Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ronald Reagan, Roy Benavidez and YouTube's Best

This weekend marks the 15th anniversary of the death of one America's greatest heroes. Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Major Sergeant Roy Perez Benavidez (August 5, 1935 - November 29, 1998). The video below begins with President Ronald Reagan telling what my wife calls "the most incredible military act of courage" she's ever heard of, and then Roy follows up with a speech that he gave to a group of young men. In my opinion, the video below represents the best 25 minutes you will ever spend on YouTube. This Thanksgiving 2015, I am grateful for Roy Benavidez and the beautiful illustration his life gives of the importance of "duty, honor, country." Get you a cup of coffee and watch. You will not regret it. --


  1. "you have never lived until you almost die, and it is a veteran who pray for peace most of all"

    beautiful spoken words . . . thanks for posting this WADE, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and your good people at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Enid.

    God Bless!

  2. Thank you Christiane. Appreciate your comments and Internet friendship.

  3. When you're right, are you EVER right. 25 of the best minutes of my day.

    Thanks for posting this.

  4. That invoked nearly every emotion. What a great video. What an amazing story of perseverance in the worst of circumstances, from childhood on. Funny too, and he never cracked a smile. Thank you.

  5. Reminds me to pray for all of our veterans active and inactive and to thank God for our country. The testimony reminds me of how precious our nation is and the cost that has been paid throughout the decades to maintain its freedom. Thank you so much for introducing this to us.

  6. SO grateful to DEBBIE Kaufman for her valiant efforts over at SBCvoices to speak against Islamophobia.

  7. Wade,

    Your post is a remarkable account of overcoming physical pain in doing what’s courageous.

    But to allow my off topic email is to overcome fear of a different kind. “Lets roll”?

    Bill O’Rilley and Martin Dugard,
    I record all your news. The one about your book and movie on JFK disturbed me.
    My name is Rex Ray. 7075 W FM 898; Bonham, TX 75418. I’m 83, and was in Fort Worth when JFK was killed. From radio news, I believed Oswald murdered JFK. I believed that until 2013 when I met a man in Bonham, Texas who said, he didn’t have time to read the paper I was trying to give him.

    The paper was an uplifting story of my father, a Chaplin in World War II, finding a little girl’s father who was missing three years. Title: “When’s Daddy Coming Home?”

    I followed him to the parking lot and showed the end of the story. It was a picture advertising a free ride on a 40 foot high slide at my house. (605 people have been down) He said, “My son wants his kids to do that slide.”

    He had a lot of books in his truck that he had written. I bought one: “LBJ and the Kennedy Killing” By eyewitness James T. Tague”…third man wounded in Dealey Plaza…October 2013. I will quote words from his book with (# page).

    James Tague and I became friends. (A short time later, I was one of sixteen people at his funeral.) The bullets that killed Officer Tippet did not match Oswald’s gun. (#97) We went near Lake Texoma to check a lead he had about who killed Officer Tippet. The guy had died. (In the documentary “I shot JFK by James Files” a mofia guy was about to be arrested by Tippet [thinking he was Oswald] and told Files, “I had to waste a cop.” This guy’s picture is shown with Files in the last reference link.)

    Upon hearing of his brother’s death, Robert Kennedy’s first phone call was to the White House to get his files because he had proof of kickbacks to LBJ from Billy Sole Estes, Bobby Baker, and General Dynamics. JFK planned to dump LBJ at the next election and Robert would bring criminal indictments against him. (#376 & 400)

    It’s a fact no one has died suspiciously who preached Oswald was the lone shooter, but not the other way around: tells of 56 people’s suspicious deaths whose stories indicated there was a conspiracy in JFK’s assignation. In 1978, six top FBI agents died before appearing before House of Representatives Select Committee to investigate the assassination of JFK.

    “Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig would not stop talking of what he saw on the Grassy Knoll. Bullet grazed his head, injured when forced off the road, wounded by a shotgun, injured by car bomb, and died of a suspicious self-inflicted gunshot.” (#145-146)
    These deaths are undetectable. An immediate death by heart attack is done with a gun. Ruby wanted protection but died of cancer. Tague’s book caused much publicity, but he died of cancer on 2-28-14, four months after it was published. Was he assassinated? Just read this; WOW very interesting!

    How about interviewing James Files (in prison) on your show and maybe write a new book? I’ve condensed Teague’s book to 8 pages and I’ll mail them to you.


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