Thursday, September 04, 2008

For Your Weekend Entertainment

My friend and Emmanuel's Executive Pastor Dan Heath sent to me and our entire staff some surprising news footage this afternoon. Just click on the small play button at the bottom left of the viewer to watch the shocking video footage.

I personally don't think Senators McCain and Obama have as much to worry about as the reporter seems to think they do.


Have a great weekend.



Gary Snowden said...

I shared that with our staff this last week, proposing our minister of music as the future president. It's pretty entertaining. said...


I laughed pretty hard when I saw it too.

Bob Cleveland said...

I'm scheduled for my tattoo tomorrow morning....

Dave Miller said...

I'll bet Peter Lumpkins is behind this.

Anonymous said...

Who's he?

Dave Miller said...

Chairman of the National Wade Burleson Fan Club

Cheryl Schatz said...

What a hoot! Can I have your autograph?

Kevin said...

I'm going to have a lot of fun with that website.

B Nettles said...

Does this mean that you advocate "Maxi models?"

Jon L. Estes said...


Do you advocate sex, drugs and profanity? Just asking since the Grateful Dead (formerly the Warlocks) is one of your favorite bands. I don't think you advocate these things but since your favorites show your leanings toward the Grateful Dead, I thought I would ask in balance with your question to Wade.

Anonymous said...

One question, who will be your running mate for Vice President?