Monday, December 07, 2015

A "More Devout" Muslim Is a Danger to Civilization

I have some very good friends who are Muslims. I must repeat that first sentence. I have some very good friends who are Muslims. These Muslim friends of mine have treated me superbly, invited me to dinners and banquets, and have come to Enid (from OKC) to spend some time with me. A couple of them are highly influential in Oklahoma and Texas, friends of mine on Facebook, and will be among those who read this article.

I'm not convinced my Muslim friends will agree with what I'm about to write, but I want them to know that my friendship is not on the line. I write what I perceive to be truth. I will not be silent in order to not jeopardize my friendships.  What I write is not about my Muslim friends personally, but it is about the Muslim religion philosophically. I do not consider my friends "devout" Muslims in the same manner growing numbers of Muslims around the world consider real "devotion" to their religion.

The ABC News headline about the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California states that the Islamic woman involved in the California shooting had become "more devout". Think about that headline. The Muslim woman had become "more devout." Those two words are chilling. Our President and other "politically correct" Americans want us to believe that this 21st century war on Islamic terrorism is not about religion. They are wrong.

This war is with a people who believe in their religion so devoutly that they believe anyone who refuses to submit to their god, to their law, and to their authority should be killed. ABC got it right; the California terrorists had become "more devout" in their Islamic faith.

An Atlantic Monthly reporter  spent several months embedded in ISIS and writes that American politicians have misled the American people.
We are misled ... by a well-intentioned but dishonest campaign to deny the Islamic State’s medieval religious nature. The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. The religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.
Pretending that ISIS isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. Excluding ideology in explaining ISIS presents a Western bias. "If religious ideology doesn’t matter much in Washington or Berlin, surely it must be equally irrelevant in Raqqa or Mosul." When a masked executioner says Allahu akbar while beheading an apostate, sometimes he’s doing so for religious reasons.
My Muslim friends have told me that ISIS, Islamic terrorists, and other Muslims who kill are un-Islamic. Not so says the Atlantic Monthly (and I agree):
Many mainstream Muslim organizations have gone so far as to say the Islamic State is, in fact, un-Islamic. It is, of course, reassuring to know that the vast majority of Muslims have zero interest in replacing Hollywood movies with public executions as evening entertainment. But Muslims who call the Islamic State un-Islamic are typically, as the Princeton scholar Bernard Haykel, the leading expert on the group’s theology, told me, “embarrassed and politically correct, with a cotton-candy view of their own religion” that neglects “what their religion has historically and legally required.” Many denials of the Islamic State’s religious nature, he said, are rooted in an “interfaith-Christian-nonsense tradition.” 
Of course, after the appearance of the Atlantic Monthly article, progressives immediately went on the offensive, doing all they could to repudiate the conclusions drawn by the Atlantic Monthly and Muslim scholar Bernard Haykel. The major argument against the California husband and wife team being "more devout" Muslims as they brutally killed and maimed three dozen Americans is that "they don't represent the Muslim faith."

That's a weak argument. Do you know why? Those two killers - and other ISIS' terrorists - are telling  Muslims who disagree with killing infidels that they are not devout enough in their Muslim faith.

In the Christian faith, if you lack devotion, you lack love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. Why is it in the Muslim faith (at least in the eyes of the California killers and ISIS terrorists) the lack of devotion means the unwillingness to kill, torture, and maim non-believers?

I believe it is the unwillingness of American leaders to acknowledge the religious devotion and philosophical ideology of the Islamic terrorists that makes our government weak and ineffective in its response to the modern-day terrorism all Americans are now facing.

To my Muslim friends: Please, for the sake of civilization, remain less devoted than your ISIS counterparts . I also urge you to speak out loudly and clearly to the self-radicalization that is happening within our borders among Muslims. The better Way is to love others, express grace and forgiveness, and unconditionally accept people of all faiths because of their intrinsic worth as those created in the image of God.

I have no problem with my friends who are Muslim. It's the way some Muslims are becoming "more devout" that is chilling.


  1. it is the fundamentalist pharisees in ALL religions that foster terror and death . . . those 'missionaries' who went to Uganda and preached that gay people deserve death, and by golly, the government AGREED . . .

    the pastor Keven Swanson who wants our OWN government to decree 'death' for gay people, and his is quoting THE BIBLE 'God's word, not mine' . . .

    the pathetic man who shot up a lot of people at a Planned Parenthood turns out to be a 'Christian' who doesn't think God will count his sins against him because he is 'saved' and so this man has fathered babies by different women, abused his wife, and slaughtered people,
    all in the name of Jesus? please . . .

    I think it's time to realize that ANY religion can have unbalanced people in it who are capable of hatred and violence, and also of the 'evil speech' that is like 'standing in Alexandria and killing in Rome' wherein they have influenced unbalanced people to acts of violence, and then claimed they have no responsibility for their words . . .

    human weakness rears its head universally . . . we can find it present even within ourselves . . . may God have mercy on our foolish ways and lead us ever towards the light

  2. Wade

    In Genesis 15:16, it is my view, that it is telling us the following, "In the fourth Age of the existence of your descendants, {≈ 4,000 years after the birth of Isaac}, they will return back to this land, but the iniquity against God, of the Amorite people, {who will be living around the Land of Canaan at that time}, will still not be complete."

    The religion of the Amorite people, in and around Canaan, in 1948, was Islam, and the religion of Islam denies that the God of Abraham, is the one true God, and that God has a Son whose name is Jesus and through Him all who believe in Him will have salvation, as well as the fact the Abraham's descendants through Isaac have been chosen as His special chosen race of priests for this world.

    It is my view that the religion of Islam is also nurtured and influenced by the desires of the fourth beast (a fallen heavenly host) as described in Daniel 7:7-12 which has the characteristic of speaking out great and arrogant things against God. As such, people who have chosen to live within the influence of the fourth beast of Daniel 7:7-12, are speaking out great words against the one true God, in both words and actions which will cumulate, in our near future, in both the Judgement of the fallen heavenly hosts in heaven and the kings of the earth on the earth and they, together, will be gathered together in a deep pit and imprisoned for a long time awaiting for the time of their future punishment. (Isaiah 24:21-22)

    Islamic adherents see that it is their duty and honor, from the Koran, to further their chosen religion within all the peoples of the earth and that this is to be done with acts that shows that Islam is greater than any other religion in all aspects of the daily life of people in general.

    The time is coming when the fullness of the visitation of the iniquity of the Israelite nation will be complete and God will hear once again their cries and will heal them and their land.



    PS: - Sadly many who claim that they are of a "Christian" faith are also being influenced by the fallen heavenly hosts/beasts of Daniel 7:1-12 and do not know the true heart of God for all of mankind.

  3. Christiane…old friend,

    Did you notice Wade used “more devout” five times. That was his whole point why ‘good’ Muslims’ have the potential of becoming ‘bad’ Muslims such as ISIS by becoming more devout.

    You mention a lot of Christians that did bad things, but did they do that because they became “more devout”? No!

    Does the Bible teach them to do their bad things? NO!

    But the Muslim ‘bible’ teaches “Kill the infidel”.

    John Muhammed was the perfect Muslim husband and father before he returned from Saudi Arabia as a soldier. In October 2002, He told his wife, “You have become my enemy and as my enemy I will kill you.”

    She had not changed but he had become more devout. Her story is told in the movie, “I married the Beltway Sniper”. In a short period of time ten were killed. The victims were men, women, and a school kid. They were in public places, like service stations, grocery stores, and in front of a school.

    This link tells the ironic event of victims leaving their countries to come to ‘safe’ America

  4. Thanks, Wade, for having the courage to make this important, yet very true, distinction. No doubt you'll probably receive quite a bit of backlash from it. Muslims need to know and see Jesus just as much as the rest of the world, but their religion is quite clear that they can use deception to bring the rest of the world into submission. Lots of info on the web about this.


  5. Wade,
    I often agree with your blogs, but this one is way off track. What authority does a reporter for Atlantic Monthly have? I spent over 30 years living and working among Muslims and find your blog rather disingeneous. Had you used the term "radical Muslim" instead of "devout muslim" I could come close to agreeing with you. I hope that you do not looe any of your Muslim friends over this, but it is not the truth. Lastly, when you write, "Those two killers - and ISIS terrorists as a whole - are telling those Muslims who disagree with killing infidels that they are not devout enough in their Muslim faith" what is your credible resource?

    Gerry Milligan

  6. Gerry,

    Thanks for your comment. You ask me "What is your credible source that ISIS terrorists are telling those Muslims who disagree with killing infidels that they are not devout enough in their Muslim faith."

    How about the New York Times Editorial Board?


    "(ISIS) believes that Islam should be practiced according to the dictates of these ancestors. Different interpretations of these dictates have occurred over time, leading to four schools of jurisprudence in Sunni Islam. The founders of these schools were Abu Hanifah, Malik, Al Shafi'i, and Ibn Hanbal.

    ISIS follows an ideology that is a continuation of a crude sect known as the Kharijites, or the ones that "deviated" from the Muslim community during the reign of the fourth Caliph Ali (whom they assassinated). The Kharijites believed that whoever disagreed with them should be murdered as infidels (Takfir), rationalized mass killings against civilians, including women and children (isti'rad), and practiced an extreme form of inquisition to test their opponent's faith (imtihan).

    These concepts make ISIS' ideology the absolute opposite of Saudi Salafism. The version of Salafism applied in the kingdom's courts and religious institutions was formulated by one of the four leading Muslim jurists, the ninth-century scholar Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Hanbali law stands firmly against sedition, shedding of blood, and forcible conversion.

    One of Ibn Hanbal's best known sayings typifies current Saudi theology: "Glory to God; shedding blood! Shedding blood! I do not consent nor do I command it; to observe patience in our situation is better than sedition that causes the shedding of blood."

    ISIS poses a unique threat: It is a bloodthirsty movement that can find disaffected young men and women and recruit them from among the world's 1.3 billion Sunnis.

  7. Gerry,

    The Atlantic Monthly is neither a slouch (incompetent) periodical nor a bastion of conservative ideology. I think Mr. Burleson is gracious in responding to you, but truth be known, you are the one who should be producing scholarly articles in refutation rather than impugning the author of this blog and the scholarly articles he already produced.

    In other words, the balls in your court and you threw it out of bounds.

  8. Rex Ray,

    "Did you notice Wade used “more devout” five times. That was his whole point why ‘good’ Muslims’ have the potential of becoming ‘bad’ Muslims such as ISIS by becoming more devout."


    There are many good Muslims. My point (as you accurately point out) is that some former "good Muslims" are now becoming "more devout" and killing those they deem infidels. Becoming "more devout" in your faith and killing others as an expression of that devotedness is a fundamental flaw in the Islam that radicals profess to believe - and a flaw the "good" Muslims and Christians must recognize before the enemy can even be properly confronted.

  9. Thanks Ramesh,

    Appreciate the links.

    I am reminded that similar debates as this occurred in the 1930's with the rise of Nazism. Good people - Christian people - often disagreed.

    My hope is we learn from lessons in the past before we repeat the same mistakes of our forefathers.

  10. Extremism is seen in all religions, and it would be glaringly dishonest to gloss over this psychosis in our own.

    Homosexuality and Planned Parenthood anyone?

  11. I am reminded of Mosab Hassan Yousef's visit to Emmanuel a few years ago. I have to wonder how he's doing now. But I had always wondered if the peaceful and loving Muslims did what many professing Christians do when it comes to reading scripture, whether the Koran or our Bible. Many Christians will pick and choose a few feel-good verses, but know nothing of the deeper truths of God's word, and is generally reflected in their lives, (as you said, lack of grace and mercy) or I would add "abundant life". By the same token, do peaceful, loving Muslims read the Koran in its entirety or have they too chosen only a few passages of love, while those who are "radical" or more devoted, choose to live out the Koran in full?

  12. Shari,

    Great point. The Son of Hamas is still doing well - continues to speak out, urging "moderate Muslims" to renounce the radicalism of their brothers. I remember clearly this son of the founder of Hamas told us he was converted to Christ by the love shown him by followers of Christ. He said, "Jesus teaches us to love our enemies. I grew up with the teaching that you were to kill your enemies."

  13. For my mind this tragic gunning down does not make sense. A mother who gave birth to their daughter just six months ago with her husband goes on a shooting rampage. No provision was made for their child. Who provided 29K in their bank account just days before this tragedy. Both Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik would have known they could not hope to live through this. From what I can gather FBI and NSA have access to their entire life time of 28/29 years of electronic crumbs of who they associated with. To them it still is puzzling though they have claimed this as a terrorism. Is it PPD (Postpartum Depression)? Alienation? Radicalization without family noticing it?

  14. A mother who gave birth to their daughter just six months ago with her husband goes on a shooting rampage. No provision was made for their child.

    Matt 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life."

    Do you suppose there's a similar verse in the Koran that may have been the motivator?

  15. Plano Garret, you said to me " you are the one who should be producing scholarly articles in refutation" and I leave you with Ramesh's postings on Monday, Dec.7 at 8:40PM.

    Gerry Milligan

  16. Every follower of a religion, sports team, university, etc. has the potential of becoming too devout, even Christians.

  17. True Terry.

    But few devout sports fans, religious people, or intellectuals behead others in the name of their devotion.

  18. in what context is 'devout' being framed? . . . I think I'm seeing it from my own background, where it is not considered to be a negative.


  19. Wade,

    Your thoughts on this:

  20. My understanding of "more devout" in this post means that person really believes what they are professing and learning of their religion.

    What little I know of being a Muslim that there are similar diversity of beliefs and practices as in the Christian, Hindu or Buddhist traditions.

    For instance Sufi tradition is more joyous and experiential in practice. For them being devout and being more devout means a different meaning.

    I am not that familiar with Sunni and Shia traditions but if they are similar to law, rule and behavior traditions of Baptists as in most fundamental ones rather than grace based ones, being more devout means being really really screwed up in their thinking, actions and behavior.

    I am guessing the couple were in the rule and law based devotion.

    But from what I gather Wade is saying it is the religion that is screwed up and if ones takes it seriously this is what usually happens.

    I am thinking out loud here.

    1. If a person is devout or more devout with minimal influence on society at large, then even if that person is messed up either due to bad religion, theology or practice, the impact on society at large is minimal. Either good or bad.

      But once one attempts to impose or enlarge the influence onto others then the soundness of what they believe, practice has a much larger influence on society at large. Either good or bad.

    2. Or in these instances the imperative to take corrective action against others is what the issue is. Though it is not fully clear that is what happened with the above couple.

  21. thanks for your thoughts, RAMESH . . . I'm trying to sort out how the meaning is being used in the post and I need to put my own understanding of 'more devout' on hold in order to do it

  22. Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

    C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

  23. Aussie John,

    I thoroughly enjoyed the YOUTUBE video to which you link. What do I think of it? I believe the explanation given about the difference between Muslim and Islamist is precisely what my Muslim friends believe. This is why I have NO problem with Muslims like the one interviewed in this video - at all! They make great friends, good neighbors, and wonderful citizens.

    However, the point of my post is that Islamist consider themselves TRUE MUSLIMS who are DEVOUT and men like the one interviewed are apostates, UN-Islamic, and must be either confronted with their "lack of faith" and repent, or face judgment and punishment by those who are devout in the faith.

    The problem I'm addressing is not my Muslim friends and what they believe or what they think - but rather - the growing numbers of Muslim radicals who are "more devout" to the Muslim faith (in their minds) than guys like the one interviewed. That's the problem.

    1. With this comment your post makes good sense to me now. Thanks.

  24. Ramesh,

    Good points. As you know I am a C.S. Lewis fan.

    I completely agree you can't "force" a person to faith in Christ and to heaven. That's why I speak at Muslim banquets, have Muslim friends, and support and desire Muslims in the United States to enjoy all the constitutional freedoms we all possess.

    However, the people doing the "forcing" and the "submission" are those who have become "more devout" in their Muslim faith (their words) and believe those who disagree should be put to death.

    Americans - whether Christian or Muslim - should speak out quickly, firmly, harshly and repeatedly to anyone who kills for "the faith." I know you would agree.

  25. I am unable at present to find Noam Chomsky's quotevon why he does not favor Oxford style debates where one does not change ones mind but fights to death just to score debate points. Chomsky says it is greater to change ones mind during a debate or discussion. BTW this unchanging mind disease is quite common amongst scientists!!!

  26. Regarding the video A John posted - I think it's tough to draw hard and fast lines regarding Mulsims/Islamist just as it is in Christianity with it's many different faces and flavors. Really depends on who you talk to, and their interpretation of the Koran. There are quite a few books and websites of ex-Muslim people who reveal a bit different take on what goes on inside the culture versus what is said or presented to the outside world.

    Some of the recent poles regarding how Muslims in the US think about Sharia law, ISIS and such are eye opening, though I realize poles can be manipulated as well.

    Understanding history isn't that much different...depends on who the victor or the author was. Recently ran into Howard Zinn and a few of his books. Gives one an entire different flavor regarding the United States than what I was taught in school. White Anglo-Saxon leadership from Christopher Columbus onward has decimated the American Indian population, forced them into slavery, violated just about every treaty made with them, violated the black American citizen in the similar ways, lied to the American public about facts to gain support for wars untold...etc. etc. etc. Really sad what money and power does to motivate people.

    My hope is in the risen Christ and when all things are made new. Till then, it's a constant struggle to get perspective. Wade's blog has been helpful. ken

  27. Among people of my own faith, this pastoral letter still has meaning for those who are deeply devout Catholics:

    "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the death dwells in you, then He who raised Jesus Christ from the dead will also bring to life your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who dwells in you" (Rom. 8:11). . . .

    All this holds true not only for Christians, but for all men of good will in whose hearts grace works in an unseen way. For, since Christ died for all men, and since the ultimate vocation of man is in fact one, and divine, we ought to believe that the Holy Spirit in a manner known only to God offers to every man the possibility of being associated with this Paschal mystery." (Gaudium et Spes, 22)

    I would say, yes, the word 'devotion' has a different meaning in my own world and does not see people of other faiths as 'the enemy', but rather, if they are of good will and God's grace attends their humility, then they, 'like the wise men coming from afar', are also in the journey towards the peace of Bethlehem.

  28. Wade,

    Thank you for your response. From my own experience with Muslims I have to think that the explanation in the video is correct.

    I certainly agree with the point of your article.

  29. I'm sorry but I have to disagree with some of what you said. I don't think it's the ISIS being devout but extremist who twist and distort their religion to justify their actions. I"m sure plenty of Muslims can be very devoted to their faith but don't share the views of the ISIS. It is possible that your Muslims attitudes have nothing to do with being not devout enough but don't their idea of being devout doesn't mirror the Muslims terrorists idea what a true Muslim means as people have different definitions of what a devout Muslim is. Also I like to point out that in the past, there has been Christian extremists who did brutal acts in the name of God believing they were doing good. Some people twist their religion for their own agenda and don't represent the entire religion. I can definately separate extreme Muslim terrorists and Muslims who wish no harm to others who are devoted to their faith. God Bless.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.


  31. I think a lot of us want to 'label' too easily . . . as though in labeling ALL, we will get the bad guys totally, along with some collateral damage, but 'gee, they're Muslims, too' and that makes it 'appropriate' ??? And then, we stop and think . . . what if others saw our Christianity that way . . . those whose self-identify as Christian to include ALL who do so, even if they murder abortion doctors, or inspire people to kill 'the gays' because 'it's God's Word', or they go as 'missionaries' not to bring the light of Christ but to convince an African government to put its LBGT citizens to death??? Fortunately, most everyone knew that Westboro Baptist Church was NOT Southern Baptist . . . I didn't at first, so when I heard my grandmother had been Southern Baptist, I decided to find out the truth, and I came (I think by God's grace) to this blog (when it was for my purpose so appropriately named 'Grace And Truth To You'). . .

    I wonder, in the safety of our gun-protected towers, with only 'our own kind' to surround us . . . do we have the right to then treat 'the others' who are different in ways we ourselves would not want to be treated?

    When I think of Our Lord saying 'as the Father has sent Me, I also send you' . . . and I wonder if as Christians, we have let the terrible fear and isolation felt in the Upper Room become our new model, instead of Pentecost with the fire of the Holy Spirit descending on the Church before it went out to obey Our Lord's command to 'go forth' ??? I'm afraid but I know that the Upper Room is not the place to hide in anymore. Our 'hiding place' is the Lord Himself. And He says to go out and serve. AND He gives us the strength AND the courage to do so. We have choices now. What we choose as Christians individually and collectively as The Body of Christ will matter greatly in a world where ISIS is drawing many young people to its side.

    Some thoughts . . . sorry for deletions, will try to preview and correct my comments in future, but awfully glad we CAN delete when we make a mistake and try again . . . a very Christian option :)

  32. Curious Thinker,

    You make a good point that some Christians do bad things, but they do so NOT based on teachings of the Bible.

    Not so with Muslims doing bad things. They do them because of teachings of their ‘Bible’.


  33. OK, OK, I’ll ‘eat crow’ before someone else makes me do it.

    Some Christians do BAD things based on their belief of what the Bible says such as:

    Fundamentalist hijacked the Southern Baptist Convention.
    Made a ‘paper God’: “The BF&M 2000 is our guideline.”
    Fired all, (including missionaries) who would not sign their ‘2000’.

    Differences between “2000” and “1963” BF&M’s:
    1. Has not added or deleted from basic contents of the “BF&M 1925”.(Removed by 2000)
    2. The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ. (Replaced by 2000 with: All Scripture is a testimony to Christ.)
    3. Church committed to His teachings. (Replaced by 2000 with: Church governed by His laws. (Does “governed” create a Hierarchy?}
    4. Office of pastor is limited to men. (Added by 2000)
    5. Wife is to submit to the servant leadership of her husband. (Added by 2000)

  34. This letter posted by Todd Nelson and written by David Swan, best expresses my view.

  35. Nothing more dangerous than ignorance in action.

  36. I ‘m for Obama being impeached because ______________ (too numerous to write.)

  37. Ok, I’ll list some reasons because I’m too old to care if I get ‘red flagged’ by you know who.

    Obama is like the guy when asked if he was henpecked said, ”No, I just got henhouse ways.”

    He has Muslim ways:


    Posted on May 30, 2013 by Dr. Eowyn
    Grandma Obama said she saw with her own eyes the birth of baby Barack Obama in Kenya.
    A Nigerian newspaper described Obama as ”born in Kenya.”
    In a speech in Denver in 2008, Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as her husband’s “home country.”
    National Public Radio in 2008 referred to then-Senator Obama as “Kenyan-born” and a “son of Africa.”
    Kenyan government official, Minister of Lands and member of Parliament James Orengo declaring to Kenya’s parliament in March 2010 that Obama was born in Africa and is therefore “not even a native American.” has 12 pages of pictures and explanations why Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. It said a standard document to be filled out would not have the typo error ‘the’ as “txe”. Also, in 1961, race was known as ‘Negro’, but it had “African”.

    2. At different times in his life he has used two different names.

    3. He was raised several years by Muslim grandparents.

    4. He didn’t say the most beautiful sound on earth was “God Bless America” but the Muslim call to prayer.

    5. He surrounded himself with Muslims in the White House.

    6. He had to retract his statement that there were more Muslims in America than any country.

    7. He was 'best man' at his Muslim half brother’s wedding.

    8. Same man was 'best man' at Obama’s wedding.

    9. Same man was active in the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’.

    10. “Birds of a feather flock together.”

    11. He released from prison five Muslim terrorists for one U.S. Army deserter.

    12. He called a Muslim terrorist attack which murdered American soldiers “Work place violence.”

    13. He tried the ‘work place violence’ in the California killings by saying “…killed by a co-worker…” but the FBI shut him down.

  38. 14. Obama is the only American President to bow to a Muslim King.

    15. “Radical Islam Terrorists” is not in his vocabulary.

    I believe Obama would like anyone to be President except Trump, but not as bad as LBJ not wanting Robert Kennedy to be President.

    Speaking of LBJ, yesterday I talked with a woman whose father went to grade school with LBJ. Said LBJ had the reputation of steeling their lunches.

  39. I agree with you, Rex, about ignorance in action. Here's good historical perspective:


  40. The origins of this whole mess ...

    Obama’s Terrorism Cancer Speech, Carter’s Malaise Speech

    The right wingers who insist on calling any attack by a Muslim “terrorism” — who insist on tying the San Bernardino attack to ISIS, even in the absence of evidence — do it to prioritize the fight against Islamic terrorists over all the other ills facing America: over other gun violence, over climate change, over the persistent economic struggles of most Americans. Theirs is a profoundly unpatriotic effort to put war over every other policy priority, even far more pressing ones. That stance has led to a disinvestment in America, with real consequences for everyone not getting rich off of arms sales.


    Saudi Arabia forms 34 Nations Islamic counterterrorism coalition really sounds great to defeat ISIS.

    Since Shiite Iran is not part of the coalition, what happens to Obama’s treaty with them? Is American obligated to defend them?

  42. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. Gassed Mercerized Yarn

  43. Wade,

    Since the attacks in Paris in the name of Allah some weeks ago, France and several other European states have pulled down the shutters on immigration, temporarily. They need time to assess the situation and to take better control of the inflow of new immigrants. Why should a similar suggestion by Donald Trump now cause such consternation ? All have confirmed they bare no animosity toward Muslims but only goodwill, and that it is a temporary measure with a specific purpose..

    As a solution, certain demands are being made for new immigrants to enter into a legal contract with the host country to integrate quickly into the new surroundings by : (1) learning the language (2) leaving their cultural baggage at the port of entry (3) abandoning all ideas of Sharia Law and Courts. Those who can't accept these few reasonable social enhancers, should look elsewhere for residence.

    These are short-term goals but in the long term the existing Muslim community is expected work diligently toward a reformation of the false interpretation of the Koran by the militant ISIS groups. This is where the problem lies and it wrongly give the whole Muslim group the image of being a latent barbaric and Satanic depository. Enlightened Christian people and cool heads know this is not so.

  44. Why is it that all I hear on TV news is the ‘friction’ between Republican candidates and not as our local newspaper announced: “Saudi Arabia launches alliance to fight terrorism”?

    The newspaper quotes White House press secretary, Josh Earnest: “…the new alliance would also focus on countering ISIL’s online radicalization efforts.”

    Information from Wade Burleson’s previous post and the one on April 24, 2015:

    1. Two groups of Muslims hate each other because they did not agree who should lead after Mohamed (God’s prophet) died. Their names are “Shia” and “Sunni”.

    2. Shia believed the leader should be a descendant of Mohamed.
    Sunni believed the leader should be elected. [It’s been said Shia are the bad guys, and Sunni are the bad bad guys.]

    3. “No terrorist group has killed more Americans than Sunni al-Qaida…Twin Towers…”

    4. Some Sunni terrorist believe al-Qaida is too soft on America and are known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).

    5. “Which country is fighting ISIS the most? Is it Saudi Arabia?...No.”

    6. “The Middle East is messed up.”

    The Shia country of Iran (whom Obama made a treaty with) is NOT one of the alliance.

    Newspaper: “Saudi Arabia has been keen to assume the role of regional leader at the head of Sunni-dominated countries, particularly in the face of what it sees as Iran’s bid for regional hegemony [control], which it believes will increase in the wake of the Iran nuclear deal.”


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