Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lord, Be Thou My Vision: A Thanksgiving Poem

The Bible says, “In everything give thanks,”
but this is hard for me if I may be frank.
In my life right now there’s so much tension,
for it to happen, “Lord, Be Thou My Vision.”

Luther once cried “this world with devils filled,”
which knowledge seems to take away the will
for me to accept my “giving thanks” mission.
So again I ask, “Lord, Be Thou My Vision.”
The darkness hides from me Your smiling face.
Pressing on for me requires amazing grace.
I cannot see good with any precision,
and this is why “Lord, Be Thou My Vision.”

Your power and love to me please show,
and grant that I will be able to know,
when I make a “thanks giving” decision
I’m experiencing “Lord, Be Thou My Vision.”

So I pause and choose to give thanks today,
and join with my family and friends to say.
“We trust in Your gracious supervision,
for You have become our Thanksgiving vision.”

Wade Burleson


Wade Burleson said...

Written Thanksgiving 2013 by Wade Burleson in honor of Herman and Gail Hackett and Sandy and Anne Abernethy, friends and mentors to Wade and Rachelle Burleson and many, many others.

Unknown said...

Sometimes we must choose to be give thanks in ALL circumstances. The only way to make that possible is by keeping our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith. Thank you for sharing this Wade.

Wade Burleson said...


You and your family, above all others, know this truth. Thank you for commenting and our prayers continue for Zac! Happy Thanksgiving!

Rex Ray said...


You did great.

“Lord, Be Thou My Vision” is close to Paul’s: Oh that I could get hold of that for which I was gotten hold for.

Jesus expressed so much peace that Pilot said, “Do you not know that I have authority to release you, and I have authority to crucify you?"

Jesus gives us his peace.

We’re not to be like the guy that said, I've got so many troubles if anything else happens, it will be two weeks before I can worry about it.