Or are each cults? I have heard it said that cults can agree on the fundamentals of christianity. Cross, resurrection, baptism etc, but that the non essentials of the faith are brought up to the same level as the essentials, often even more emphasized?

Or are they false churches with false doctrines? How far would you push it?

Anonymous said...

I definitely believe there is a major danger in fundamentalism by the understanding of what fundamentalism is today. I do not believe that those actively involved in the leadership of fundamentalism have the deep down desire to control lives and be God's judge. However, there is no doubt though that is the result. The bigger danger I see in fundamentalism is the pride that comes with the position and the failure to humble themselves enough to see their faults in those standards. This applies to the leadership and laypeople alike.

At the same time, we can be just as prideful in our own belief of Grace.

I would never encourage anyone to join a church where the leadership is authoritarian in nature, but I would also never assume the leaders are not Christian or do not love Christ.

Rex Ray said...

Romycat Black,

You hit the nail on the head when you said, “Jesus did condemn those religious leaders who kept the letter of the law.”

I believe the Bible gives an example of Jesus prophesizing one of them (priest) being in hell. It’s a long story that starts in Exodus. “…This is a permanent law for Aaron [priest] and ALL his descendants after him.” (Exodus 28:43 NLT) “Clothe your brother, Aaron, and his sons with these garments…” (Exodus 28:41) The garments were to be beautiful and the color “PURPLE” is mentioned many times. (Exodus 28:15-33)

“There was a rich man clothed in purple…” (Luke 16:19)

Several 19th-century writers such as Johann Nepomuk Sepp and the Abbé Drioux, considered that there may be a concealed reference to Annas in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus which points at a "rich man" with five brothers (Luke:16:28). It is considered that the rich man dressed in purple and fine linen (Exodus 28:8) represents Annas as the "father" in Luke 16:27, and the "five brothers" Luke 16:28 are Annas' five sons. In support of this is the coincidence that the father and five brothers who will not be convinced even if Lazarus is raised from the dead (Luke 16:31) predict that Annas, and the five sons of Annas would not believe.

“The story of Lazarus and the rich man as a true incident has several reasons. The story is never called a parable. The story uses the actual name of a person whereas parables do not. It does not fit the definition of a parable, which is a spiritual truth using an earthly illustration. It presents spiritual truth directly, with no earthly metaphor. The setting for most of the story is the afterlife, as opposed to parables, which unfold in earthly contexts.”

Christiane said...

Hello ROMY

I took a look at the web site for Bethel in Redding CA and, OMG it seems scary and cult-like in the details of what they are trying to pull people into . . . it doesn't even seem like a 'typical' setting where 'membership agreements' have to be formally worked out

Taking a look at the formal sites of some of these religious communities can be very eye-opening and there are red-light warning signs sometimes that help people to be wary of what they are getting into. I think Bethel's site sends a LOT of warning signals if people know what to look for, yes.

Tom said...

In the Australian context of the same sex marriage act debate prior to the act being passed, any biblical references to people with a sexual preference with people of the same gender was called hateful and as such was referred to as "hate speech" during the campaign for the same sex marriage act. The people who wanted the act to be passed, called any reference to the Bible as a "Hate Crime."

In America, I believe you also find similar usage within the PC environment.


Christiane said...

Hello Tom Ross,
thank you for responding to my question

About those Book of Daniel quotes, in my Church it is thought that the 'beast' imagery refers to the Babylonian, Median, Persian, and Greek kingdoms;
and the 'little horn' image stood for Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175–164 B.C.), who usurped the Greek throne and persecuted the Jews . . .

One always hopes that those who minister to ANY persons who need Christ will be people whose own minds and hearts are conformed to the mind and heart of Christ, so that their care for others will be as if Our Lord Himself was present in their midst.

Rex Ray said...

Oh, come on Wade,

You know my reply to Romycat was really aimed at you since you and I had this debate (parable vs. prophesy) many years ago, and I came out on the short end of the stick.

I started with Exodus and ran across these two guys on Google.

I believe Jesus had a sense of humor and knowing these guys were plotting to kill him and Lazarus, he didn’t pass up the opportunity to tell what their ‘reward’ was going to be.

P.S. When I turned 85, you almost ran my legs off in Israel. I thank God for every remembrance of you.

Wade Burleson said...

Romycat Black,

Good questions. I am too unfamiliar with Bethel to make a judgment, but if the characteristics you describe are present, then I would tend to agree with your assessment!


We are in Texas. Rachelle’s father is near death, and I’m with her family. I, too, have fond memories of Israel! Both you and I “outkicked our coverages” when we married our wives! :)

Rex Ray said...


I agree about ‘marrying up’. I complained to my daughter when she visited us, why she talked more with Judy than me.

“She’s more responsive than you.”

Sorry to hear about Rachelle’s father. I remember the last words I had with my father.

“If you’d give me your belt, I could get out of this horse trough.”
“No, Daddy, you’re in a hospital bed.”
With tears down his face, “I’ve done a lot for you.”
Quick as a flash, my belt was in his hands and with a smile he said, “I love you”.
“I love you too.”
He went to sleep, and I remembered his favorite song:

“Been traveling for Jesus the most of my life; over land and over sea, but I counting on taking a trip to the sky; that will be the last moving for me.”

Anonymous said...

Biblical fundamentalism is not the problem, biblical punitivism is.....

Christiane said...

Hello REX RAY,
I always shed tears when you share that story about your father.

Christiane said...

Hello Romycat,

I was thinking about your phrase " fundamentalism is a WAY of control that not only sneaks in diguised as ultra conservativism "

I just wrote a comment over on Imonk site that I will share with you because I wonder if without thinking, people 'conform' in conservative circles for the wrong reasons and this conformity comes at the expense of their own personal integrity . . .

"I wonder if ‘belonging’ isn’t some kind of ‘shelter from the storm’ we all seek; and in order to ‘belong’, we are willing to conform in ways that are not who we really are?
Can we not be ‘with’ people who are not like-minded in a way that celebrates our shared human connection with them as human persons more than a shared ‘worldview’ (I HATE that word)?
Is the PERSON not more important to us than what the person believes?
Are we not all made of the same elements of the Earth? And has not the same Creator breathed life into all of us?

It is said that ‘love’ is given for the sake of the ‘other’ without thought of recompense or reward. Why is it so hard to love others for their own sake as persons, especially those who seem so repulsive to us? How do we get past the ‘contempt’ we feel for others because SO often, that ‘contempt’ is a projection we lay on them instead of dealing with our own mess???

Or do we ‘come away’ and withdraw to ourselves out of grief for the sadness of our human kind? Like that phrase from the Yeats poem . . . . ‘for the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand’ ???

I love the idea of seeking a personal ‘integrity’ . . . . .
especially in this age when a ‘go along to get along’ small-town survival mode has yielded something in our society where so many have turned to praise and follow the unthinkable for their leader and as a result, hundreds of ‘tender age’ immigrants are crying for their mothers and fathers inside of their cages. . . . ."

I know that 'fundamentalist' leaders are controlling people, but I also think that those who allow themselves to BE controlled are doing it at a great loss of self-esteem in the process of 'safely belonging' to a group. It is being said in many quarters that 'this is not who we are as Americans', and I think that feeling is growing among our citizens rather than being extinguished and silenced.

Victorious said...

Praying for Rachelle and her family...

Rex Ray said...



You wrote: “Are we not all made of the same elements of the Earth? And has not the same Creator breathed life into all of us?”

Today’s paper covered the funeral of a 26 year-old man who was a choir member and popular in the Church of Christ. Their pastor said, “He was the light in the dark room.”

The circumstance of his death is strange.

He lived in an apartment complex two blocks from a police station in Dallas. A 50 year-old police-woman lived in the same complex. The doors have room numbers.

After finishing an 8-hour shift, this tired woman couldn’t get her key to open the door because she was trying to unlock his door. He opened the door and she shot him twice.

She believed he was a burglar.

I think the main difference; she was White, he was Black.

Who knows the ‘filter’ in her mind with dealing with Blacks?

Our nation still has a ‘color’ problem.

Rex Ray said...


There are 30 parables of Jesus that tell of an ‘earthly story’ with a heavenly meaning. But the “Rich man and Lazarus” (Rm&L) is a story that takes place on earth AND hell.

All parables ARE possible, but for (Rm&L) to be possible the rich man’s brothers MUST be alive while he IS in hell and Lazarus IS in heaven.

The same logic applies if the (Rm&L) is prophesy.

That means heaven and hell exist today.

That means a dead person does not stay in the grave waiting judgment.

Words in the Bible that are NOT true is NOT Scripture.

To believe ALL words in the Bible are true is to believe “inerrancy” and the Kool-Aid of Fundamentalists.

Christiane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christiane said...

Prayers for Rachelle and the family are being said. Very sad news.

Christiane said...

Hey Rex Ray,

yes, I have heard about the killing of Mr.Botham Shem Jean, and that the police woman neighbor who did it was, at best confused about the location of her apartment at the end of a very long stressful working day. Was 'race' a part of it? I don't know. I'm willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt as long as is possible to do it. I feel very sad for that young man who died. He sounded like someone who was a beloved part of his faith community, and who had much to give of good into this world. May God receive him into His Presence now and forevermore.

I came across a quote from 'Father Ernesto', an Orthodox priest, on Imonk, which may be meaningful to you. It was to me, this:

"“Before the altar of God, I stand in union with human failure throughout the ages, and in union with the infinite compassion of Christ.” (Father Ernesto)

Rex, there are times when human actions go wrong and seem tangled and there is suffering, but God IS merciful, and we CAN have hope and TRUST in Him to help us find peace during these times. It is good to remember that we human persons do need the mercy of Christ in the midst of our lives as an on-going gift of grace.

Lissa Roberson said...

Can't resist -- feel free to delete. We've been following Don's progress/decline with Nancy over the months, including a very heartwarming convo. right after July 4th. I'd had brain surgery in April, so we talked a lot about "brain"-related stuff. Our hearts are with you all as you spend Don's last precious moments on earth together as a family. We love him so much.

Wanda said...

Keeping you in my prayers. So sorry about Rachelle’s dad.

Christiane said...

from the Adon Olam, a prayer of comfort in time of need:

". . . Without beginning, without end,
power and dominion belong to Him.
He is my G‑d and my ever-living Redeemer,
the strength of my lot in time of distress.
He is my banner and my refuge,
my portion on the day I call.
Into His hand I entrust my spirit,
when I sleep and when I wake.
And with my soul, my body too,
the Lord is with me, I shall not fear."

JDV said...

FYI, she was sentenced but was not hanged and has left Sudan.

Christiane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rex Ray said...


What hospital is Rachelle’s father in?

Wade Burleson said...


Don passed away Tuesday morning at 7:22 am. He was in Frisco at a very nice assisted living center due to his recent medical issues. Thanks for your concern. Funeral will be Friday, September 24, 2018, at FBC Frisco, Texas.

Rex Ray said...


Sorry for Rachelle and your loss. Will his funeral be September 24 or 21, and time of funeral?

During the last week, my brother and his wife have both broken their legs in different assisted living places.

His life has ranged from causing a judge to apologize for cursing after he placed her under ‘citizen’s arrest’ to a second grade girl putting her arm around his shoulders and saying. “Oh my, oh my! What’s we going to do? Our nice teacher Mr. Ray is supposed to teach us something, but he don’t knows nothing!”

Christiane said...

I will say prayers for you, Rachelle, and the family this week, that God gives comfort and peace to your hearts.

Christiane said...

One of the most triumphant portions of the Anglican Service of Christian Burial contains these words from sacred Scripture:

"I KNOW that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.
And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.

(from the Book of Job 19:25-27)

Rex Ray said...

30 People, 7 Boards, 2 Committees, and 1 News Service
Who Messed Up the Southern Baptist Convention
Rex Ray writes his memories:

Paul Pressler - His book, “On a Hill which to Die”. Should be: ‘On a Hill which to Kill’.
W. A. Criswell - Our pastor gave a tour of Koreans through Criswell’s church. They saw all the pictures and statues of Criswell. Later they asked, “Do they worship Jesus or Criswell?” He was the speaker at a youth retreat where my brother was saved at age 13. It was there a pulpit committee decided they wanted him to be their pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas.
Paige Patterson - I heard Patterson say “The Baptist World Alliance is gay friendly.” While President of the SBC, he picked 15 friends to write the BF&M 2000 that made women second class Christians, and permitted only men to be pastors. I asked Patterson if Criswell’s Study Bible answered all the ‘errors’ of the Bible or only some of them. He yelled to the crowd, “WE GOT ALL OF THEM.” I asked what about the ruler’s daughter being dead in Matthew and alive in Mark and Luke. In a whisper, he said, “We got all we could.” When talking to a gun-club, he said, “The greatest need in America was for every boy to have a Dad, a dog, and a gun.”
Adrian Rogers - The year Rogers was elected President of the SBC, I helped a friend pass out his negative paper about Fundamentalists. We were removed from the foyer to the sidewalk. Rogers’s Church had a youth retreat camp. Volunteer Christian Builders repaired their small cabins. I left my copy of “The Truth of Acts” with his secretary but never heard a reply.
Morris Chapman - The Baptist Standard paper printed a letter by W.I. Sparkman on April 9, 2002: “I’m a widow in my 80th year, and distressed over what has happened to our convention. Morris Chapman wrote a letter to churches in Texas suggested they give less money to BGCT and persuade them to join the rival convention. It reminded me of a man trying to woo a wife away from a faithful husband and not caring how she would be deserting her many children—ministries of the BGCT.”
Albert Mohler - A Baptist Standard letter to the editor on 12-18-11 stated: “Albert Mohler agreed with the BF&M 2000 changing “priesthood of believer” to “priesthood of the believers” because without the “s” gave too much power to the individual.”
Dorothy Patterson - As a faculty member of SWBTS she taught a class on how to cook. She said, “I obey my husband even when he’s wrong, then on Judgment Day he’s the one to answer; not me.”
Jerry Rankin - I complained to him why our Sunday School material had, “The BF&M 2000 is our guideline, but he replied, “We can’t say that because the Church of Christ say that.” At first, he had ASKED missionaries to sign the BF&M 2000, and told my son that signing was for new missionaries only. BUT things changed. A missionary, Scott Mcintosh, requested the Baptist Press to stop coming to him because it was so one-sided for Fundamentalists. His letter ended up on the desk of President of the Executive Board, Morris Chapman. He told Rankin to get his missionaries in line and insinuated if he couldn’t they’d get someone who could. This caused Rankin to require missionaries to sign or be fired.

Rex Ray said...

My son sent me a copy of a letter he wrote missionaries on 4-9-97. (enlarged text are concerns by Rex Ray. “This is an awesome moment to stand before you and attempt to articulate the beginning of a NEW PARADIGM IN OVERSEAS ADMINISTRATION AND STRUCTURE. Such an expectancy has been created regarding these recommendations that it seems the WHOLE WORLD IS WAITING WITH BATED BREATH for what I am going to say. GOD IS ACCELERATING A MOVEMENT toward fulfilling His purpose of bringing a lost world to redemption. We…must be willing to make whatever changes are necessary to KEEP PACE WITH WHAT GOD IS DOING…We are preparing a REDESIGN OF THE WAY WE ARE ORGANIZED in order to facilitate…a passion to bring all the people to J.C. and reach all the peoples of the world. This vision… must stimulate a CHANGE OF ATTITUDE…let me state the REAL OBJECTIVE OF THIS NEW PARADIGM…To realize that potential through the GUIDANCE AND ANOINTING OF GOD WILL REQUIRE A SIGNIFICANT SHIFT IN ATTITUDES AND WAYS OF FUNCTIONING. We should recognize that some standardization of policy is necessary for serving the needs of more than 4,000 field personnel, and having recognized that, PUT THE POLICY MANUAL ON THE SHELF and focus on the task of winning our world. We are starting with structure, but the real evidence of change will come when the following characteristics are reflected. A passion to know the Messiah and make Him known with a TOTAL ABANDONMENT THAT SUPERSEDES CONCERNS OF FINANCES, FAMILY AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT. A CONFIDENCE AND WILLINGNESS TO FOLLOW THE WISDOM AND GUIDANCE OF GOD-APPOINTED LEADERSHIP WHETHER WE NECESSARILY UNDERSTAND OR AGREE.”

His reference to Jesus Christ as J.C. in my opinion shows little respect for our Lord. Noticed Rankin said “WE” but he really meant ‘you’. His “GOD-APPOINTED LEADERSHIP” replaced the Holy Spirit and made missionaries employees.
Jerry Falwell - He was asked why he changed his mind and joined Southern Baptists. He replied: “I didn’t change my mind; they came around to my way of thinking.” He had joined by giving $5,000 to the program, and in a year, he received $25,000 to build a larger church.

Tom Elliff -Letter in Baptist Standard 7-29-98 by Rex Ray: “If I was a seminary teacher or a missionary, I could have been scraped from the boat or cut from the tree long ago. But I’m just a construction volunteer looking forward to my 9th trip of building churches or missionary homes in Japan. I’ve just received a usual “Certificate of Appreciation, May and June 1998 on behalf of the SBC. This “barnacle” and “parasite” is wondering if there is a double standard.”

International Mission Board – fired Keith Parks who said the glue that held Baptists together was Missions, but Fundamentalists argued it was Doctrine. He started The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship with about 900 churches that left the SBC. My cousin, Claude Hicks went to his church in Arlington, Texas. Park’s wife asked him, “Do you know a Rex Ray?”
“He was my uncle that was a missionary to China 30 years.”
“No. I’m asking about Rex Ray the blogger.”
“He’s my cousin.”
“I believe every word he writes.” (smile)

Southwestern Baptist Seminary Trustees fire Russell Dilday-- Patterson kept adding new trustees until they were in the majority. At first, trustees said, “We don’t have to have a reason to fire Dilday, we have the votes, and we can do it.” (Dilday’s book, “Columns” page 282.) Patterson said: “Russell, you’re a conservative all right, but you’re not a ‘courageous’ conservative”; meaning you haven’t supported our campaign and you’re not one of us.” Page 299
1 News Service
The Baptist Press - A complaint about the Baptist Press showing favoritism to Fundamentalists by a missionary, Morris Chapman, started the ball rolling that caused the BF&M 2000 to become a ‘creed’ by the mandatory requirement of signing or be fired.

Christiane said...


you wrote: 'His reference to Jesus Christ as J.C. in my opinion shows little respect for our Lord."

If old Sister Ruth, our school's formidable librarian, ever got hold of Rankin for such disrespect, he would never have done it again is all I'm going to say.

Rex Ray said...



Anonymous said...

First, get your story right. Mariam Ishag was sentenced to death but sentence was not carried out. She left the Sudan the same year and now lives in New Hampshire, USA. Her mother is Orthodox Christian married to a Muslim. The two divorced and Mariam was brought up by her mom. That is the extent of her Christianity. Mariam wanted to marry a Sudanese resident of New Hampshire. Some of her siblings expected a share in her business before she left the country. Realizing that was not to be, they reported her to the government that her father is a Muslim makes her a Muslim and for her to marry a Christian amounted to adultery. Adultery in Islam is punishable by death. The motive is pure greed. Luckily the judgment never took place.

You are the real fundamentalist. You wanted to bend a story to fit your little agenda. Similar to what evangelicals are doing twisting the gospel to fit their politics and vice versa.

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