Saturday, December 12, 2020

Identity. Who Am I? BERT. GOD Knows. I Believe.

You are not on this page by accident.

You're searching for your identity. You feel fragile. You think you know who you are. But... when you think about it - when you really think about identity - you're more concerned about who others think you are than discovering who you really are

Happiness is elusive. You're wanting meaning to life; significance; purpose. But your search for self has been a journey into other peoples' minds, not your own. 

Your search has landed you here - on this page. 

Thank you BERT.  The natural language processing program for GOOGLE knew that you were looking for answers to identity when you typed a search.

Read the story of Becket Cook. He'll help you find the truth.

You're a sinner. Searching for being "okay" in the eyes of others has caused you to call sacred omething that God calls sin

But you're not alone. 

The search for identity is no different for the business executive who retires and can't find himself in anything other than work than it the one who can't find himself in broken relationships. The depression, the darkness, the difficulties are the same. 

Jesus Christ can change everything about your life. "You shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21). 

As the old country and western song accurately stated, I Was Lookin' for Love in All the Wrong Places

Becoming convinced of Christ's love will change the way you live. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, and He'll give you an identity that transcends this world and carries you to the next.

Email me at and Istoria Ministries will send you a free copy of the book Happiness Doesn't Just Happen


  1. Wade,

    This states:
    Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. He wrote:

    The CDC does not have the COVID-19 in its possession, because it’s “unavailable.” Their word, not mine. The CDC is admitting the virus hasn’t been isolated. In other words, its existence is unproven.
    The CDC is saying: here is how you detect the virus of which we’re going to identify all case numbers and demand all lockdowns—except we don’t have the virus.
    Why don’t they have it? Because they can’t isolate it. If they could, they would.
    Let’s not make excuses for the CDC. They have a problem the size of Jupiter. It’s their problem, not ours. But they’re forcing their problem on us, in the form of a STORY ABOUT A PANDEMIC.
    The CDC is committing a crime. For months, I’ve been writing about the “missing virus” and the studies that should be done to prove it exists.
    Some people say: What are these scientists doing in their labs, if it’s not the virus? They might start with a piece of RNA, and then claim, without proof, it’s CIVID-19, but it’s not science.
    If a mechanic says he has a piece of a fender from a car that has never been seen, are you going to give him money for his car that he admits is “unavailable?”
    Where is COVID-19? A document of the CDC on page 39 states: “No quantified virus isolates of the COVID-19 are currently available.”
    What are they putting in the vaccine? Do you want to take the vaccine?

  2. Wade,

    One more thought:

    We’ve heard the scare of how many people have died this year, but according to the number of deaths in America on your November 21, 2020 Post, and factoring in the growth rate, the number of deaths this year is not any more that the previous seven years.

  3. Rex, some crazy details regarding the vaxx:

  4. Sojourner,


    Today, I gave our church Jon Rappoport’s article proving COVID-19 was fake. Afterwards, one lady I didn’t know gave me a hug.

    I talked with a man that said the virus was fake in order to scare people to stay home and request ‘mail-in-ballots’. These votes made it possible to cheat that enabled Biden to win.

  5. In honor of St. Lucia's Day - the coming of light into the darkness


    I believe ‘your’ lady had a lot of candles she needed to burn. :)

    On December 14, 2020, the magazine, National Examiner, on its front page showed a picture of Roy Rogers: “A life of joy and sorrow”.

    “The couple adopted four babies…Debbie and Sandy were born in Korea. When Debbie was 12, she was killed when her school bus crashed. Sandy died in a military hospital in Germany when he was 18.”

    This was of great interest to me, because our Uncle Rex brought six babies home to be adopted when he retired as a missionary in Korea. I knew Rogers had adopted two of them.

    When our uncle’s son, Dan Ray, was buried a mile from here, another adopted baby attended with his two sons. Afterwards, all three went down the slide on 12-10-11.

  7. on the subject of Christian'identity',

    this, I love:

    "My soul is at peace,
    for long ago I ceased to belong to myself"
    (St. Therese of Lisieux)

  8. Hey REX RAY,

    I found out that Jon Rappoport is known for some heavy-duty conspiracy theories, including one about the Oklahoma bombing tragedy, about which Rappoport wrote a book, this:

    my advice: I wouldn't drink Mr. Rappoport's kool-aid, no.

    You decide for yourself, but at least I was able to give you some background on this guy and I hope it helps you.


    “my advice: I wouldn't drink Mr. Rappoport's kool-aid, no.”

    So, you think Sojourner is just whistling Dixie also. I hope you’re not first in line to drink the ‘Kool-Aid vaccine’ that supposed to keep you from getting COVID-19 that doesn’t exist. (Remember the 600 children who died in the Philippines after taking a vaccine.)

    I hear the first shot is to build-up a person’s immunity which would be good. But then they get the SECOND shot. I thought our immune system was to fight ‘bad stuff’. (Someone’s going to make a LOT of money.) I believe they’ll need it to pay off lawsuits from grieving relatives.

    Oh, I’m wrong about that; just read “Vaccine makers all have legal indemnity; meaning they can’t be sued.”

  10. Wade,

    After 9 comments, no one’s replied to your Post. I guess that’s because it’s only good for lost people.

  11. Good Morning, REX RAY

    for all I know, 'Sojourner' could be whistling the Russian National Anthem. :)


    Ha ha; a joke is one way to avoid answering questions. If we ever met, I wonder if it’d be hugs, or boxing gloves. :)

  13. Christiane,

    Я предпочитаю скрывать свою личность, чтобы не стать жертвой, говорящей правду.

    да благословит Бог и сохранит тебя!

  14. Hello Sojourner,

    I knew it !!!!! LOL

  15. Dear people,

    no boxing gloves, nothing so predatory I assure you

    but I am praying constantly for a sister-in-law who is gravely ill with covid and I have already faxed in permission for my son with Down Syndrome and (now) severe heart problems to be vaccinated at first opportunity (he is at Eastern Christian Children's Retreat in Wyckoff NJ.)

    So I never did buy the 'hoax' story as my medical family assure me it is very serious business. My niece and nephew were visiting when their mom was taken to the hospital, so they also were exposed. My niece is a US Navy nurse (currently at Camp Lejeune Med Center) and tested positive for the virus and is sheltering with mild symptoms); my nephew, a Navy physician tested positive for the virus and has no symptoms, but he had to move out of his home until he is 'all clear' because his wife (also a physician) is expecting their second child. So he is living in a hotel efficiency apt. 'til heavens knows when. And my dear brother who did test positive has no symptoms but he is isolated until he tests 'all clear' and his staff (including a nurse practitioner) is holding the fort just barely.....

    so I can tell you that there IS a 'virus' and my family is impacted by it and my son with Down Syndrome will be among the first to receive the vaccine, as he is in 'residential long-term care' and needs nursing care daily.

    So I'm not a 'believer' in the 'hoax' stuff OR that it was a made-up conspiracy to somehow hurt Donald Trump. Nope. I'm not 'in', but I'm also someone who wants no one to suffer, even, maybe especially, those who 'do not know what they do' and are VICTIMS of some really bad mis-information.

    We see things differently, but I am not anyone's 'enemy'.
    I'm still 'me'. Just widowed now and grieving; and praying round-the-clock for my family, like so many others who are worried.

    No boxing gloves, REX RAY. But Boy Howdy, would I like to punch out people who KNOWINGLY spread mis-information that may lead innocent people into making bad decisions and being harmed as a result . . . you betcha. I don't see you all in that light, so be peaceful. :)

  16. Rex,

    You write:

    "After 9 comments, no one’s replied to your Post. I guess that’s because it’s only good for lost people."

    Tue Dec 15, 06:00:00 AM 2020

    I've had some great replies to my email address at (not the comment section), and am sending out books to some folks with pretty incredible stories.

  17. Christiane,

    You are being much more kind that I could be with what is going on here. Thank you!

  18. Dan, have you researched the issue of isolation/purification of a virus enough to show us a paper where the supposed sars-cov2 has been fully isolated?

    Before you answer you might want to read this article plus the comment section:

    Governments from around the world have been asked to show “the goods” and as of yet, none have.

    If you can prove isolation of this convid-19, then you might want to collect the 100k euro prize money that Dr. Stephan Lanca has offered for anyone able to prove measles is a virus. So far, no one has been able to.

  19. I read the comments section and the only level-headed person commenting there was Richard, who didn't resort to ad hominem attacks to make a point.

  20. Sojourner,

    Today, “The Leader” newspaper explained why they didn’t print what you wrote about the COVID-19 being a fraud. They decide they couldn’t print what an unknown source said.

    Today, they said they’d print what’s below.

    Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, and has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years; writing articles on medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. He wrote:

    A document of the CDC states: “No quantified virus isolates of the COVID-19 are currently available.” Their words, not mine. The CDC is admitting the virus hasn’t been isolated. In other words, its existence is unproven. Why don’t they have it? Because they can’t isolate it. If they could, they would.

    The CDC has no virus. No one has an isolated specimen of the virus. No one has proved it exist. The Pandemic is a fraud! It’s nothing but the flu we have every year.

  21. Dan, as unfortunate as personal attacks are among the comments, the good doc who wrote the article did not participate in such a manner, but instead kept pointing Richard to the facts:

    “Similarly, one requires validation data for COVID-19, which does not exist. The link you provide describe currently used or recommended tests (as noted in my article) however does not provide an evidence of validation data/results.

    Please try again to find or ask someone to help you in finding proper validation data/results. Just a hint – you will fail in finding such, as none is available.

    Best of luck!”

    Interestingly, most all of the responses I’ve seen from those in power from around the world when asked to show the pier reviewed papers of isolation have merely stated they are unable to provide such resources.

    Rex, makes sense to me about an anonymous comment not being published in their paper. I simply posted it here because it was one of a multitude of similar conclusions coming from those in science who have the courage to come forwards with info that is contrary to main stream.

    I agree with those pointing out all these supposed global “problems” like global warming, pandemics, cyber attacks (coming soon according to the World Economic Forum) are just part of the Hegelian dialectic (problem/reaction/solution) to bring in one world government and total control of mankind.

    Shame on me for not praying for Trump. Am now. :)

  22. Hello DAN-from-Georgia,

    I was thinking about what you said as pertains to 'kindness'. I do think that trumpism is an evil so unholy as to defy words, and that a part of this evil is that it revels in lies and mis-information;

    I also think there are two kinds of people who have followed Donald Trump as a 'leader' in this pandemic:
    the first is someone who has been given mis-information from his trusted sources and is relying on that information without knowing that it is false and mis-leading;
    the second is someone who is very aware of the mis-information and takes part in spreading it KNOWING that it is lies and is harmful and will 'get people infected'.

    My 'kindness' may be a reflection that I give people the benefit of the doubt as to their being 'victims' of misinformation OR their being willing participants in the evil knowing its consequences.

    As long as is possible, I will assume that people 'do not know what they do' until it becomes plain and clear that they absolutely care less about the suffering that trumpism brings on innocent lives, and are willing to KNOWINGLY pass on mis-information regardless of the loss of human life that will result.

    I've communicated with some people here at WADE's blog for years, and I do not judge them to be folks who knowingly bring harm on others. As for the newer commentators, I may not feel the same way at all, but I may wonder where they come from and what their agendas entail. So I'm not sure 'kindness' is the way I roll, except that for some people here, I am most certain they have 'good hearts' that would not KNOWINGLY harm any soul.

    If that is 'kindness', then I am 'kind'. I value these people as people, far above any mis-information they may have got themselves into without realizing it. These people are dear to me. I will not judge them to be 'evil', no. Couldn't do it. No way. I pray for them all as I do for my own family who are right now engaged in a battle with covid, and one may not make it and if she does, her life will not be the same, we already know.

    DAN, the whole 'them' versus 'us' thing is a part of the evil. We have to find a deeper way to see our humankind as valuable to us and to God OR we can't get to that place where Our Lord went to embrace our whole humankind in the Incarnation, so as to be able to heal us and re-unite us to God and to one another. If nothing more, we must ask for the grace to be allowed to try to accept 'the other' for 'the sake of the other' in the same spirit as Our Lord did when He gathered all of us to Himself to be healed. We can't do this without the grace that is given when we can finally say 'who am I to judge'?

    If this doesn't make sense to you, I can understand that. I come from a different branch of the Church's family, so I see things differently.

  23. Sojourner,

    Thanks for your kind response. Much appreciated!

  24. something to think about from Thomas Merton:

    ". . . Quit keeping score altogether
    and surrender yourself with all your sinfulness to God
    Who sees neither the score nor the scorekeeper
    but only His child redeemed by Christ.”

  25. Let's try this again since it seems like my comment is in limbo...

    Thanks Sojourner for your kind response. And Christiane thanks too for your response to me. At work now and will read it when I can.

    Do you think your writing “…trumpism is an evil so unholy as to defy words…” violates? “Please discuss principle and do not denigrate people.”

    You named two kinks of people who follow Trump, but left off a third; those who know the truth!

    You wrote: “…this pandemic…”

    Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, and has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years; writing articles on medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. He wrote:

    A document of the CDC states: “No quantified virus isolates of the COVID-19 are currently available.” Their words, not mine. The CDC is admitting the virus hasn’t been isolated. In other words, its existence is unproven. Why don’t they have it? Because they can’t isolate it. If they could, they would.
    The CDC has no virus. No one has an isolated specimen of the virus. No one has proved it exist. The Pandemic is a fraud! It’s nothing but the flu we have every year.

    You wrote: “I come from a different branch of the Church’s family so I see things differently.

    What kind of an excuse is that? Jesus said, “…I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18 KJ) He didn’t say his Church had branches.

    You didn’t watch the great speech Vice-president, Mike Pence gave today. No, you probably wouldn’t watch Fox News if you were paid.

  27. Good Morning, REX RAY

    This is what I write today: I most sincerely hope that you will take all serious medical concerns and questions to your own physician and not rely on anyone who is not qualified to advise you on how to best protect yourself in these times.

    I do not find Jon Rappoport to be credible.

    You are much safer in the hands of your own personal physician who knows your medical history and your case and how best to help you stay safe now.

    No more advice will I give to you today, but prayers for your good health will remain as always. Talk to Judy about this. Talk to Wade. Ask him to get his wife's opinion also, as she is a medical professional. Don't just mind me. I'm not a doctor, no. Speak to the people you most trust. Jon Rappoport? He's on the fringes, is what I know for sure.

    Be safe. These are difficult times.

  28. Good Morning, REX RAY

    This is what I write today: I most sincerely hope that you will take all serious medical concerns and questions to your own physician and not rely on anyone who is not qualified to advise you on how to best protect yourself in these times.

    I do not find Jon Rappoport to be credible.

    You are much safer in the hands of your own personal physician who knows your medical history and your case and how best to help you stay safe now.

    No more advice will I give to you today, but prayers for your good health will remain as always. Talk to Judy about this. Talk to Wade. Ask him to get his wife's opinion also, as she is a medical professional. Don't just mind me. I'm not a doctor, no. Speak to the people you most trust. Jon Rappoport? He's on the fringes, is what I know for sure.

    Be safe. These are difficult times.

  29. Christiane,

    I read your response to me. I do understand where you are coming from. In my life I make efforts to get along with and enjoy people whom I don't see eye-to-eye with regarding some issues. With some people, it's hard, and with others, I have little trouble in loving them. And much of it may tie into what you said about people knowingly versus those unknowingly spreading "a bad report", so to speak. I always admire those who make efforts and have a heart for those who don't see life through the same lens. And I have seen this in your comments here and at Internet Monk.

    In the age we live in, people are instantly at each other's throats if they don't like what you say. That is one thing that bothered me about the link that Sojourner sent me to. It's everywhere online and unfortunately in public too (c.f. the Minneapolis riots this past summer). Takes a lot of grace and guts to build bridges with people and care for them despite differences.

    Again, I understood your post well, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. I didn't enter in here looking for a fight because there is only so much time and energy I can expend each day on various things. But I just spoke up because, with what you are dealing with, I would find it extremely difficult to show grace. Blessings to you and the rest here. I mainly just read here and rarely interact, kinda like over at Internet Monk.

  30. Loveably CHRISTIANE,

    You said: “I do not find Jon Rappoport to be credible…He's on the fringes, is what I know for sure.”

    Was it false that Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California?

    Was it false that he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years; writing articles on medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe?

    Was it false that he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize?

    You said: “No more advice will I give to you today.”

    Do you consider yourself as wise?

    Maybe you should read: “There is more hope for fools than for people who think they are wise.” (Proverbs 26:12 NLT)


    At what age do you think Jesus began to understand?

    “At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child [John the Baptist] leaped within her…’ (Luke 1:41 NLT)

    “When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended the festival as usual. Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and answers.” (Luke 2:42-47 NLT)

    will - Dictionary Definition :
    “If you have free will, you are allowed to choose what you want.”

    When my brother, Hez, and I were twelve. He asked me, “What’s your will.”
    “I don’t know; why do you ask?
    “I was walking by the teacher’s lounge, and heard our teacher say, “I’m going to break Hez Ray’s will if it’s the last thing I do!”

    I said the above to show the difference between our understanding and the understanding of Jesus at age 12.

  32. Christiane,

    I typed out a response to you, but it appears my comment got lost or is moderated...nothing offensive or that violated the rules. Huh. Anyways, I understand your post!

  33. Hello Dan from Georgia,

    thank you for responding in whatever form was permitted,

    Hello out there REX RAY,
    I do hope you will practice safe health precautions, but just in case, know that you are prayed for during this time, that the Good Lord will keep you and yours safe from all harm.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. For them what would benefit:


Please discuss principle and do not denigrate people. Vulgar comments or those which violate the simple request above will be deleted.