Wednesday, August 16, 2017

What Is Truth? Is Truth Objective or Subjective?

The video below is the testimony of a 52-year-old man who "identifies" as a six-year-old girl. He first declared to his family his identity as a female, but in time, he came to "identify" himself as a six-year-old girl, seeking adoption by parents so he could live with sibling sisters who were actually 8 and 9 years old.

You can't make this up. It's the culture in which we now live.

In the You Tube comment stream of this video a person sarcastically asked, "I'm a 16-year-old who identifies as a 65-year-old man. Can I get my Social Security check now?"

We laugh, but if truth is what we imagine in our minds, or "identify" with in life - whether it be gender, age, race, or any host of other measurements - then there is no truth but that which floats in the minds of those who speak.

Of course, in a society where truth is subjective and not objective, chaos ultimately reigns. I call it the tyranny of truthlessness.

America has now reached this type of tyranny.

You are what you imagine. You identify with what you envision. Truth is within you, never an objective standard from without.

That's why people can say racism is "evil and immoral" (which it is according to the Bible), but call "hateful" those who say "transgenderism, homosexuality and pedophilia" is also evil and immoral (which it is according to the Bible).

Why is racism evil but not homosexuality?

Who decides?

When Pilate stood before Jesus he asked the question, "What is truth?" (John 18:38).

I propose until a person answers that question satisfactorily, he or she will simply be living a lie.


Aussie John said...


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".

Jesus Christ is truth personified (the incarnate God). He is the source of all truth, the truth perfectly revealed and the point of orientation for evaluating all claimed truth.

He continues to be so, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come".

On that basis your last sentence is right on!

Tom said...


Many “Christians” have spiritualised Christ within the scriptures in places where Christ was not the main character in the portion of the text where He has been inserted by the spiritualising “Christians.” There are many examples of that.

As an example, I have a Reverend uncle who has just turned 80 years old and who worked diligently in his chosen calling, and I challenged him as to who the main character was in the parables of the Minas and the Talents. His response was that he believed that the two parables were about Jesus. However, when I suggested that the two parables were about Satan organising his servants to continue the oppression of the people alive during the 1,000 years of his incarceration in the Bottomless Pit, he become angry with me because, he said, I was tearing out the very foundation of his belief system.

In the Luke account, Satan has all his enemies brought before him who do not want him to reign over them and will have them killed before him, after he is released from the Bottomless Pit and returns to the face of the earth.

In both the Luke and the Matthew accounts of these parables, the “wicked” servant, (“wicked” according to the master of the servant who goes away), challenges his master that he has no right to reap what he did not sow because he did not plant or tend the planted field, a charge that the master agreed with, but because the master’s objective was not achieved, he “punished” the “wicked” servant.

My uncle worked very hard to “bring in” the Kingdom of God and he used the parable of the Talents (abilities) to motivate his parishioners into also working hard for the cause. However, his understanding of the two parables was a lie as the two parables are about Satan’s continuing oppression of people while he was in the Bottomless pit during the Millennium Age.

Your statements: -

You are what you imagine. You identify with what you envision. Truth is within you, never an objective standard from without.


When Pilate stood before Jesus he asked the question, "What is truth?" (John 18:38).

I propose until a person answers that question satisfactorily, he or she will simply be living a lie.

Sadly, this is also true of many “Christians” who do not understand the “truth” and have envisioned their own truth of what the Bible states.

By your standard, these “Christians” are living a lie too.

“Gentiles” are still trampling God’s sanctuary and the message of redemption.


Christiane said...

I am conscious of people’s discomfort with those who are ‘different’ and that often not knowing how to ‘fix it’ for them or ‘make it right’ for them, how it is that we seem too eager to distance ourselves from them in ways that are not Our Lord’s Ways.

What there is that makes us ‘human’ is something even more basic than our ‘maleness’ or ‘femaleness’ . . . and that IS a difference that invites us to engage with people who have gender issues on more common ground: our common human origin . . . the very soil from which we were formed and the very life breathed into us.

Some in the Church are wanting to surround and care for those who are 'different' with great patience over time with gentle care and unremitting hope for their salvation,
whereas others seem impatient in how quickly they are ready to cast transgender folk out from their midst . . .

I think it important not to be afraid of encounters with those who suffer from differences so many of us cannot understand;
or worse, not accept them as having one kind of ‘presenting form’ of that far more basic fallen human condition we all suffer from, each in our OWN way.

The person who presents as 'Melonknee' IS, first and last, a child of God.
What could be more important for us to know?

Pege' said...

Wade, I wish Pilot would have simply just waited for an answer from Jesus to his question..but wait Jesus answered Pilot BEFORE he even asked the question. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose, I was born and for this purpose, I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” What ever Jesus said and has been recorded IS THE TRUTH! So today if I truly want to know TRUTH...I read what Jesus said. fairly simple. Am I missing something?

Wade Burleson said...

Pege - well said.

Christiane - always compassion for people confused about gender identity, age identity, sexual identity, etc... Compassion, not celebration.

Compassion as in someone dying of cancer. Compassion as in one terribly injured in a fall. Compassion as in one who robs a store instead of working for his food. Compassion as in one who is sentenced to prison for his crimes by a just judge.

Compassion, not celebration.

Christiane said...

wise words, WADE, thank you

Christiane said...

I remember writing in a job application form for a teaching position and sharing about my son's challenges with Down Syndrome, this:

' My son has many challenges. He also has many gifts.'

Maybe it IS possible to have compassion and empathy for the challenges people face when they have not chosen those challenges, yes;
and STILL find it in ourselves to CELEBRATE the human gifts that these challenged people offer to the world.

I would like to think that we are all born on this Earth in various stages of 'formation' but some of us just don't measure up to the 'norm' and so are the objects of compassion, when we fall 'below' the 'standard' in some way. but if we are 'less than' 'normal' in the eyes of this world, I wonder if Our Lord sees us in the same way as we see one another? I don't think so. And that gives me hope.

I think He can help even the most challenged among us to be there for others in ways we may overlook because we, not being able to 'see' a need, might not be moved to help. I see this possibility, and I CAN celebrate the good that may come from any person, who having been born 'not normal', has eyes that see into the world differently than we see it, and therefore may be of help to those we overlook. :)

It's complicated. But maybe the people who are 'different' can help us see what we cannot in how they reach out to others in ways that involve the use of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in spite of their 'challenges'?

God is merciful, even in the midst of troubles. Especially in the midst of troubles.

RB Kuter said...

"That's why people can say racism is "evil and immoral" (which it is according to the Bible), but call "hateful" those who say "transgenderism, homosexuality and pedophilia" is also evil and immoral (which it is according to the Bible).

Why is racism evil but not homosexuality?"

Wade, I'm not following your intended train of thought here. At first glance, it seems to me that you are comparing apples to oranges, but I am probably missing a point that would help me better understand your message.

I understand that "Racism" is a hateful attitude someone has toward someone else, but "Homosexuality" is an attitude, or perspective, condition, behavior, that someone has about themselves, not someone else. So it does not seem consistent to compare a racist to a homosexual. Help me out here.

It seems logical to me to call both the racist and the person who is hostile toward homosexuals evil and immoral.

Unknown said...


I agree that we should have compassion for those who are struggling with their sexual identity. However, I am beginning to see signs of indoctrination of the young and innocent, which greatly concern me.

Here's just one example.

My daughter's church is putting together bags filled with school supplies for some children in our community, so she and I made the rounds Monday night to Office Depot/Office Max, Walmart, and Target.

She was supposed to buy a backpack for the child she was assigned and decided to get it from Target. I couldn't believe me eyes when I saw that ALL of the smaller Jansport backpacks (presumably for younger students) had the word "TRANS" above the brand name. The lettering was much larger than those in the word "Jansport".

Fortunately, there were two other backpacks by a different manufacturer (Studio C headquartered in Charlotte) that were much cuter, so my daughter chose one of those.

I am greatly troubled by what lies ahead for my future grandchildren.

Christiane said...

Deb, I read about what Dee and her husband have had happen with those poison pen letters. I hope she reports the whole business to the police and gets it on record. If the authorities can investigate to find out if the person who did this is a sick 'stalker', I hope they will do it.

Pege' said...

As I observe the general break down of boundaries and societal norms, I have often considered what it was really like in Noah's day that brought God to the decision the destroy the world via a flood. If I see what I see in bad was it in Noah's day?? GENESIS 6: 11-14- "Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, “ I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth." So it is man's "nature" to sin. We cannot expect some one who is not a believer in Christ to live a sinless life for it is not possible with out a new heart and the spirit. So what we see and hear is the human condition with out Christ. Ok so then I think what has changed over the years? I hold the church ( ie; followers of Jesus, including myself) culpable for what is happening in the world. We retreated. We left the "world" and became insular. We have blown " BE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD" to a level it was never intended to be. Home school, Christian schools, Christian universities, etc. We stopped being salt and light. We stopped influencing the places we live by hiding. Nature abhors a vacuum. So, since we were not there engaging, praying, talking and having relationships, look whats left. Now what? We have been whiny, judgemental, shadows and society has gone amuck. I personally have repented of my myopic ness and not being like my Savior out amoung the "sinner" eating and supping with them. Loving them and speaking the truth. It is time for the CHURCH to be REVIVED.

Wade Burleson said...


Your anecdote is precisely the problem. It's an everyday illustration of the point I'm making by this post.


You ask a good question about "apples and oranges." My point is simple. For those who wish us to speak out against racism (which we should), why should we not also speak out against homosexuality (which we should). Both are violations of God's Law.

If the answer is "But one does not harm others (homosexuality) while one does (racism)." I counter - the entire human race is harmed by homosexuality.

There's no procreation in gender confusion, and procreation is God's design for the human race.

RB Kuter said...

Christiane wrote: "' My son has many challenges. He also has many gifts.'

Maybe it IS possible to have compassion and empathy for the challenges people face when they have not chosen those challenges, yes;
and STILL find it in ourselves to CELEBRATE the human gifts that these challenged people offer to the world."

I do not want to misinterpret what you are saying so maybe you could affirm or correct the impression I get when reading your statement. Are you proposing that a homosexual person, with all the various gender identity confusion that is associated with that today, is similar to someone who deals with a challenge that comes with their having been born unique, like someone with Down Syndrome?

RB Kuter said...

Wade, thanks for clearing that up. I see now that you were comparing both racism and homosexuality as being sins.

Of course, I agree that the current craze/fad regarding the entire gender distortion issue is detrimental to all society particularly, but not exclusively, as to the unraveling of the institution of the family unit as being the fundamental foundation of all society.

As with the "man" on the video you posted, it is an absurdity and defies all science, logic, biological laws to propose that someone can "decide" their gender. I personally believe this is but one "sign" of the desperate times in which we live indicating that we have gone way beyond the "point of no return" in terms of recovery of social norms and our functioning on the basis of "the truth" as a global society.

To recognize, accept, and testify to this reality (i.e., that nobody can "decide" their gender) is not to be cruel and does not display a lack of compassion. The cruel response is to propose that this is acceptable to God and a lifestyle "decision" that is consistent with God's righteousness, holiness and foundation of His created order. His grace will not provide acceptance of any sin but will provide redemption and salvation from it. The "compassionate" response is to convey this Gospel hope to all those who continue to be separated from God due to their rejection of His offer of redemption.

Interpreting what I just wrote as being mean and comparable to "racism", which many, many people would do, is confirmation as to my point of our having passed the "point of no return". In times past it would have generally been accepted as a "given", or "the truth".

Christiane said...

Hello RRR,
"Are you proposing that a homosexual person, with all the various gender identity confusion that is associated with that today, is similar to someone who deals with a challenge that comes with their having been born unique, like someone with Down Syndrome?"

Similar in the sense that neither person has chosen their 'challenge', yes. And having raised a child with Down Syndrome in the 'old days', before people 'understood' what it was and what caused it, I and my family were witnesses to 'reaction' from other people that is not dissimilar to what many LBGT folks actually encounter today.

Before it was known about the Down Syndrome chromosomal anomaly cause, things were even much worse for parents than for us, so I do think there may be some 'similarity' in how LBGT folks are treated today, yes.

The concept that a young child who begins to experience gender issues is 'sinning' is not something I can agree with, no. I think such a child is very vulnerable on a lot of levels. I suppose I see a great similarity in the vulnerability pf children who are born with 'differences', yes.

I'm not on the same page as people who view someone with same-sex attraction as a 'sinner'. I do agree with Wade in that my Church views the condition as 'dis-ordered', meaning out of the natural order of things;
but I am also in agreement with my Church that people are much more than their sexual orientation. I absolutely do believe that most people with SSA do NOT choose this condition. And I also think that the Church owes the LBGT community a great apology for how it has neglected to minister to the needs of this community in the manner in which Our Lord would do so if He were among us today. I think the Church realizes it has failed them, yes.

Aussie John said...

Truth is objective!

Recently in Australia, we have the case of a baby being born when the parents wouldn't allow the staff to identify the child as either male or female saying,"We will let "it" decide when "it" is old enough". The staff are certain of the child's gender: objective truth.

"objective" = undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena.

"Truth" = A fact that has been verified.Conformity to reality or actuality.

As Wade says,"Of course, in a society where truth is subjective and not objective, chaos ultimately reigns. I call it the tyranny of truthlessness.

We see this very evident in the world of politics worldwide.

Truth is never negotiable! One such truth is that all mankind are sinners, including you and I, some saved for eternity by God's great grace, many not so. As a consequence we need to be very careful of pointing an accusing finger at another sinner which very act can be sin.

History tells us that nations have been destroyed by sexually profigate behaviour, which is behaviour unrestrained by convention or morality.

I agree with Pege'!

Tom said...

I found myself agreeing with what Pegge wrote: -

”We cannot expect someone who is not a believer in Christ to live a sinless life for it is not possible without a new heart and the spirit. So, what we see and hear is the human condition without Christ. Ok so then I think what has changed over the years? I hold the church (i.e. - followers of Jesus, including myself) culpable for what is happening in the world. We retreated. We left the "world" and became insular. We have blown " BE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD" to a level it was never intended to be. Home school, Christian schools, Christian universities, etc. We stopped being salt and light. We stopped influencing the places we live by hiding. Nature abhors a vacuum. So, since we were not there engaging, praying, talking and having relationships, look at what is left. Now what? We have been whiny, judgemental, shadows and society has gone amuck. I personally have repented of my myopic ness and not being like my Savior out among the "sinners" eating and supping with them. Loving them and speaking the truth.

Is that because the church did not know the truth and as such, as Wade wrote in his blog, the people of the “church” will simply be living a lie/have simply lived a lie. The confirming evidence is found in the impact that the church presently has today.

The “Church” does live in a glass house and what the people see, turned/turns them off. It is now very hard to turn the light back on for them.

Thirty years ago, four of my children, at my wife’s insistence, went to a “Christian School.” Two of my children rejected the hypocrisy they experienced daily while at the school and turned away. The other two still go to “church,” but their witness of the truth, well, I question that presently, because of the observable “driving forces” they have on display in their lives.

They are all now adults and I must trust/believe that God will continue to draw them all into His Loving Embrace in answer to my prayer for them all.

Isaiah 58 tells us, i.e. those who call God, Lord, the fast that He requires of us. It also speaks to us about keeping the Sabbath Day of the Lord for mankind, Holy during the Millennium Age.

We the church need to reconnect with the truth of God’s word and become a living example of that truth.


RB Kuter said...

Christiane wrote:"Similar in the sense that neither person has chosen their 'challenge', yes."

Down Syndrome is indeed a situation from birth. Too much evidence to prove that gender-confusion behavior is a "choice", similar to addictions. No comparison in my humble estimation.

Christiane said...

Hello RRR,
Down Syndrome is a condition that is found from conception when the cells begin to divide. My son's 'kind' of Down's is called trisomy 21. But in the days before this was known, and even today among ignorant people, the person with Down Syndrome may be persecuted and his family most certainly will be persecuted. Apparently, something there is in human nature that wants to point the finger and exclude those who are seen as 'different'.

I don't know the cause(s) of same-sex attraction or of the 'dis-order (if you will) of any of the presenting versions of LGBT among people, but I do recognize the 'response' to these people. Yes, that is something I do know about, RRR. And it is ugly. And it is hateful. And it seeks to point the finger and judge.

I do have an especial care for the CHILDREN who experience LBGT issues at a very young age who are vulnerable to:
1. total rejection by their families OR abuse OR exposure to harmful faux 'therapies'
2. those parents who go forward too rapidly to 'accept' that their child's confusion at a very early age IS that they are in an LBGT category and proceed to reinforce confusion that may not be the 'real thing'

Both extremes are harmful to vulnerable children who are NOT choosing what they are experiencing and are in need of protection from extreme reactions.
I can only hope that the parents of such children and those who minister to them are given wisdom from on high.

As for Christian people, one always looks to them for the fruit of the Holy Spirit to be evident in how they interact with this world and its problems and the suffering people they encounter along the way. :)