Sunday, November 04, 2007

IMB Meeting, November 5-7, Springfield, Illinois

Please pray for our next meeting of the IMB Trustees November 5-7 and the eighty-two new missionaries who will be appointed to represent Christ on the missions field of the world. We trustees have enjoyed harmonious meetings under the capable leadership of Dr. John Floyd. Everyone who reads this blog knows that the last year and a half has been a banner year for missions in the IMB. A few have recently arisen who wish to divert attention from our work by focusing on personal agendas, but I am confident that we trustees will continue to not allow ourselves to be distracted from our mission.

Let me urge you also to remember that as I post about this IMB meeting I am presenting my personal opinion and my subjective conclusions. I have repeatedly said I am not a reporter, and what I say is my opinion only. I will always tell the truth, be kind to everyone, and focus on the issues, not personalities. The work of the Board moves forward through the collective efforts of all trustees. To get the facts, read Baptist Press or SBC Today (wink - that's for you Marty Duren!). When we were kids we played a game where children whispered in the ear of another what someone had already whispered to them. By the end of the game, what some kids thought had been said was way off base from the original statement. Likewise, when people comment on this blog, they are relaying their thoughts, their opinions, their subjective conclusions - and in no form or fashion represent me. I enjoy the dialogue with Southern Baptists, but I take responsibility only for what I write.

Anyone who has been on the mission field understands how news from home is both anticipated and often unconditionally accepted. It is important to remember, however, that much of what one reads on the Internet is biased, and it is often best to get the official report of proceedings and the comments of those in authority before you draw any conclusions. The Internet is a blessing, but it also represents opinion. I believe the average Southern Baptist is capable of determining for himself that which rings with the authenticity of truth after examining all sides of an issue.

As I have repeatedly said, we, the International Mission Board trustees, are doing our job on behalf of the thousands of Southern Baptist missionaries around the world. It is a joy to work with them all as we support our missionaries abroad. Allow me to encourage each of our churches and their leaders to begin their Lottie Moon promotion. Last year IMB trustees personally pledged over $100,000 to Lottie Moon. I look forward to give even more as we expand our mission to unreached peoples around the world.

In His Grace,



Anonymous said...

Did you mean "Babtists Today?"
I thought Marty looked very trendy and cool. He certainly has connections.

Chad Kaminski said...

Point taken, Wade. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You did not mention the Baptist Today. For those who like to know read October "The Baptist Today." article page 13. Wade was honored again. I believe God will bless you for your stand and leadership. I personal thank you for speaking up in my behave and thousand like me.
"Old Gray Fox."

greg.w.h said...

I will offer a missionary kid's perspective on the most important ministry Southern Baptists have with respect to the work of the International Mission Board and her missionaries. I'm sure as you read that, you'll think of the Cooperative Program, the Lottie Moon offering, Global Impact weekends.

You might even remember a specific missionary that you've helped with meeting specific needs. Or perhaps you have had the blessing (as I have) of having a missionary or missionary couple appointed from within your Sunday School department, Bible Fellowship class, or cell group. All of these are tremendous ministries that make a huge difference as we support our IMB.

But I'll offer that there is one thing that your International Mission Board, your Board of Trustees, and your missionaries covet above ALL of these. It's a simple thing that we can do. It takes commitment and dedication, but it isn't hard. Done right, you will pour yourself into it and then you will have to accept by faith that God WILL use it to grow HIS Kingdom.

I'm, of course, talking about prayer. In a spiritual war, the greatest weapon we have is spiritual prayer to a God who the Bible declares is a spirit who must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. I can tell you story after story that I've heard of how prayer for missionaries changed lives and changed the world.

Instead I'll just share one very small personal experience. My dad's birthday is December 3rd. Each year that we were in Indonesia, around December 3rd my dad and our family came under additional spiritual assault. One year first my dad was violetely ill and then all four children "caught" what he had on and around his birthday. We were in awful shape and our family was near the end of its wits.

The one thing that kept him going and got us through was the knowledge that dear saints were opening prayer guides, reading his name, and praying for him. The presence of the Holy Spirit was more evident to us in those days and we gave glory to God in dismal circumstances because of the faithfulness of his children in praying for us and because of the mystery of prayer and how God uses it.

As the Board of Trustees prepares to meet, I hope that each of us that reads Wade's blog--even if you are only reading one article in it and one comment--will commit ourselves to praying for this wonderful enterprise that God has called us too as Southern Baptists.

Pray for the leaders of the IMB who shepherd a 5000+ flock of ministers. Pray for the trustees that seek to provide Godly, biblical oversight and guidance. Pray for the staff that supports and nourishes those missionaries.

But, and I say this with great anticipation that you will hear me and join me in it, pray especially for each family who has been transplanted by the Almighty from comfort and security into a new land where God intends to grow new Christians for his own glory. Pray fervently and boldly for them that the Holy Spirit would imbue their diligent, faithful work with the dynamic power only the Holy Spirit can bring.

Pray also for yourself that you would be given an unstoppable zeal for missionary effort. Pray that God would bless you with consistency and with a stewardship of obvious resources that can be brought to bear in Kingdom efforts. Pray to be ready and pray to be sent to your own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, even to the ends of the earth. Pray to be passionate and determined, loving and kind in linking arms with your missionary brethren around the world.

Greg Harvey

Anonymous said...

Wade, I hope you will continue to comment on Board meetings as you have in the past including comments about interaction with various other Board members and others you meet along the way. We all understand these are your personal perspectives and appreciate hearing them. We appreciate the way you present difficult matters and are not afraid to talk about things others would rather sweep under the rug. Your reports make us feel more informed and able to understand what's happening at the IMB. God bless you. We look forward to hearing about this week's meeting.


Wayne Smith said...

Unity in Jesus Christ is Diversity in Jesus Christ. The body of Christ has been given many different Gifts all for the Glory of God.
Wade you and IMB of Trustees are in our Prayers.

In His Name

irreverend fox said...

we'll keep praying...

irreverend fox said...
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irreverend fox said...

also, to be clear, I'm not "Old Gray Fox"...I'm "Young Gary Fox"

irreverend fox said...
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Anonymous said...


Have you been reading our email from the chairman?

An M

Anonymous said...

To the "Young Gary Fox"...
Just hang in there and you will be up to my age (83), and if you have all or most of your hare it will be Gray like mine. That is if Jesus has not come back?
Wade I forgot to tell you, I will be praying God blessing on you doing IMB meeting.

Anonymous said...

Why does your letter seem to have so many direct quotes from the letter that John Floyd sent us? Just curious. We're praying for all of you at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Wade, my wife and I saw you this afternoon when you came into the hotel in Springfield. I wanted to come up to tell you hello and that you are one of the reasons that we decided to proceed with an appointment with the board and soon we will be moving our family to a restricted access area and it really helps us to know that men like you are standing up for what is right.

There is some talk among the group of new M's about what Mr. Corbaley wrote about you, but most people don't know his name at all just that he was for the policies and against you. We are all praying that the trustees will remember that we (the IMB Missionaries) are the reason they are here in Illinois. They are here to serve Southern Baptists and to send us to the harvest fields. They are not here to debate about your blog or anything else. We are praying that Christ will get the glory from a trustee board who puts their differences behind them for the most important work in the world.

Reaching Lost People for King Jesus,

New IMB M said...


I appreciate John Floyd and I think this post shows he and I think similarly about the work of the IMB. Similarity is compliment to his leadership.

