Sunday, March 07, 2010

C.S. Lewis' Compelling Story of Conversion from Atheism to Theism to Christian Faith

The above video caught my eye as I was doing some reading of Rick Thompson's blog, The Road We Travel, between our worship services this Sunday morning. Rick is a fellow pastor, friend, and pretty sharp guy in every aspect. I really enjoyed the video regarding C.S. Lewis and his conversion to Christ, and I believe it will be enlightening to you as well, particularly in light of our mutual desire to see people come to faith in Christ. Let me also encourage you to read Rick's blog. He is always insightful, and your walk with Christ will be strengthened.

I will be out of pocket for the next couple of weeks in terms of this blog. I look forward to returning Sunday, March 21, 2010. Due to my inability to access a computer and dialogue with commentors, the ability to leave a comment at Grace and Truth to You has been turned off until I return to country.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson

1 comment:

wrybreadspread said...

A Lewis documentary? As they say in the modern argot--righteous! I read something months ago--Dorothy Sayers had a fan who continually wrote her. She called him the Atheist. He would ramble on for pages spouting diatribe. She said to Lewis that she should let HIM have the Atheist to correspond with. "You like souls," she said rather dryly. He loved to engage readers.