Friday, December 05, 2008

This Is Oklahoma Football: Big 12 Title Time


Jack Maddox said...

But you could not, did not, and for 2008 never will BEAT TEXAS! 45-35....forever etched in history. In other words Wade, can you say asterisk ?

Oklahoma football...the team computers love the best!

Steve said...

Man, if they coulda just gotten past the Longhorns and the SEC champs.

John Daly said...

Blah, blah, blah, Barry Switzer said in the video: "It's time to take what's ours." As I recall the history of the Sooner name, didn't they take what wasn't theirs??

And now, tonight, in the Show Me state, the Sooners will be getting a little payback. Oh silly Native Vermonter you say? Well, I'd have to agree with you on that one. I suppose there's a reason why you're a 17 point favorite.

Although, you still have to play the game, so come wearing all your little Sooner gear, but just mentally prepare yourself for a possible very, very, long drive home.

I love talkin' smack!

John in St. Louis

Anonymous said...

Another good lesson in the Calvinist discussion. Sunday we will all KNOW that what should have happened, did happen. Right? said...


Texas did not, could not and never well beat #10 TCU, #12 Cincinnati, #7 Texas Tech. You beat UTEP and who else?

In a three way tie, the better team goes to the Big 12 Championship and the BCS Game.

Those are the rules.

Give it up Jack, OU is predestined. God has a distinguishing love for the Sooners.


Jack Maddox said...

Wade, you know I am no Tea Sipper...I am a Tech fan true and blue, however the premise you put forth is ignorant at best and just plain insane at worst. To contend that Texas could not beat the froggies from Cow Town and the Division 2 school from Cincie is just silly, thats right Wade...SILLY I SAY!!!!

Wade, you ask who has Texas beat?...why Wade, Texas beat OU...thats who they beat. Yes my friend, the rules are the rules and Texas will abide by them, however the rules also say the team with the most points wins...and last I checked 45 was more than 35....even in Oklahoma!

Jack said...


The rules state, "In a three way tie, the higher team in the BCS standings shall be declared Champion of the south division."

Those are the rules. :)



Chuck Bryce said...


I have always believed you were seeking to stand up and do the right thing. I call on you today to again do the right thing.

Please do not jeapordize your integrity today. It is time for you to come out and publicly condemn the injustice done to the Texas Longhorns. Your OU Sooners do not deserve to be playing today. In your own words you say "In a three way tie, the better team goes to the Big 12 Championship and the BCS Game." Well, in any other conference, SEC for example, the two top teams will move to head to head competition. Head to head competition = 45-35.

You have a great football team. They are just not the best. Search your feelings, search reality, you know it to be true.

And re Barry Switzer's comment: You cannot "take" what has been given to you.

Do the right thing Wade.

Chuck Bryce
Go Mizz!

Anonymous said...

I can't help but wonder how upset the "Sooner Nation" would be if the roles were reversed. I seriously doubt Big Game Bob would have been as gracious as Mack Brown. I remember much he whined about the Oregon game a few years back. Pathetic! The call was made on the field, the replay officials agreed, those are the rules. :)

Anonymous said...

Florida will win the National Title,
If they beat Alabama.

Dr. Paul W. Foltz

Anonymous said...

The Sooners would crush Texas in any game in November, December or January.

Sooners are by far better than the short horns.

Anonymous said...

Most of the Sooners came there from Texas, so I'm OK if they win--it just says that much more what a great state Texas is and how its all its players play wherever they go to college!

Tech Fan

david b mclaughlin said...

So I guess using tx fans logic, tech should be going to the other bcs bowl since tech beat tx head to head....right?

Anonymous said...



Texas Tech beat #23 Kansas, #1 Texas, and #9 OSU (158 total points for vs. 74 points against--average: 53 to 25) in 3 consecutive weeks before facing OU in Norman and finished the season with the exact same 11-1 win-lose record as OU and UT. OU rested for 3 weeks versus unranked Kansas State, Nebraska, and Texas A&M (each of whom TTU also beat) before facing #2 Tech--again, in Norman. This month, Coach Leach was picked the AP's "Big 12 Coach of the Year" and was picked by the Big 12 coaches to share "Co-coach of the Year" with Stoops. Harrell finished his career at Tech with 130 TDs and over 15,000 total passing yards; Bradford will have to average over 4100 yards during each of the next 2 years to throw for more yardage while at OU--if he does it, he'll be either throwing to, protected by, or otherwise depending on non-Oklahomans, as 70% of OU's 104 players come from other states (that's 70 players out of 104), and 40% (39 players) of the total come from Texas (TTU: only 8 out of a total of 123 players from Oklahoma, and a total of only 20 players from outside of Texas; UT: no players on its current roster are from Oklahoma--and only 8 are from outside of Texas).

Tonight's 60+ points record and a win against Missouri--did no one expect it?

UT beat OU beat TTU beat UT head-to-head.

Tech Fan

Chuck Bryce said...

Well, neither game turned out like I wanted. Being a fan of the Big 12 (but not their tiebreaker rules) I will now offer a hearty: "go sooners".

Sweetie said I was harsh with my comments yesterday. I was actually trying to be funny but I must be clumsy at comment feeding. (I was still serious about UT being ripped off) My explanation that guys just talk like that fell on deaf ears with the household Internet Czar.

As an act of repentance I have decided that there will be no asterisk placed by Wade's name in the book I am going to write called The Guide To The Football Religion: Predictions and Foibles Of College Football And How The BCS Is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

As a precaution I have removed the asterisk key from my keyboard so as not to be tempted to backslide. This does create a problem in that I will have no number 8 key on my laptop. Since Tex Tech is now ranked number between 7 and 9 in two polls I will likely offend the Red Raider Tribe.

All this proves is that one should never argue ploitics or football.

After church I will begin formulating my case for two different National Championship scenarios: OU versus Texas or Utah versus Boise State.

Blessings to all.

Chuck Bryce

david b mclaughlin said...

Anonymous David,
I was serious. As a diehard OU fan I hate the Longhorns. I seriously think-using the Longhorns logic-Tech SHOULD be in the other BCS bowl.

Of course using OU logic. Things should be exactly the way they are. You follow the current rules, good or bad.

To Chuck,
The BCS is messed up. On several levels. And the Big 12 rules stink. OU v. TX should have been the Big 12 championship game. That would have quieted alot of this down and made for a heckuva lot better game.


Anonymous said...


I couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys.

One more thing.

I'm only an SEC football fan because it truly is the best conference in the country. Thus, I'm as unbiased as a human can be on he subject.

My opinion: TX has nothing to complain about. They were beat late in the year by a WEAK TX Tech team, the same one that OU destroyed later in the year. Earlier season losses just don't mean much in this context. Period.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes a lesson in Calvinism can be to teach God's "chosen" some humility...this is why OK won on Saturday. Go Gators :-)

John Daly said...

First of all, we held you guys to a field goal on the first drive, so take that! :) Also, Tebow had Phil 4:13 on his face paint and gave praise to Jesus after the game. I recall Kurt Warner saying thank you to Jesus after the Rams' won...yes won, in 99.

I really don't think our Lord had a favorite in the SEC or Big 12 Title game but whether in victory or defeat, in private or in public, when one of His Saints renders Him praise then that's a good thing.

Anyway, Mizzou still owns the Sooners in synchronized swimming.

RM said...

Tech is not really relative to anything in the argument since they are at best #7. Even an Arminian can't explain away UT's crushing victory over ou. Doesn't matter if it was at the first of the year or the last of the year. Its still a decided win.

What bothers me most is the way Stoopes runs up the score on everyone he can. When you're crushing someone (in college especially) put in your second and third team players. At least Texas had the decency to spare a&m even more humiliation.

But then, I guess ou was foreordained to play in the BCS bowl. Hopefully the Lord will shine down on the Gators and Texas won't have to live with beating the national champs.

Anonymous said...

. . . Or Tech with having beaten the team that beat the team that lucked-out becoming the national champions (a little-known 'way-modified' Calviminianism permitted by current BCS regulations)!

And, I'm not either bitter.

Native Techsan

Anonymous said...


Pittsburgh Annie

Anonymous said...


Considering 40% of the composition of the Sooners' football team, you still favor Texas (state of, technically anyway; UT needed no Oklahomans on-board to get past OU, while OU needed 39 Texans and 31 from other states to get past TTU). ;~)

Tech Fan

david b mclaughlin said...

I have never agreed more with anything ever stated on this blog.

Tech David,
I have no problem with using Tx players in our program. Texas is a huge state and other schools could have recruited them.

The real question is: Did OU choose them or did they choose OU?


btw-I have posted about the ou-tx bruhaha if anybody cares at my blog here in a rare sports post.


Ramesh said...

This article is already two days old, but still newsworthy.

WSJ: What the Rise of Southern Football Says About America
The South is dominating college football like never before, but its ascent isn't just a matter of good coaching. How a population boom and a growing economy have helped turn a regional obsession into a national juggernaut.

Alan Paul said...

UT's crushing victory over ou

You call 10 points crushing RM? You're really searching on that one...

Anonymous said...

How 'bout dem Steelers? Whoah!
It truly ain't over til it's over and they proved it again. We will be talking about this one for a while!

Pittsburgh Annie

Anonymous said...


Of course OU fans don't mind Texans on their Sooner athletic teams--how could they?!

The players chose scholarships; the school chose wins, obviously.


Anonymous said...

OSU's football team: 27 players from Oklahoma, out of 102 players total; 56 players from Texas.

All the Texans playing for Oklahoma universities could, by themselves, form one football team which would be competitive in the Big 12 (the Big 13)?

Heard this recently: OU to be moved into the Big 12 North.

John Alexander said...

Congratulations to OU. I'm disappointed that Alabama lost to Florida, but I'll still cheer for the SEC team.

Watch out for Tebow. Now that we've played him, most people in Tuscaloosa are convinced the guy's wearing a Superman outfit under his Gator uniform.


Paul said...

The Big XII tiebreaker rules have been in place for, what now? 12 years? Isn't it a little late to be complaining the the conference followed the agreed-upon rules? If it was such a sorry rule why didn't Mack Brown complain about it long ago?

Boomer Sooner!

Anonymous said...

No matter what OU does for the rest of the season, and I genuinely and sincerely hope they beat the Gators into the turf, National Champions they will be, but there will always be that one team from Texas that they couldn't beat.