Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Culture Built on Feelings Cannot Handle Truth

America is in trouble. 

We've become a people who would rather feel than think. We want to be liked more than we want to learn. We're urged to refrain from speaking what we deem as truth to create an illusion of unity and progress since truth is viewed inferior to complex human emotions.

"If the truth you believe makes me feel bad, then you better not speak lest you offend me," says an entire generation of Americans.

We've created a cultural climate where citizens are free to shout their demands for unconditional affirmation and to intimidate others deemed intolerant because of a truth believed and spoken.

The feelers have been given the forceps.

Spoken truth is being taken, tossed, and trampled on in America.

If an American dares whisper a truth that offends, punishment is swift.

South Korea, Japan,  and the Truth

An American named Joshua Cooper Ramo was punished for truth-telling last week.

Dr. Ramo was hired by NBC as an expert on Asia to comment during the opening ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.

Dr. Ramo is an expert on Asia, educated at the University of Chicago, and a former Time Magazine foreign editor. He also serves as a top executive at former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's consulting firm.

Dr. Ramo knows Asia.

But when pictures of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared on the screen, Ramo noted that Japan occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945 and then said this:
"Every Korean will tell you that Japan is a cultural, technological, and economic example that has been so important to their own transformation." 

That's the truth. But South Koreans don't like the truth spoken publicly because it doesn't feel good. It never feels good to give credit for any positive changes that come as a result of former oppression.

NBC, in line with modern American values that feelings always trump truth, removed Dr. Ramo from their television line-up.

The Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, and the Truth

Mark Cuban was levied the largest fine in the history of the NBA for an interview he gave to Dr. Julius Erving on the radio last Sunday.

Mark Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. What was Mark Cuban's crime?

He told the truth.
"I'm probably not supposed to say this, but, like, I just had dinner with a bunch of our guys the other night, and here we are, you know, we weren't competing for the playoffs. I was like, 'Look, losing is our best option,'" Cuban said on the podcast. "Adam [Silver] would hate hearing that, but I at least sat down and I explained it to them. And I explained what our plans were going to be this summer, that we're not going to tank again. This was, like, a year and a half tanking, and that was too brutal for me. But being transparent, I think that's the key to being kind of a players' owner and having stability."
Cuban's comments were "detrimental to the NBA" according to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver.

Forget that the Dallas Mavericks have been throwing games to get a higher draft pick in the NBA lottery. It happened last year and Mark Cuban wanted it to happen again this year since the Mavericks are out of the playoff race.

The truth doesn't matter.

Perceptions, feelings, and acceptance are everything.

How the public perceives the NBA is more important than spoken truth by the NBA.

Churches, Pastors, Homosexuality, and the Truth 

A company called Church Clarity is putting pressure on pastors and churches to disclose their views on homosexuality.

The stated purpose is "clarity and transparency," but in reality, it's designed to be a means to intimidate pastors to refrain from speaking their view of truth in public because their view of truth causes people emotional pain.

According to Jonathan Merritt, "The organization’s leaders tell me there is more to come. They will now begin posting quote memes from well-known Christian leaders and pastors who have spoken about the need for clarity but have yet to disclose their positions on this matter."

"If your truth offends us or makes us feel poorly about ourselves, dear pastor," say these modern feelers, "then we'll intimidate you into silence."

The forceps of feelings is extracting truth to bury it.

Billy Graham and the Truth

When Billy Graham died, a young media activist named Lauren Duca tweeted that Billy Graham was a "rotten, evil bitch" and should "rot in hell." 

Why the venom? 

Because Lauren Duca didn't like Billy Graham's version of the truth.

According to her, Billy Graham was a hatemonger because Mr. Graham believed homosexual behavior to be a sin and urged homosexuals to repent of their sin and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.

That's why Billy Graham should rot in hell.

Mr. Graham hurt her feelings.

"Don't Ever Challenge the Feeler!"

Why are our schools in such terrible shape?

Because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Why is in our society addicted to pornography, drugs, and self-absorbed sex?

Because we are too afraid to tell anybody the truth about their behaviors. 

Why are we in trouble as a country?

Because we can't handle the truth.

Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.

I close with a video of a student who went off on his teacher. 

If bad language offends you, don't watch the video. If you want to know why we are a country headed toward cultural decline, watch the video.

Feelers have feelings and don't ever speak truth to a feeler or you'll feel the feeler's hatred.


Bob Cleveland said...

I watched the video. I can only hope the student was expelled, and that the teacher was given a commendation for holding his temper.

I wouldn't have. The kid would have wound up on the floor.

And this ties in with what Bill Bennett said, 29 years ago.

PLUS: Excellent and timely post.

This is a terrific time to be really old.

Wade Burleson said...


For the first time in my life, I thought I don't regret being younger. I believe my kids are about to face some major upheavals in the financial, social, political, and world stages.

Christiane said...

I believe in an 'integrated' understanding of our human condition, so that thoughts, feelings, etc. are inter-connected with hopefully some integrity.

As for one man's 'truth', it may not be perceived as the 'same' for another person, but that is a part of our humanity, that we see from different perspectives and even when we are honest with one another about what we see, we shall not always find ourselves in agreement over what we have observed . . .

Subjective? Objective? That alone is an entire post, I suppose.

There are 'concrete facts' out there. A favorite quote is from the masterful Southern gothic writer Flannery O'Connor, this:
"“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”
(Flannery O'Connor)

The problem comes when one man decides for another what 'truth' is and tries to enforce his opinion on the other.
As in:
IF you don't do (or do) so and so,
THEN, you are going to hell

And the other thinks that the first person is being abusive because the other person's idea of that judgement is that it is wrong.

I like to think that, within the integrity of the human person, a thought, a feeling, an experience has some meaning specifically to that person and part of 'respect' for that person is to acknowledge what is meaningful to him/her . . . to allow that person his/her experience from the perspective of his/her 'place' on this earth as a being formed in the image of God with life breathed into him/her by God Himself and sustained in life by God.

I am interested in what is meaningful to others because I cannot see from where they stand, and I know they see those things which I cannot see. They speak, they share, and I am enriched by what they also have seen.

God made us not as clones, but as individuals. For a reason. That we need one another and in our needing, we are humbled and the 'other' finds meaning and purpose in helping . . .

So here's to our individuality and uniqueness. Another favorite quote:
". . . though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried. Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact makes much impression on him, and another none. This sculpture in the memory is not without preƩstablishcd harmony. The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray." (Ralph Waldo Emerson, 'Self-Reliance')

'Trust thyself' is the theme here. Respect that which God opens our eyes to see. And be thankful for the light. Mark Twain once wrote 'consider all that you have been taught . . . and then dismiss whatever insults your own soul.' We are given discernment. To be used as blessing. We are, each of us, unique, and gifted. But the purpose of this is so that we can SERVE one another and CARE for one another. Our gifts have purpose.

Christ, the Revealer of God has come among us. |Alleluia

Wade Burleson said...


I definitely identify with Flannery O'Conner

"The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.”

I appreciate your empathy for others and being "interested in what is meaningful to others because I cannot see from where they stand." That's very commendable.

The purpose of this post is to emphasize that there is "objective truth" and that truth will set people free.

As always, thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

Bro. Wade: excellent post. Amazing how feelings have trumped truth. We recently moved long distance...again...and are searching for a church home. I'm delighted to say so far we have visited two excellent churches, plan to visit at least 2 more churches before starting the round of revisits to those that make the cut.

Where we now there are a plethora of churches that should have made round one in our church search. But when we called to find out about them, they were extremely evasive as to what they teach and believe. They just wanted to talk about the "worship experience" they offer.

NO. Just no. Tell me what you believe, and why. I can read the Bible and decide for myself if I agree or disagree and choose. But don't try to manufacture a worship experience to sell me. Don't avoid the hard stuff and just go for feelings.

Thank you for reminding us TRUTH MATTERS and truth ALWAYS trumps feelings (aka ego.)


Christiane said...

Hello WADE,

I do realize that I have been 'contrary' this week and I am genuinely hopeful that my condition is not permanent and I will return to something approaching civility soon.
Please forgive.

I cling to one major thought about 'Truth', this:
'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'

and I see Our Lord as 'Truth'. I cling to that.

RB Kuter said...

"For the first time in my life, I thought I don't regret being younger. I believe my kids are about to face some major upheavals in the financial, social, political, and world stages."

My wife and I heard our parents make that statement numerous times in reference to the society in which we were having to grow up as the hippie/Woodstock/race riots/Viet Nam riots/free sex/drug culture of our generation exploded. Since then, as I grow older and see my young grandsons coming along, I sometimes have considered if it would have been better if they had not come along to experience what lies ahead.

But you know, I am really, and truly, glad that I am living in this age. The spiritual warfare is so intense as to often be frightening. But then I consider that I am on the side of the victor and in the battle for His cause at a time when it actually may "cost" me something! I believe that we, and my grandsons, are the "Jews" mentioned in Zechariah 8:23! There may be fewer of us, but we are more desperately needed than ever before and have an unprecedented opportunity to serve our Lord faithfully during an era when it is not easy and we're called upon to step up to the plate for His Name's sake.

I know you agree with all this and your statement was not intended in any way to express defeat, just our humanity. I too still have those occasions to dread what we may be called upon to do and pray that I will be "prayed and fasted"-up when the time comes.

Wade Burleson said...

RB Kuter,

Well said.

Rex Ray said...


Feelings winning over truth is like the tail wagging the dog.

What step is America on that former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm list to destroy America?

“1. Turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.”
2. Encourage immigrants to maintain their culture. Make it an article of faith that Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due solely to prejudice and discrimination by the majority.
3. Encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture. Replace the
melting pot metaphor with the salad bowl metaphor.
4. Make the fastest growing group the least educated with a 50% high school dropout.
5. Have minorities think their lack of success is the fault of the majority.
5. Celebrate diversity over unity. Stress differences rather than similarities.
6. Make it taboo to talk about the cult of diversity. You are a “racist” or a “heretic” if you talk against the five steps above.7. Make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws.”

Christiane said...

I do not trust myself to point the finger at 'that other sinner' because I myself am a sinner upon whom God has looked. And as such, I find myself in the company of all sinners who need Our Lord and His mercy. I am one of 'the others', not someone who can look down on them. And I wonder if God is ever pleased by those who have contempt for 'those other sinners', or does He pity the finger-pointers who are blind to their own mess?

I am conscious of people’s discomfort with those who are ‘different’ and that often not knowing how to ‘fix it’ for them or ‘make it right’ for them, how it is that we seem too eager to distance ourselves from them in ways that are not Our Lord’s Ways.

What there is that makes us ‘human’ is something even more basic than our ‘maleness’ or ‘femaleness’ . . . and that IS a difference that invites us to engage with people who have gender issues on more common ground: our common human origin . . . the very soil from which we were formed and the very life breathed into us by God.

Some in the Church are wanting to surround and care for those who are ‘different’ with great patience over time with gentle care and unremitting hope for their salvation,
whereas others seem impatient in how quickly they are ready to cast transgender folk out from their midst . . .

I think it important not to be afraid of encounters with those who suffer from differences so many of us cannot understand;
or worse, not accept them as having one kind of ‘presenting form’ of that far more basic fallen human condition we all suffer from, each in our OWN way.

A person who was ‘outed’ as ‘transgender’ IS, first and last, a child of God.
What could be more important for us to know?

Christiane said...

That child in the video seems to be 'on' something.

That kind of behavior is more symptomatic of the effect of drugs in my opinion.

The video seems obviously staged, and I wonder what the premise of the film was said to be.

The Asian teacher appeared fully in control of himself and did not respond in a way that further inflamed the situation. Often how a teacher 'responds' determines the outcome of such encounters either to calm the waters, or inflame the situation.
Calmness in the face of such behavior is the sign of a professional teacher.

RB Kuter said...

Wade, speaking of preaching the "truth" even when it may not sit well with the listener, I want to ask you a question on how you do your ministry in a certain situation when it may call upon you to be steadfast in your principles even though not convenient. I assure you that my asking it is not intended to be disrespectful or to distort your message but more intended to discover how you apply your position on this timely, but controversial subject of comforting people whose loved one has passed away.

Question for Wade: In the event a member of the Graham family approached you and asked you if Billy was in heaven with God right now, would you respond by saying something like, "Scripture teaches us that he is not yet in heaven with God right now but he is peacefully "sleeping" and even though he is in an unconscious state, it is the same dynamics as when you are sleeping in the sense that he is not aware of our concept of 'time' passing him by. But he is not in heaven waiting for you. One day when Jesus returns, Billy will wake up and then he will enter into heaven to be with God at the same time you do."??

Just curious if you would be so straightforward in sharing the "truth" as you perceive it even though you know some members of the family may differ in their opinion and might even be offended at your version. Or maybe I have misunderstood your position on this issue of "what happens after death" and if so, would appreciate your patience in trying to give me a correct understanding. Though not a subject related to being steadfast in preaching the "truth" concerning homosexuality and other sins, would you not say that this scenario would portray the same principles? Thanks.

Rex Ray said...

RB Kuter,

WOW! You sure know how to hurt a guy. :)
Ask him if Moses and Elijah are still sleeping.

“...So he is the God of the living not the dead.” (Matthew 22:32, Mark 12:27, Luke 20:38) I’m afraid our friend has his mind made up only on one part of the Bible.


On the subject of ‘Feelings cannot handle Truth’, I believe Paul’s feelings evaded truth because he didn’t want to admit he would be free if he had not appealed to Caesar WHEN he did.

Paul’s second trial in 59 A.D. was before Antonius Festus in Caesarea.

“…This is the official Roman court, so I ought to be tried right here…no one has a right to turn me over to these men to kill me. I APPEAL TO CAESAR!” “…Very Caesar you will go.” (Acts 25:11-12)

Paul tells his story in 59 A.D. to King Agrippa in Caesarea.
“Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could be set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.” (Acts 26:32)

Paul arrived in Rome under ‘house arrest’ in 61 A.D.

“Three days after Paul’s arrival, he called together the local Jewish leaders. He said to them, “Brothers, I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Roman government…The Romans found no cause for the death sentence. But when the Jewish leaders protested the decision, I felt it necessary to appeal to Caesar…I asked you to come here today so we could get acquainted…because I believe that the hope of Israel—the Messiah—has already come.” (Acts 28: 17-20)

I believe Paul wanted these Roman Jewish leaders to believe in Jesus, but his feelings put the blame of him appealing to Caesar on Jews protesting the Roman decision to set him free.

Paul appealed to Caesar at his second trial before Festus (it saved his life). Also, there were no Jews present when Agrippa told Festus: “This man could be set free if Paul had not appealed to Caesar”.

Wonder how much Paul wished he had not appealed to Caesar.

RB Kuter said...

Rex Ray, I didn't intend to put pressure or put the hurt on Wade when I asked the question about how he ministers to those grieving when asked these question. Primarily, I wanted to be sure I understood his position clearly/wondered how he might phrase a response to the questions of the grieving at such times/wondering how it is received in general, when he explains his views on how Scripture reads on this.

Wade Burleson said...

RB Kuter,

I’ve read Billy Graham’s last article and one by Franklin Graham and to straightforwardly answer your question “No, I would not be so direct.” The reason? Because from a “practical” standpoint - meaning from the perspective of the one who died - entrance into heaven is IMMEDIATE.

Christiane said...

Is Billy Graham with Our Lord ?

I also believe he is with Christ . . .

From the triumphant Anglican burial service, this:

"25"As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. 26"Even after my skin is destroyed, Yet from my flesh I shall see God; 27Whom I myself shall behold, And whom my eyes will see and not another." (excerpt from Job, ch. 19)

And a prayer from my own tradition, this:

"Go forth, Christian soul, from this world
in the name of God the almighty Father,
who created you,
in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God,
who suffered for you,
in the name of the Holy Spirit,
who was poured out upon you.
Go forth, faithful Christian!

May you live in peace this day,
may your home be with God in Zion,
. . .
May you return to [your Creator]
who formed you from the dust of the earth.
May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints
come to meet you as you go forth from this life. . . .
May you see your Redeemer face to face."

YES, a resounding YES . . . I believe that the Servant of God, Billy Graham, is WITH Our Lord 'now' . . . that is my hope and the hope of many who loved this good man

Tom said...

After spending a considerable time in mapping data, the team, I lead, came to the following understanding concerning what we were doing,

"As we are prepared to acknowledge our relationship and dependence of our data sets on and with other data sets around us, so we are able to establish our data as being free and independent of the destiny of the other data sets around us."

Feelings have no place in our understandings, but understandings can direct/guide our feelings such that the choices we may make are well grounded in the reality of understanding who we are, our relationship with other entities, i.e. people, spirits, God etc., and knowing the resulting destiny that comes out of that knowledge.

Churches, sadly, tend to be driven by people's feelings and values, which may have no bearing on the values and requirements of a loving God.

People want the feelings associated with the "security of their perceived destiny," but will not allow themselves to become secure in God's truth and to live such that they reflect God's truth, values and requirements which demonstrates to those who are able to observe them, the beauty of their established relationship with God.

Many people become involved in "church" but fail to work on establishing their righteous relationship with God which is based on the absolute truth.


Wes Shannon said...

I agree with your statement that it appears our society and culture is more concerned with feelings and when truth makes someone feel bad societal pressure is strongly against the messenger of truth; as your example of the Olympic commentator.

What I want to point out is that religious beliefs are not truth, but beliefs. None of us truly know what happens after death, nor do we know what God's judgement will be. I think that is why Jesus instructed us to love and not judge. The woman who in your example said such hateful things about Billy Graham was not sharing his belief which he felt was truth. That is not a case of feelings over truth because belief is not a truth. We can only hope that our belief is true.

Keep up the great blog, I enjoy reading it from time-to-time.

Rex Ray said...

I hear thunder in the distance which means I will soon disconnect the internet to keep lighting from ruining a device.

Did Moses and Elijah come for their graves when Peter etc. saw them?
If God loved them, would he put them back in their graves?
If God loves us why would he keep us from him?
How do you interpret “God is God of the living not the dead.

I talked with a man who doctors said was dead. He saw himself in the room and describe what happened in the room after he died. He heard beautiful music and met Jesus. For a very quiet person, the longer he talked the more excited he became.

My grandmother said, “I see Papa (her husband), and then she left this earth.

My oldest cousin at age 5, said, “Mother which one is our house?” and died.

Loved your comment about Billy Graham.

RB Kuter said...

Thanks for the response, Wade. I believe I understand your view, though I am not quite sure why you would hesitate to express it with a direct explanation to someone whose loved one just died and who asks you where the soul of their loved one went following their physical death if this is what you believe.

I do not think that your version is so complicated as to confound a person. We all can relate to elements involved in being in the "sleep-state" so it would not be that difficult to understand your position.I mean, it's a pretty simple premise: a person dies and sleeps until The Lord returns, then they wake up and have no sense of time having passed or separated them from God between death and their resurrection. I personally don't interpret Scripture that way, but that doesn't mean that it's complicated.

Still, I know you minister to grieving families and church members and surely they must frequently ask you questions and seek answers regarding the issue of what happens following death. Given the context of this blog post about being straightforward and non-compromising with what we perceive as being "the truth", I was wondering why you would not give them a "direct" response to the question? Is it because they would not like your answer and your interpretation of Scripture regarding this issue or is it because it might cause them disappointment or discomfort and in that sense be cruel? Or is it because you think they might not understand the concept of being in a sleep-state until being awakened at the resurrection?

Just seems to possibly be a good analogy to go along with the post.

Rex Ray said...

RB Kuter,

It seems our friend doesn’t like hard questions like: Did Moses and Elijah come from their graves when Peter saw them? If God loved them, would he put them back in their graves?

So I doubt he will reply to you.

I think this link gives a fair debate on ‘heaven or the grave’ and explains “...the truth will set you free.”: free from the fear of dying.’-biblical-when-we-die-do-we-go-heaven-immediately-or-second-coming

Two Scripture on what we believe:
Philippians 1:21-23
2 Corinthians 5:6-8

Rex Ray said...

Yesterday, I saw a man wearing the only tie in the congregation. (visiting evangelists. I gave him my stories: “Were Angles Watching” and “When is my daddy coming home”.)

He receive better treatment than me when I was the only one wearing a tie while visiting my brother-in-law’s church.

I was ‘led’ back to my car and told: “If we see your car on our parking lot, we will call the police and have it impounded.”

I had given the preacher (he is a lawyer now after being fired as pastor) one of 400 slips of paper in my hand that stated:

1. Leadership Board dissolved the xxx Senior Adult Bible Explorers Class on 11-6-05.
2. The teacher was fired because he would not promise to always support the Senior Pastor.
3. However, about 50 long time members have continued to meet with their fired teacher.
4. Consequently, they have been denied Sunday school literature and a Christmas party.
5. If the Board rules their disobedience is “disruption”, they may be ejected from the church.
6. Is it sad the new bylaws prevent anyone standing for them? Outsider, Rex Ray 11-17-05.

The pastor replied: “I know this man he is evil!”

Wade Burleson said...


"I mean, it's a pretty simple premise: a person dies and sleeps until The Lord returns, then they wake up and have no sense of time having passed or separated them from God between death and their resurrection."

Good summary statement.

Rex Ray said...


Yes, that’s exactly what we thought you thought.

Tell me, are Moses and Elijah an exception to your thinking, or explain what happened; please.

Wade Burleson said...

Moses and Elijah (and Enoch) are translated "out of time" to the time of the resurrection.

The concept of time (linear) is not needed in the resurrection for "time will be no more."

Wade Burleson said...

So, yes, they are exceptions, though I would personally exclude Moses and only make Elijah and Enoch the exceptions.

As far as the Transfiguration, anyone "outside of time" is able - God willing - to come back in time.

Time is a dimension controlled by God for our sake and is relative, not fixed.

Rex Ray said...


Thanks for your thoughts. You said they “are translated “out of time” to the time of the resurrection.”

I’d be lying if I said I understood that. I can understand a little of “Star Trek” when someone says, “Beam me up Scotty!”

I could understand if God put them back on earth from Heaven, but to take their bodies that have turned to dirt, and turn that dirt back to flesh and blood for a short time; and then turn them back to dirt to await the resurrection is just too much to imagine.

Of the thousands stoned in Bible times, they all died. “...They stoned Paul and dragged him out of town thinking he was dead.” (Acts 14:19)

No one knows if he was dead; not even Paul.

“...Once I was stoned...(2 Corinthians 11:25) But Paul said: “...I do know I was caught up to PARADICE and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.” (2 Corinthians 12:2-4 NLT)

Wade, with all my heart, I don’t believe Paul was “translated “out of time” to the time of the resurrection.”

“...remember me when you come into your kingdom. And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43 NLT)

RB Kuter said...

Wade, thank you again for verifying that I do understand your take on things. I assure you that I am not trying to talk you out of your opinion, not that I could, or that I disrespect you for taking this view. To Rex and I, it is a radical view, hence, our amazement. But we both obviously do still enjoy your blog and respect you as our brother and are thankful for many of the stances you take related to Kingdom work.

RB Kuter said...

Wade and Rex:
Here is what I think is a GREAT premise for dealing with issues like, "What happens after death/the chronological order of events during the end times/interpretation of predestination/the elect" etc.

Matthew Henry said this in regard to the prophecies in Ezekiel 40 and beyond which are very difficult to discern. Henry said:

""The Jews will not allow any to read it till they are thirty years old, and tell those who do read it that, though they cannot understand everything in it, "when Elias comes he will explain it.’’ Many commentators, both ancient and modern, have owned themselves at a loss what to make of it and what use to make of it.

But because it is hard to be understood we must not therefore throw it by, but humbly search concerning it, get as far as we can into it and as much as we can out of it, and, when we despair of satisfaction in every difficulty we meet with, bless God that our salvation does not depend upon it, but that things necessary are plain enough, and wait till God shall reveal even this unto us"

Anonymous said...

On many college campuses, Ben Shapiro (and other free speech advocates) ) cannot speak. He coined the phrase, “facts don’t care about your feelings”. And sponsoring YAF has to pay for security where Unis normally do. He opened by telling the packed venue that he can only speak because 100 police officers are there.

This is going on all over often with Antifa black masks and violence which doesn’t even get reported anymore. Let us not forget without taxpayers public Unis could not stay open.


Christiane said...

"This is going on all over often with Antifa black masks and violence which doesn’t even get reported anymore."

check the Russian state channel 'RT', and also on Fox News for 'antifa' info. You might also hear about it on extremist radio talk-shows that foster information on conspiracy theories.

I never heard about 'antifa' on CNN or MSNBC. The only time I heard of it was after Charlottesville and the scandal of Trump's 'both sides' comment, when Fox News was talking 'antifa'.

RT channel will often have info on conspiracy theory material. But please know that RT channel is coming out of Putin's auspices as a Russian government channel.

Strange, that there seems to be two very separate 'news' streams going on these days. You would think they came from alternate realities. But so it goes.
People will believe what they want to believe. And there are those who tell them what they want to hear.

Tell us more about Ben Shapiro. Do you have links to share? Thank you.