Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I have just left the last plenary session of the IMB where a motion was read into the record to rescind the motion for my removal as a trustee of the International Misson Board.

The vote was unanimous.

I will not be allowed to serve on any committees of the International Mission Board until the Chairman, or the Board, rules otherwise.

The new trustee guidelines passed this morning, and there were some very significant and good changes to the policy presented by the Orientation Committee this morning. They informed us that they were up early and I can tell they worked hard.

I want to inform everyone who reads by blog that I have disabled the comments section until further notice. My last blog was entered prior to the vote on the new policies. The new trustee guidelines are not retroactive, and all previous posts were under the policies of the Blue Book. I will abide by the new policies to the nth degree, and I will not be a party to criticism of any Board actions unless I am no longer a trustee of the IMB.

My concern from day one has been the mission work of the IMB. It is the greatest, evangelical missionary force in the world. I may choose to stay on the Board simply to be a voice speaking on behalf of a wide, broad range of people in the SBC. I promise my fellow trustees, however, that I faithfully pledge to abide by all the new policies.

I reiterate my unqualified support for the President of the IMB and the direction he takes us. I also, once again, express my appreciation to my fellow board members for the privilege of serving with them.

If you would like to contact me, I would suggest you email me. Please be patient. Any response will be delayed since I will be traveling for the next couple of days.

May God bless the Southern Baptist Convention.

In His Grace,

Wade Burleson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ditto to what Rusty wrote. A sad time, indeed. I don't believe you will be able to "serve" under such restrictions.

Florence in KY